GOBLIN GOMMANDO Tactics? Goblins using technology? Do you take me for an imbecile?
Goblins are barbaric and entirely single-minded. Order dogma, which has served us well for ten thousand years, teaches us this. Goblins come in a great horde with primitive weapons, they do not build or innovate behind our backs. Guards! Take the prisioner to the holding cells to await execution for cowardice and incompetence.-Major Kyne, last words before being head-shot by a mysterious weapon.
Goblin Gommandos are goblins who use cutting-edge tools and careful plans to sabotage the enemy strong points and create openings for their allies. Or just blow stuff up at random for the fun of it. The best among them are known as Gommando Gob.
MAKING A GOBLIN GOMMANDO Abilities: Dexterity controls most of the Goblin Gommando abilities,
Races: Only goblins can become a Goblin Gommando.
Alignment: Any.
Starting Gold: 100 GP
Starting Age: As Ranger
Class SkillsThe Goblin Gommando's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff(Cha) Climb(Str), Craft (Wis), Disguise(Cha), Intimidate(Cha), Hide(Dex), Knowledge(Any)(Int), Move Silently, Spot (Wis), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope(Dex), Survival (Wis), Swim(Str)
Skill Points at 1st Level: (6+ int mod)x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 6 + int mod
Hit Dice: d8
Level | Base Attack Bonus | Fort Save | Ref Save | Will Save | Special |
1st | +1 | +0 | +2 | +0 | Gommando Training |
2nd | +2 | +0 | +3 | +0 | Gommando Training, Paint Pattern |
3rd | +3 | +1 | +3 | +1 | Elite Gommando |
4th | +4 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Elite Gommando, SUBTLETY |
5th | +5 | +1 | +4 | +1 | Hero Gommando |
6th | +6 | +2 | +5 | +2 | Hero Gommando, Gommando Gob |
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: The Goblin Gommando is proficient with Light Armor, all simple weapons, two martial melee weapons of its choice, two martial ranged weapons of its choice, and one exotic ranged weapon of its choice.
Gommando Training: At 1st and 2nd level pick one of the following abilities.
Shoota Boy-The Goblin Gommando can make a full ranged attack as a standard action by taking a -2 penalty on all the attack rolls, and can also shoot a ranged weapon once as a free action before making a charge.
Goblin Grenade-As a melee touch attack you can shove an improvised explosive seemingly pulled out of nowhere in your target! If you hit, both you and your target take up to 1d10 damage per Bab, half fire and half bludgeoning. You can use this attack as an immediate action. What, you just want to throw the damn thing? But then you wouldn't get to see the explosion first-hand!
Big Shoota- With 1 hour of work the Goblin Gommando can assemble a really shooty weapon out of random bits and pieces on the area. It has the same stats of a level I ranged combat weapon from
here, except range is in feet instead of mu, weight is equal to its arsenal space in lbs, and it doesn't need any ammo or energy to be used. Instead increase its weight by an amount equal to its energy cost (or 100/ammo for ammo weapons), plus if a natural 1 is rolled on an attack roll with such weapon, it explodes in the user's hands, dealing them 1d4 damage and becoming useless. In the hands of anybody but the Goblin Gommando who built it, the Big Shoota works as the useless piece of trash it looks like. The Goblin Gommando can craft multiple Big Shootas, but he'll lose interest in old ones and only remember how to properly use the last one he built.
Aiming? Whot's That?- When firing a ranged weapon, the Goblin Gommando can lower his Bab by any amount to gain an equal amount on the ranged damage rolls. His Bab returns to normal after those shots are fired. He can also re-roll miss chances with his ranged attacks, including from being blinded or unable to see his target.
Choppa- With 1 hour of work the Goblin Gommando can assemble a really choppy weapon out of random bits and pieces on the area. It has the same stats of a level I melee combat weapon from
here, except range is in feet instead of mu, weight is equal to its arsenal space in lbs, and it doesn't need any ammo or energy to be used. Instead increase its weight by an amount equal to its energy cost (or equal to 100/ammo for ammo weapons), plus if a natural 1 is rolled on an attack roll with such weapon, it explodes in the user's hands, dealing them 1d4 damage and becoming useless. In the hands of anybody but the Goblin Gommando who built it, the Choppa works as the useless piece of trash it looks like. The Goblin Gommando can craft multiple Choppas, but he'll lose interest in old ones and only remember how to properly use the last one he built.
Da Sneaky plan- As a swift action for 1 round the Goblin Gommando can move at normal speed without a penalty on Move Silently checks, plus he can add his Dex mod to Spot, Bluff, Disguise, Use Magic Device and Move Silently checks, and any allies within his view can use his bonus to Hide, Disguise and Move Silently instead of their own.
Minimum of muckin' about- As a swift action the Goblin Gommando can double any Cover and/or Concealment bonus he's benefiting from, and becomes invisible to Tremorsense, Blindsense, Mindsense, Lifesense, Blindsight, Touchsight, Pansysight, and similar abilities, unless the source is adjacent to the Goblin Gommando. Those effects last 1 round, or until the Goblin Gommando attacks, whatever happens first.
