Hi all together.
i am rolling a
druid for a campaign of a friend, and i need some advice for stats/feats/skills:)
We are playing
3E with the prestige class book (defenders of faith, masters of wild [...] )
GM allowed me to take some things from 3.5 books like feats, races and so on.
We're starting with
Lv 3I rolled :
15, 15, 13, 10, 10, 9 ( not the best stats to start with, i know )
i talked to my GM and we decided to give my character a +2 WIS -2 CH, due his background story, aside from his racial attribute changes)
my plan:
ST: 9
DEX: 10
CO: 15
WIS: 17 (15+2)
INT: 13
CH: 8 (10-2)
My playstyle : i think, I'll play something between a caster & front-liner with wildshape.
(summoner is not an option. see feat section)
Race: i thought about taking Killoren from Races of the Wild, but i am open for suggestions.
I will take Nature spell at Lv 6. thats for sure. but what about the other feats ?
Spellfocus (Conjuration) + Augment Summoning (3.5 variant) is a possibility, but we have a group of 5 players (2 are are new to DnD) + my animal companion. and i think playing a summoner with 1D4 buffed summonings would slow the fight down even more.
Any other feat suggestions?
Skills: With 13 int i would have 30 skill points with lv3.
Knowledge (nature): 6
Diplomacy: 6
Spellcraft: 6 (GM suggestion)
Concentration: 6
Handle Animal: 6
Animal companion: (we use the 3.5 PHB variant of the animal companion list and level progress)
My idea: Riding Dog, and with lv 4, switch to Ape.
Thank you for reading and helping me. I am sorry for my bad english. I am not a native speaker