Support abilities are any abilities that are designed to aid the party as a whole, or assist an ally. Stuff like healing, party-wide buffs, crowd control, non-combat utility (Such as identifying magic items)...
I don't deny that the Totemist has some support abilities, but as I said It appears to be geared towards Self-Support... As it stands our party has been taking a passive approach to support with houseruled permanencies removing most need for party buffs, and heal X per round and high Damage Resistance, Energy Resistance, Spell Resistance, Saves, and AC to minimize the need for healing.. but as we are entering Epic Levels, the majority of those passive measures won't do us much good.
Since our party's Cleric's all keep vanishing we've been in major need of a support character for a while... So since with my DMs permission I'm turning my familiar into a Familiar/Cohort I figured I'd try to work in some support abilities into her build so that we can always have a support character on-hand when our clerics are gone. And as I mentioned earlier I'd rather not manage yet another spell list, so I'm looking for some non-spellcasting alternatives.
Right now my best options from what I've looked at are Dragonfire Adept and Psychic Warrior... Dragonfire Adept being more on the Crowd Control and Non-combat Utility side, while Psychic Warrior offers more in the area of Healing, Buffs, and some Crowd Control of it's own. The main issue with Psychic Warrior though is that it's Wisdom based and my Familiar/Cohorts Wisdom score is one of it's lowest scores.