Author Topic: Elder Eidolon (aka, the Mecha Musume)  (Read 30717 times)

Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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Elder Eidolon (aka, the Mecha Musume)
« on: October 22, 2014, 09:24:37 PM »
    aka, the Mecha Musume

    • Must be a corporeal creature that is not a construct, undead, or an elemental.
    • Constitution 10+
    • Must spend gold pieces at each level equal to 300 * level each level to pay for modifications and improvements to the creature's body (the cost for the first level of this class is included in the ritual cost). An Elder Eidolon may continue to take levels in the class without these modifications but does not gain additional class features until the modifications are applied
    • Must complete creation ritual.
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    Eidolon Body, Mental Geometry, Physical Geometry, +1 Dex, +1 Cha
    Mental Geometry, Physical Geometry +2 Str
    Physical Geometry
    Mental Geometry, Physical Geometry +1 Dex, +1 Cha
    Greater Eidolon Body, Physical Geometry
    Mental Geometry, Physical Geometry +2 Str,
    Physical Geometry +1 Dex, +1 Cha
    Mental Geometry, Physical Geometry
    Physical Geometry
    Perfected Eidolon Body, Mental Geometry, Physical Geometry +2 Str, +1 Dex, +1 Cha

    Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier per level (x4 at 1st level).
    Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Craft, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge(All), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, and Swim.

    Proficiencies: Elder Eidolons are proficient with their natural weapons. They are not proficient with any armor or shields.

    Class Features

    Eidolon Body (Ex): At first level, an Elder Eidolon and gains the construct type and the following traits.
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    It also gains a natural armor bonus equal to half its str modifier (if it already possesses such a bonus it uses the superior one) and if it possesses no natural attacks gains a slam (1d6 + 1.5 str damage at medium). All the Eidolon's natural weapons are treated both as manufactured weapons and natural weapons (as a monk’s Unarmed strike) and can be enchanted as a if they were masterwork weapons. Elder Eidolon otherwise retain any racial abilities and traits they had. If the Elder Eidolon had any abilities or traits which calculate based on it's Con Mod (for instance a Dragon's Breath Weapon), it recalcualtes that ability using half it's Str Mod instead. Hit Points and Fortitude saves are not effected by this ability.

    Mental Geometry: A Elder Eidolon's metaphysical core is a labyrinth with a geometry of it's own. As this geometry grows more complex and vast, the eidolon obtains new strength and bizarre powers known as Mental Geometries.
    A Elder Eidolon obtains a Mental Geometry at 1st, 2nd, and every even level thereafter. An Elder Eidolon selects from the following list:
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    Physical Geometry: An Elder Eidolon's body is a work of impossible geometry, warping the very fabric of reality around it to allow itself to exist. As this geometry grows more complex, the Eidolons body becomes stronger and more lethal.
    A Elder Eidolon obtains a Physical Geometry every level but can never select the same Physical Geometry more than once for every 2 HD it has unless otherwise noted. An Elder Eidolon selects from the following list:
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    Ability Increase (Ex): An Elder Eidolon gains +2 to Strength at level 2nd, 6th, and 10th; and +1 to Dex and Cha at levels 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th. This gives them a total of +6 Str, +4 Dex, and +4 Cha.

    Greater Eidolon Body (Ex): The Elder Eidolon's geometry has advanced to the point where it's body is not wholly on the material plane. This translates into a a Deflection bonus to AC and a Circumstance bonus to all saves and checks against nonmagical effects equal to half it's Cha bonus, as well as DR/Magic equal to the Eidolons HD.

    Perfected Eidolon Body (Ex): The Elder Eidolon has phased so far out of the plane that it's physical body is little more than a mirage.
    The Elder Eidolon is immune to all nonmagical attack forms. It can be harmed only by other elder eidolon, magic weapons or creatures that strike as magic weapons, and spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities or similar effects. The Eidolon can act as if it did not have this Immunity if it so chooses.
    Further, once per day per Cha mod the Elder Eidolon has, the Elder Eidolon can completely retreat into it's pocket dimension as an immediate action. As a result, the elder eidolon leaves the area it occupies and is immune to any harm or effects until the start of it's next turn. This ability can only be used once every 4 rounds.
    In addition, The elder eidolon can enter or pass through solid objects, but must remain adjacent to the object’s exterior, and so cannot pass entirely through an object whose space is larger than its own. It can sense the presence of creatures or objects within a square adjacent to its current location, but enemies have total concealment (50% miss chance) from the elder eidolon if it is inside an object. In order to see farther from the object it is in and attack normally, the elder eidolon must emerge. An elder eidolon inside an object has total cover, but when it attacks a creature outside the object it only has cover, so a creature outside with a readied action could strike at it as it attacks. The elder eidolon cannot pass through a force effect.

