There comes a certain point where your drinking actually starts negatively impacting your appetite & metabolism, so that you're not hungry. When you cross that threshold, what you're ingesting in alcohol calories is less than or more or less equal to what your body needs, so you either thin up, or stay relatively the same.
What's really bad and creates abdominal fat is what i usually do - binge drinking. Drink nothing for 2 or 3 days, followed by two or three heavy bouts of drinking before going back to zero alcohol, and repeating. This also creates a hell of a lot more problems than just fat, though. Your liver takes a pounding every time you cross the line while drinking, and that adds up fast.
Before my attempted suicide, beggining of last year, i was drinking a hell of a fucking lot. That, compounded with the amount of toxins i introduced in my attempt to end my life, shot my liver a hell of a fucking lot. I was weak as FUCK with alcohol for a WHILE after that. I'm talking about 2 or 3 beers making me puke my guts out as if i had just ingested half a bottle of scotch.
Fortunately, i was with my fianceƩ at the time, and she hated drinking, and i didn't go out, which cut my binging significantly. I still ingested alcohol regularly, but it was only 2 or 3 beers at a time, and not everyday. Currently, i'm not sure of what my liver situation is, but i REALLY shouldn't be binging anyway. I mean, friday i crossed the line big time. I did cachaƧa, absinth, whiskey, vodka, catuaba (idk what this is called in English, but it's pretty fucking good), and beer. And it was a hell of a lot of everything, too. I was sick as fuck for the entire day afterwards, and felt the alcohol in my system for more than 16 hours after i stopped drinking. Haven't drank anything since, though, which is nice.
I should probably get checked up, in fact. I'll get this sorted this month probably. I can't fuck up my liver before i'm even 30. I have a kid now, FFS.