Hi All,
Its been a while since the last time I posted here and hope everyone is well.
Anyhoo, got a quick question regarding two builds. Actually scratch that ... I want to be spoon fed two builds. I have an overall idea of what I want but just can't seem to get anything right. Here's the gist of what I am looking for:
Build 1 - Bardblade
This is your basic bard / warblade Song of the White Raven type build. For feats I was thinking of the following:
- Power Attack
- Song of the White Raven
- Song of the Heart
- and possibly the Shocktrooper/Combat Brute/Stormguard Warrior
I was thinking bard 2 / warblade 18, nice and simple. Also note, my DM has a variant bard which trades in spellcasting for full BaB and some bonus feats.
Build 2 - Eternal Blade
This is your standard warblade 10/eternal blade 10 type build. But I am at a total lose as to what feats I should take. Below are some feat ideas:
- Power Attack
- Improved Initiative
- Faerie Mysteries Initiate
- Keen Intellect
- and possibly Weapon Finesse + Agile weapon property for a more Dexterity focused Eternal Blade
Overall, my focus is to have a dude running around with a Big ol' Sword.
For the Bardblade I was thinking of the greatsword and an Elven Courtblade for the Eternal Blade if going the dexterity route. I am not to interested in going with a Robilar's Gambit build or a reach/Combat Reflexes build as I have done those before. I just want a straight up heavy hitting sword wielder. If it matters we use Pathfinder as our base set of rules (so 10 level based feats). For stats I rolled 17,15,14,14,12,9. All 3.5 materials are fair game as well as all Pathfinder, including 3PP.
Any help with either of the two builds would be greatly appreciated (or a link, I did search but found all the Bo9S related WotC links are dead now).
Edit: Found this Eternal Blade build
http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=9820264&postcount=8. Excellent thing is that I don't have to dip CoC in order to get Dexterity to damage. I was also thinking about going swashbuckler 3/warblade 7/eternal blade 10. Seems like it could work out well for the Dexterity/Intelligence synergy.