    Alternate Class Features

    Living Eidolon
    Level: 1st
    Benefit: This benefit modifies the Eidolon Body class feature, granting the Elder Eidolon the Living Constuct subtype in addition to the Construct type, gaining the following traits instead:
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    In addition, the gold piece cost prerequisite is reduced to 200 * level with no base cost. You can lose this class feature and regain the normal Eidolon Body class feature (losing the Living Construct subtype), by paying the diffrence in gold cost between the gold you have currently spent on yourself and the normal prerequisite gold cost.

    Ancient Rootwalker

    Level: 1st
    Benefit: This benefit modifies the Eidolon Body class feature, granting the Elder Eidolon the Plant type instead of the Construct type, gaining the following traits instead:
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    In addition, the following Geometries are modified:
    • Reality Phantasm now selects spells off the Druid Spell list of the Transmutation and Divination schools.
    • Strength of the Fallen now selects spells off the Druid Spell list of the Transmutation school.
    • Servitors are now of the Plant type.
    • Natural Weapon's option to treat a Masterwork Weapon as a Natural weapon can now only be used on weapons not made of metal.
    All class features of this class that calculate off of Charisma now calculate off of Wisdom.

    ideas -

    change greater/perfected/eidolon body to provide bonuses to attacking specific target (favored enemy/smite?) and defensive bonuses against other targets, capping at ability to ignore others besides target (and not be able to attack/effect others as well). Gain optional ability to mimic targets abilities. Track and bonus towards target. Choose Cleric spells instead of Sor/Wiz for certain abilities

    swap out some magical abilities for physical ones. Change Mindslayer Strikes to Physical Ability score damage. change Greater/Perfected Eidolon body abilities

    « Last Edit: March 20, 2019, 04:59:08 AM by TC X0 Lt 0X »
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    Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #1 on: October 22, 2014, 09:24:53 PM »

    Modular Design
    The Elder Eidolon can quickly swap between two Geometries to suit it's needs.
    Prerequisites: Elder Eidolon 1st.
    Benefit: Choose one of the physical or mental geometries you currently possess. Choose another of the same kind you don't have yet. As a standard action you can swap between them, gaining the benefits of one and losing the benefits of the other. The Eidolon maintains access to a selected ability until he chooses to switch again. A geometry can only be switched once every 4 rounds. Suppressed abilities cannot be switched out.
    Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.

    Prepared Geometry
    The Elder Eidolon can utilize it's knowledge to modifiy it's Geometry.
    Prerequisites: Elder Eidolon 1st, Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) 10 ranks
    Benefit: Select a Physical Geometry or Mental Geometry slot. After spending 8 hours of rest (or in the case for constructs, 8 hours of inactivity), the Elder Eidolon can change the ability tied to that slot to a new one, losing the benefit of the former and gaining the benefit of the latter.
    Special: If the Eidolon selects a slot also slected by the Modular Design Feat, he can choose to change both options to new abilities and switch between them as normal.
    Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.

    Mixed Geometry
    The nature of a Elder Eidolon can blur the line between the physical and the mental.
    Prerequisites: Elder Eidolon 1st
    Benefit: Select one Geometry slot (Mental or Physical). You can choose a Mental Geometry in place of a Physical Geometry, or vice versa.
    Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.

    Emergency Geometry
    Some Elder Eidolon have special Geometry that they can only activate for a limited time, usually when in danger.
    Prerequisites: Elder Eidolon 1st
    Benefit: Select one Mental Geometry or Physical Geometry. As a swift action, you gain access to this Geometry. You can have this ability active for a number of rounds per day equal to 1/2 HD + 2. Theses rounds need not be consecutive, but you must spend a swift action to activate them each time. Deactivating this ability is a free action after activating it for at least 1 round.
    Special: This feat can be taken multiple times.

