1: lack of support for various fighting styles (ranged, mounted, heavy, multi-weapon, single-weapon [free-hand], shields, unarmed/natural weapon, wrestling/grappling, etc)
You can use any melee weapon mounted or not, Setting Sun is based on tripping/bullrushing throwing
people. White Raven makes usage of shields. It only lacks in the bow department but it is called Blade Magic not stabtheirfacein
Magic.2: Elemental styles not restricted to fire or requiring contact with the earth
Refluff it.3: lack of support for using ToB material with non-ToB classes (perhaps alternate class features)
As someone else brought up, 1/2 IL progression makes everything support ToB.4: lack of versatility with maneuvers/stances
Ols brought this up, without even mentioning Iron Heart's ability to disable Spells 5: needs more out of combat abilities
This was already brought up too.6: Lack of At Will abilities
Every Maneuver out of Combat is essentially At-Will.7: Lack of enough Passive abilities(one stance is nice, but ...)
That "one stance" is your choice from a large list of stance-like effects, the Classes them selves also grant passive abilities and the Arcane Swordsage does nothing but use them.8: Lack of enough synergy between maneuvers
Oh I don't know about that. See the tactical feats.9: Lack of PrC's
So lack of supplement supplements?10: Lack of scaling
Intended Feature, reduces spamming and negates running at full-power during the entire counter as a balance between being able to reuse them thousands of times.11: Poor Save DC's
Every single one of them is 10+Maneuver Level+Modifier and many of them are Strength based which is the easier Ability to get triple digits in.12: less supernatural abilities
Why?13: more supernatural abilities
So lack of supplement supplements?14: could be used to replace archaic combat mechanics
Yes, yes it could. Is this a complaint of an observance of awesome?15: fix stance progressions
Huh?16: move away from wuxia flavor
Flavor is what you make of it.17: consider allowing maneuvers to bu used multiple times
You can, spend a Full-Round Action, or a Swift, or nothing because reset is free to Crusaders.18: Consider a feat or skill trick to improve the refresh mechanic of Martial Study
And create the question of why even take levels in Warblade?19: Consider a feat or skill trick to allow the use of out-of-discipline weapons with the various class features and feats that involve them.
Your weapon is also flavor. I hate to be the one to break this to you, but with Strike of Alacrity a Dagger deals 95% of the damage a Greatsword does.20: Solve the errata issue.
God I wish...[/quote]