D'Spayre (PL14:210)
Abilities (58): Str 10 (+0), Dex 20 (+5), Con 30 (+10), Int 20 (+5), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 26 (+8).
Saves (18): Toughness +14 (4), Fort +10, Reflex +10 (5), Will +10 (9).
Skills (41): Stealth 19, Concentration 12, Investigate 8, Knowledge[history] 8, Knowledge[life sciences] 8, Knowledge[streetwise] 8, Knowledge[theology & philosophy] 8, Language 4, Medicine 4, Notice 16, Sense Motive 12, Bluff 19, Diplomacy 14, Gather Information 12, Intimidate 12Feats (28): All-Out Attack, Benefit[status:demon gone good], Distract, Dodge Focus x8, Edict Memory, Elusive Target, Equipment, Fascinate[bluff], Fearless, Hide In Plain Sight, Improved Initiative x2, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Redirect, Uncanny Dodge[sight], Weapon Specialization[blast] x4, Well Informed.Equipment: Cell Phone (1), Mini-Tracer (1), Multi-Tool (1), Video Camera (2).
Powers (67): Demonic Movement [Array] 14 (30): Feats; Alternate Power x2.
Insubstantial X/4 (21): Incorporeal, cannot pass through tinfoil. Feat; Dynamic.
Flight X/3 (7): 50MPH. Feat; Dynamic.
Teleport X: Feats; Dynamic, Easy.
Psychic Powers [Array] 14 (31): Feat; Alternate Power x3.
Mind Reading X: Extra; Affects Corporal. Flaw; Limited (probe only). Feats; Subtle x2.
Emotion Control X: Extra; Affects Corporeal. Flaws; Limited (despair), Sense Dependent(sight).
Illusions X: Sight. Extras; Action. Flaws; Phantasms. Feats; Selective, Progression x4.
Blast X: Extra; Affects Corporeal, Penetrating. Flaw; Limited (only affects living). Feat; Dynamic.
Immunity 4 (4): Suffocation(all), Aging, Disease.
Protection 1 (2): Extra; Impervious.
Combat (0): Blast +13/+14. Defense 14. Initiative +13.
Drawbacks: Power Loss[needs to consume emotions] 1, Weakness[holy water] 1.
Totals: Abilities 58 + Saves 18 + Skills 41 + Feats 28 + Powers 67 + Combat 0 + Drawbacks 2.
Added a lot of knowledge and such since he's been around for a long time which as you can see is where I spent a ton of points. Since Daredevil fought him, and you know he was bound to get a hit in, almost all of his defense is Dodge based. His Saves are tough but in the realm of PL10s too. The powers sit in arrays because like most upper supers he has too many and I'd rather now blow 3/4 of the power point pool on them. Plus no full powered blasts without dropping his illusions and such.