    Alter Powersource
    Some Elder Eidolon function on different Geometric principles then others, and require a different mindset to be effective
    Prerequisites: Elder Eidolon 1st
    Benefit: Choose one Mental Ability Score. All Elder Eidolon class features calculate off of this Ability Score instead of the default Ability Score (normally Charisma), and any bonuses to the original ability score gained from the Elder Eidolon class are replaced with bonuses to the chosen Ability Score.
    « Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 11:28:47 PM by TC X0 Lt 0X »
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    Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #2 on: October 22, 2014, 09:25:01 PM »

    Transforming a creature into an Elder Eidolon is a dangerous endevor that puts the creature at risk of losing it's sanity, and even destroying it's soul. The transformation ritual involves infusing the creatures body and soul with chaotic alien energies taken from the far planes and materials forged from stone and metal from the deepest reaches of the earth.

    The ritual to create a Elder Eidolon is one thought lost to the past, but the secret has managed to be passed down in whispers between mad masters and eager apprentices. To know and be able to perfrom the ritual requires a DC 25 Knowledge check (Arcana or Architecture and Engineering) as well as having the Craft Construct feat.

    The Ritual requires 24 hours to complete as well as materials to be used in the ritual and be incorperated into the creatures body (as noted in the prerequesites). The creature the ritual is being performed on must be either willing or helpless, and once the ritual has begun the creature remains helpless until the ritual is completed or interrupted. At the end of the ritual the creator must make a DC 20 Spellcraft check as well as a DC 20 Craft check (Metalworking, Stoneworking, or similar). These checks may be assisted.
    If one of the checks fail, the creature must make a DC 20 will save to avoid becoming a failed Eidolon (see below).
    If both checks fail, the ritual goes horribly wrong, and creature must make a DC 20 will save to become a failed eidolon or be destroyed. Even the soul of the creature is destroyed, so the creature cannot be raised or ressurected until a miracle or wish spell is cast to restore the creature's soul.

    Failed Eidolons
    Failed Eidolons are elder eidolons that did not manage to endure the consturction ritual and are mentally crippled as a result. First, a Failed Eidolon gains the first level of the Elder Eidolon class as normal, but does not gain the normal benefits of subsequent levels of the class. Instead, the failed eidolon one Geometry (Physical or Mental) every 2 levels of the class instead of normal progression, and does not gain the Greater and Perfected Eidolon Body class features, nor does it have any class skills for the class. The failed eidolon also cannot take Feats that require Elder Eidolon levels.
    Further, the botched ritual damages the mind and soul of the failed eidolon, and the eidolon takes a -6 to Int, Wis, and Cha. Should any of these scores drop to 0, the failed eidolons mind and soul are destroyed and it becomes Mindless (though any score besides Int that is dropped to 0 or below becomes 1 instead).

    Mindless failed Eidolon go berserk and attack any non elder eidolon, though they won't wander outside of an area they are in unless chancing a creature. Particularly stupid confident individuals can attempt to restrain a mindless eidolon to advance it's HD, and can give the eidolon levels of the (failed) Elder Eidolon class in place of Consruct HD, choosing it's Geometries in place of the Construct, paying any costs as normal. They still don't control the creatue, but this doesnt stop the person from sticking the eidolon somewhere to effectively act as a guard (assuming the person survives doing so).
    A creature made into a mindless failed eidolon cannot be raised or ressurected until the eidolon is destroyed and a miracle or wish spell is cast to restore the creature's soul.

    As long as the failed Elder Eidolon did not become mindless in the process, the effects of becoming a failed Elder Eidolon can be reverse with a miracle or wish spell, removing the ability score penalties and gaining the normal benefits of the Elder Eidolon class.

    A failed eidolon gone berserk...
    « Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 06:22:20 AM by TC X0 Lt 0X »
    Im really bad at what I do.

    Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #3 on: October 22, 2014, 09:33:19 PM »
    Okay here is my hacked together Template class losely based on Elder Eidolons (LoM) and more losely Shardsoul Slayers (MM5), Aleax (BoED), and Effigys (CA) and inspired by lovecraftian monsters and sugoi animu gurls.

    I went witha more modular approach akin to the titanic creature template class, but bumped the class up from being only 3 levels at +3 CR base to a 10 levels to make more complex and powerful eidolon, and 10 levels seemed like a good break point for a prestige class.

    I wanted to go with the feel of being some eldritch creation of the past and a hulking war machine.

    It still needs a lot of fine tunning and balancing, as well as a lot better wording and probably more detailed wording.
    « Last Edit: October 22, 2014, 09:35:42 PM by TC X0 Lt 0X »
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    Offline GuesssWho

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #4 on: October 23, 2014, 01:20:35 AM »
    Interesting. I'm not sure why you made it a prestige class, though.

