Some similar language (still) exists for those spells in 3.Xe.
You self identify as grog-ish. Have you heard of the Oberoni Fallacy?
(I can't infer from your post whether you might have or not)
Certainly the Solar's version of the grape vine (urm , twitterverse)
contains rumors of more powerful beings, toying with them.
... Think of the catgirls ...
You did that on purpose ...
... Now I'd like to ask what happens to RAW campaigns when you house rule:
E) No 9th level spells. You can't sneak teleportation circles or otherwise create portals. No wish economy or ice assassins. 0th-2nd, 3rd-5th, and 6th-8th spells are fine ..
Yeah sure. If you have the resources to spam Wish, then
you have more resources to monitor the junior leaguers.
So they just can't get to the 9s, unless they know and
are able to execute some really new overpowered combo.
When an 8s or less combo messes up the world too much,
a 9'er swoops in and fixes
all most of the cat-ass-strophe.
Dude: "Pazuzu, Pazuzu, Pazuzu"
Pazuzu (noticing ... and subconsciously rubs his forever aching right hip):
"Uh-huh. You want me to get you an Efreeti for a little
innocent chat."
(a small corner of his lesser demonic brain starts to "tingle" in a way he always wants to forget)
Way off in the deep astral, a little girl-uberdeity-ling is jumping rope and spots a bug she doesn't like.
engage improbability drive