At first I thought you were talking about athletic cheating or something. Looking at it again I'm guessing it's more a relationship kind.
Yup, it would be difficult to do.
Backstory/Confession time
I got caught. I was on Tinder while in a relationship, and the girl found out via her friend. Fortunately, that's all she knew(there was more), and after some discussion, we got back together, and all was well.
In all honesty, it was a bad call on my part - i should've just jumped ship then and there because, if i'm being truthful, i wasn't
REALLY planning on keep being faithful - i already had a thing going on. But that wasn't what ended it. Paranoia got the best of her. In the end, she didn't break up with me because of what i ACTUALLY was doing, but because of what she THOUGHT i was doing.
It didn't last two weeks after we got back together. First girl i added on Facebook - which is actually just a friend that i never so much as kissed - prompted a paranoia chain-reaction on her, that ended up with her deciding that she couldn't go on with being with me.
Honestly, it's better that way. I have now fully embraced the single's way of life, and don't plan on going into a serious relationship anytime soon.
I know that i was in the wrong, that it was a sleazy and shit thing to do. If i'm being truthful, i might as well be completely honest and say that i was probably still very much butthurt about how things went down with my baby's mother, and decided to act like an asshole because i got my heart broken, and took it out on someone who had nothing to do with that and actually liked and cared for me. Not proud, but still, i can't say i regret it, either.
It's like where my heart was, there's nothing. I can't form as deep an emotional connection as i once could. I can't feel sympathy like i once did. It's like i just don't give a fuck anymore.
If there's a "Fuck it all" button somewhere inside me, i believe i have pushed it so hard the goddamn thing broke and i'm now stuck in "Fuck it all" mode permanently.