    Offline ketaro

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #5 on: October 23, 2014, 01:59:31 AM »
    It's a template.

    Offline oslecamo

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #6 on: October 23, 2014, 05:30:09 AM »
    Oh, I like what you're doing here, I like it a lot...

    At first glance the only critique that jumps my mind is that it needs moar fanservice the clause that you need to pay exp/gold for the spells you use in the relevant abilities, in particular the ones that's turning them into Su abilities.

    Also, since it's a template, you need to clarify whatever happens to old natural armor. Probably the best option would be to simply lose the old natural armor.

    And I should also point out that mindless creatures can't take levels, so if the eidolon ends up mindless at first level, they can't progress at all.

    Modular design seems ways better than the other feats so far. Two extra abilities for one feat is crazy good, even if you only get to keep one active at a time.

    Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #7 on: October 23, 2014, 08:12:56 AM »
    Oh, I like what you're doing here, I like it a lot...

    Thank you I try.

    At first glance the only critique that jumps my mind is that it needs moar fanservice the clause that you need to pay exp/gold for the spells you use in the relevant abilities, in particular the ones that's turning them into Su abilities.

    Yeah I remember making a mental note of that in my head and I completly forgot to put it in, moar sugoi animu gurls incoming inserting clause now.

    Also, since it's a template, you need to clarify whatever happens to old natural armor. Probably the best option would be to simply lose the old natural armor.

    Would take the better bonus be fine? I'd like to keep any overlapping traits from the base creature relevent if they would normally be better.

    And I should also point out that mindless creatures can't take levels, so if the eidolon ends up mindless at first level, they can't progress at all.

    Should I insert a clause to allow leveling for a mindless Eidolon in this class only? I was thinking about putting in a magic item easting rule to count towards the gold piece cost, maybe allow mindless Eidolons to also eat magic item xp to force levels? I'd like for advanced Eidolon to be an option for mindless ones.

    Modular design seems ways better than the other feats so far. Two extra abilities for one feat is crazy good, even if you only get to keep one active at a time.

    Do you think I should turn Modular Design down a notch or bump the others?
    I could probably make Prepared Geometry and mixed Geometry apply to more then one  Geometry, maybe based off a Mental score, and make Emergency Geometry have a longer duration and/or duration not be consecuative (like PF Barbarian Rage).
    If I nerfed Modular Design I could probably make it a standard or move action and/or increase the time of how often you can switch.
    Im really bad at what I do.

    Offline ketaro

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #8 on: October 23, 2014, 01:00:56 PM »
    For Mindless Eidolon, they'd be under the control of the crafter, so more levels in this could just be built in by the crafter adding HD?

    Offline oslecamo

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #9 on: October 23, 2014, 01:42:32 PM »
    Yeah I remember making a mental note of that in my head and I completly forgot to put it in, moar sugoi animu gurls incoming inserting clause now.
    Nice! And since I'm at it, where's the girl with the monster hat from?

    Would take the better bonus be fine? I'd like to keep any overlapping traits from the base creature relevent if they would normally be better.
    That works too.

    And I should also point out that mindless creatures can't take levels, so if the eidolon ends up mindless at first level, they can't progress at all.

    Should I insert a clause to allow leveling for a mindless Eidolon in this class only? I was thinking about putting in a magic item easting rule to count towards the gold piece cost, maybe allow mindless Eidolons to also eat magic item xp to force levels? I'd like for advanced Eidolon to be an option for mindless ones.
    Eeerrr, the problem is more that mindless isn't really something you should be putting in a class meant for player characters. Mindless doesn't only mean you're screwed out of taking levels, it also means no skill points at all and no feats. And then the more obvious question "you're mindless, how are you even taking your own decisions?". That's the reasons why golems and zombies and other mindless creatures are done as "awakened" versions here. I strongly advise you to put an Int or Cha penalty or something, but "you completely lose your own Int score" should never be a PC ability. It simply goes against everything that means being a PC. And 7500 gold is way too cheap for flawlessly enslaving defeated enemies with no control cap whatsoever.

