Author Topic: Mercenaries and monsters  (Read 1573 times)

Offline ImperatorK

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Mercenaries and monsters
« on: September 28, 2014, 12:51:41 AM »
Is there a system or guideline in 3.X or PF for setting up prices on higher level hirelings (preferably with PC classes) or monsters? Obviously, depending on the NPC or monster the price would have to be adjusted, but some baseline would be great to have something to work with.
I'd also appreciate if you could list any official monsters or NPCs that have a price to employ or buy them, that you know of. For example a war troll soldier costs 30 gp per day, while a seargant (4th level Fighter) takes 75.
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Offline polycrac

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Re: Mercenaries and monsters
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2014, 05:11:56 AM »
You could start by looking at the NPC wealth by level table (from the DMG) to get an idea of how wealthy the creature is - that will give you an idea of how much they might ask for to be bothered taking the job. A ninth level NPC has 12,000 gp so 1,000gp (roughly 30 gp/day) will be a big deal to them, certainly worth a month's work. Would they risk their neck for a less than that? Unlikely. I'd suggest dividing their wealth by 400 and charging that each day. Less dangerous jobs might cost less.
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Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: Mercenaries and monsters
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2014, 05:56:57 PM »
hmm ... interesting question.

Spellcasting Services represent a very small slice of a Caster's abilities.
So they are charging 1/x-th gp , for 1/y-th of their capacity , usually for 1 round's standard action.
Scaling that out to 1 days hire = way too expensive.
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