Author Topic: Greetings All  (Read 1037 times)

Offline UsagiTaicho

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Greetings All
« on: September 25, 2014, 02:50:39 PM »
Hi there, I'm UsagiTaicho. I'm new around here because I want to run a few games online and needed a multi-genre forum for that. I used to post on before it went down, and recently I have become active on Paizo's boards. I'm planning on running one or two games simultaneously, of different systems. I've only ran DnD 3.5, D20 Modern, Pathfinder, Mutants and Masterminds, and Star Wars Saga Edition in the past and I will probably only stick to the latter four for the near future. I'm working on my own version of D20 Modern using Star Wars Saga Edition as a base, so there's a chance I'll run that at some point too.

As for the other things. I enjoy reading, watching movies, collecting comic books, and hiking. I currently live in Ohio but I'm moving down to Florida shortly for a while. And you may address me as UsagiTaicho, Usagi, or whatever variation of that you want to. I don't want to give out my personal information, but you can find me on reddit pretty easily.

So there you have it. My first games will be a M&M game that I'm nearly ready to run, and a Pathfinder game I'm still working on getting together. 
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 02:55:51 PM by UsagiTaicho »