    Do you think I should turn Modular Design down a notch or bump the others?
    I could probably make Prepared Geometry and mixed Geometry apply to more then one  Geometry, maybe based off a Mental score, and make Emergency Geometry have a longer duration and/or duration not be consecuative (like PF Barbarian Rage).
    If I nerfed Modular Design I could probably make it a standard or move action and/or increase the time of how often you can switch.
    On second view, prepared geometry and Modular Design may be ok as they are, Emergency Geometry having a bigger duration and/or granting two geometries simultaneously sounds good.

    Also why would you want to pick Mixed geometry more than once?

    For Mindless Eidolon, they'd be under the control of the crafter, so more levels in this could just be built in by the crafter adding HD?
    No. This is meant for a PC who wants to play an Elder Eidolon themselves. Under no circumstance should this turn up as a way for a caster to get himself an army of cheap caster constructs.
    « Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 01:45:32 PM by oslecamo »

    Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #10 on: October 23, 2014, 06:54:28 PM »
    Yeah I remember making a mental note of that in my head and I completly forgot to put it in, moar sugoi animu gurls incoming inserting clause now.
    Nice! And since I'm at it, where's the girl with the monster hat from?

    Most of those girls are Abyssal Ships from Kantai Collection

    And I should also point out that mindless creatures can't take levels, so if the eidolon ends up mindless at first level, they can't progress at all.

    Should I insert a clause to allow leveling for a mindless Eidolon in this class only? I was thinking about putting in a magic item easting rule to count towards the gold piece cost, maybe allow mindless Eidolons to also eat magic item xp to force levels? I'd like for advanced Eidolon to be an option for mindless ones.
    Eeerrr, the problem is more that mindless isn't really something you should be putting in a class meant for player characters. Mindless doesn't only mean you're screwed out of taking levels, it also means no skill points at all and no feats. And then the more obvious question "you're mindless, how are you even taking your own decisions?". That's the reasons why golems and zombies and other mindless creatures are done as "awakened" versions here. I strongly advise you to put an Int or Cha penalty or something, but "you completely lose your own Int score" should never be a PC ability. It simply goes against everything that means being a PC. And 7500 gold is way too cheap for flawlessly enslaving defeated enemies with no control cap whatsoever.

    I can probably agree with that but.
    I know PCs can't and shouldnt go mindless but I'd like for the option of Mindless Eidolons for the DM side of things. Maybe remove the control and make them berserk, attacking any non-eidolons? Elder Eidolon were originally ancient and forgotton guardians of lost places, so mindless ones can just be put into places to be guarded and left to their own devices.
    Or I could apply a mental penalty like you said, its not like a DM couldnt DM them as Mindless without them actually being Mindless. That way it doesnt get in the way of PCs taking the class and can't be abused for easy minions.

    Do you think I should turn Modular Design down a notch or bump the others?
    I could probably make Prepared Geometry and mixed Geometry apply to more then one  Geometry, maybe based off a Mental score, and make Emergency Geometry have a longer duration and/or duration not be consecuative (like PF Barbarian Rage).
    If I nerfed Modular Design I could probably make it a standard or move action and/or increase the time of how often you can switch.
    On second view, prepared geometry and Modular Design may be ok as they are, Emergency Geometry having a bigger duration and/or granting two geometries simultaneously sounds good.

    Also why would you want to pick Mixed geometry more than once?

    The wording is off, I actually wanted to have it allow you to take one Geometry over one opposing Geometry.
    You probably wouldnt want to take Mixed Geometry more then once, and in most cases at all, but's it's there if you really want to speed up progression for a certain ability and are willing to give up a feat and opposing Geometry.
    It might not be a problem if it let you let freely choose between opposing Geometries, probably.
    Im really bad at what I do.

    Offline ketaro

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #11 on: October 23, 2014, 11:51:51 PM »
    I yelled at you so much about how the Mindless possibility was wrong and shouldn't even be a chance of an option and I told you Os would say something similar.

    Freakin' listen to me sometimes man.

    Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #12 on: October 24, 2014, 07:13:04 AM »
    I yelled at you so much about how the Mindless possibility was wrong and shouldn't even be a chance of an option and I told you Os would say something similar.

    Freakin' listen to me sometimes man.

    Hey I changed it from what it was.
    It is still a lot better then what it was before.

    I dont know I can probably just copy paste the Half-Golem classes mindless risk and be fine.
    Im really bad at what I do.

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #13 on: October 27, 2014, 10:24:59 PM »
    I wrote up a new creation ritual and put it into the 3rd post of the thread.

    Going mindless is now only a risk if the Eidolon becomes a failed eidolon and the mental penalties drop a score to 0 or below, and Eidolon is not at risk of becoming a failed Eidolon unless the creator misses up one of his skill checks.

    Is that fine or no?
    Im really bad at what I do.

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #14 on: November 02, 2014, 06:47:58 PM »
    I like it, I'm all for bersek guardians that may turn against their masters, instead of super butlers that make you wonder why everyody doesn't buy one for their home. Now you just need to edit it in the actual class features.

    Offline TC X0 Lt 0X

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #15 on: November 03, 2014, 08:59:46 PM »
    I pasted it into the first post in a spoiler under the Prerequisites.

    Im thinking about a mental geometry that grants Spellcasting Affinity for casters that want to go Gish.

    However I don't quite get how it works.
    So if a Monster has Spellcasting Affinity for say Arcane Casting and goes Monster 3/Wizard 1, would he have spells as a 5th level Wizard, or would he have access to 3rd level spells, have CL5th, and have 0/1/1 0Lv/1st/2nd level spells slots plus bonus spells?
    And if the latter, the monster later gained Monster 4, would he lose those 1st and 2nd level spell slots and gain a 3rd level spell slot?
    Really the cumulative mention at the top of the tables is confusing me.

    Im also thinking about switching the Deflection bonus from Deflective Geometry and Greater Eidolon Body to be based off Charisma instead of Wisdom. I originally intended to have more abilites based off Wisdom so you could build either a wisdom based Eidolon or a Charisma based one, but that didnt happen, and those abilites feel a little off how they are.
    I'll also change this Wisdom bonus increases to Dex sense wisdom is no longer in the build and the original template has a Dex bonus anyways.
    « Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 09:16:05 PM by TC X0 Lt 0X »
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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #16 on: November 07, 2014, 11:58:58 AM »
    Im thinking about a mental geometry that grants Spellcasting Affinity for casters that want to go Gish.

    However I don't quite get how it works.
    So if a Monster has Spellcasting Affinity for say Arcane Casting and goes Monster 3/Wizard 1, would he have spells as a 5th level Wizard, or would he have access to 3rd level spells, have CL5th, and have 0/1/1 0Lv/1st/2nd level spells slots plus bonus spells?
    The second.

    And if the latter, the monster later gained Monster 4, would he lose those 1st and 2nd level spell slots and gain a 3rd level spell slot?
    Really the cumulative mention at the top of the tables is confusing me.
    He would never lose spell slots. He wouldn't however gain any new spells until he took a new wizard level. So yes, the order you take the levels matters quite a bit.

    Im also thinking about switching the Deflection bonus from Deflective Geometry and Greater Eidolon Body to be based off Charisma instead of Wisdom. I originally intended to have more abilites based off Wisdom so you could build either a wisdom based Eidolon or a Charisma based one, but that didnt happen, and those abilites feel a little off how they are.
    I'll also change this Wisdom bonus increases to Dex sense wisdom is no longer in the build and the original template has a Dex bonus anyways.
    Sounds good.

    Offline Threadnaught

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #17 on: November 07, 2014, 08:33:48 PM »
    Doom Cannon has a problem with one of it's upgrades.

    A Doom cannon deals 1d12 damage plus an additional 1d12 damage per 4 HD the Elder Eidolon possesses, and deals x3 damage on a crit (crit damage does not apply to splash damage).

    Doom Cannons love dodecahedrons. Any additional dice damage the Doom Cannon receive is always upgraded to a d12.

    As you can plainly see, this upgrade does nothing more than eat up a Physical Geometry in exchange for no benefit. Either a removal or fix seems to be required.

    I've been looking for a way to get the Construct versions of a Beholder, Dragon, Chimera, Hydra and Remorhaz, to take the shape of the ultimate life form, a Kraken.
    For homebrew inspired Campaigns only of course.

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #18 on: November 07, 2014, 09:44:26 PM »
    Threadnaught. Imagine a Sneak Attack build for this Elder Eidolon with the Doom Cannon. Or even easier, Skirmish bonus dice with Scout.

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    Re: Elder Eidolon
    « Reply #19 on: November 08, 2014, 08:46:36 AM »
    Threadnaught. Imagine a Sneak Attack build for this Elder Eidolon with the Doom Cannon. Or even easier, Skirmish bonus dice with Scout.

    Yeah it's basiclly for those, or weapon enchants like Flaming and stuff.

    Really though I just want an excuse to roll a lot of d12s.
    Im really bad at what I do.