Paint Pattern: At 2nd level, provided he has some sort of adequate pigments available (human blood for red, ash for black, leaves for green, etc), the Goblin Gommando can draw a pattern over his body that grants him a bonus depending on the color used. Multiple War Paints don't stack, just the flashiest one counts. At the lack of pigments, clothes of the same color will also do, or if the goblin has their skin of the correct color.
Black is for toughness! Increase the Goblin Gommando's HP by 25% and they gain a +2 bonus on Fort saves!
Yellow is for destroying stuff from afar! Increase the Goblin Gommando's range of all weapons by 50% and they deal an extra 2 damage!
Green is best! The Goblin Gommando gains a +1 bonus on all 1d20 rolls!
Blue is lucky! The Goblin Gommando can re-roll one natural 1 on any dice per round and gains a +2 bonus to Will saves!
Red ones go fastah! The Goblin Gommando movement speeds are three times as fast increased by 50%, plus he ignores difficult terrain and gains a +2 bonus on Reflex saves.
Elite Gommando: At 3rd and 4th level pick one of the following abilities. They can be swapped at each level-up.
Right in Me Crosshairs-As a swift action the Goblin Gommando can nominate a target. He ignores all miss chances and concealment from that target, as well as Weather penalties, including magic ones like fogs and wall of wind.
Hide Da Boyz-As a swift action the Goblin Gommando can attempt to hide even while being observed. As a move action he can allow any allies within his view to attempt to hide even if being observed, using his own bonus to Hide and Move Silently.
Luv da Dakka-Every turn the Goblin Gommando attacks at range a target he had shot on the previous round (whetever he hit or missed), he can make an extra ranged attack of the same type against that target.
Bigger Shoota-As Big Shoota, but up to a level II ranged weapon from the combat weapon list.
Burna Bomb-The first time the Goblin Gommando uses a thrown weapon in his round, it bursts into flames in a 20 feet radius, dealing an extra 1d6 fire damage per point of Bab, Reflex save with DC 10+1/2 HD+Ref mod for half. Enemies that fail their save against this catch fire. Any burnable stuff in the area also catches fire. Spells with a duration other than instantaneous or permanent have their duration reduced to 1 round as the Burna bomb burns their energies up good. Spells on creatures only have their duration reduced if the victims failed their Reflex saves.
Big Choppa-As Choppa, but up to a level II melee weapon from the combat weapon list.
Goblin Sharpshooter-When the Goblin Gommando kills an enemy with a ranged attack, he can instantly make another ranged attack as a free action.
SUBTELTY: At 4th level the Goblin Gommando permanently benefits from one of the following effects. Changing between them is a swift action.
Brutally Cunning-The Goblin Gommando knows the right place to hit to smash stuff good! He can inflict critical hits on constructs and objects, and deals an extra 1d6 points of damage against Flanked or flat-footed victims.
Cunningly Brutal-The Goblin Gommando becomes an expert of low blows! He can use his Dex mod instead of his Str mod for Str-based skills, Str checks, Grapple, Bullrush, Disarm and Trip.
Hero Gommando: At 5th and 6th level pick one of the following abilities. They can be re-trained at each level-up.
Goblins iz da Sneakiest!-As a swift action you can produce a non-magical Invisibility and Silence effect in yourself for 1 round. Your enemies aren't exactly forbidden from speaking, they're just too surprised by your presence to be able to make any sound! Allies inside your Silence Radius also benefit from this invisibility.
Never Enuff Dakka-When the Goblin Gommando makes a single-target ranged attack, he can also use the same attack roll to target any enemies adjacent to the first target. If the target has no adjacent allies, they take +50% damage from the Goblin Gommando single-target ranged attacks. In addition if the Goblin Gommando would be rendered unable to take take actions but still alive, he can still make one ranged attack on his turn. This includes being charmed or dominated.
Fire, Aim, Ready!-As a standard action the Goblin Gommando makes one ranged attack, and every other ally that can see him makes a ranged attack as a free action as well, using the Goblin Gommando's Bab if better than their own. No creature can benefit from this ability more than once per round.
Spechul Shoota-As Shoota, but up to a level III ranged weapon from the combat weapon list. If you have Big Shoota and Bigger Shoota as well, it counts as a magic weapon whenever it would be benefical for you, plus you can instead pick a level IV ranged weapon if you have Bab 9+, a level V ranged weapon if you have Bab 13+, a level VI ranged weapon if you have Bab 15+, or a level VII ranged weapon if you have Bab 19+.
Ready the Big Boom- As an immediate action the Goblin Gommando can detonate a secret explosive device on his person, dealing 1d12 damage per Bab to himself and everybody within 30 feet. Damaged creatures are knocked prone (or knocked to the ground if airborne) and Dazed for 1 round. A reflex save with DC 10+1/2 HD+Dex mod halves this damage and negates the Dazed, but they're still knocked prone unless they succeed by 10 or more. The Goblin Gommando gains a +4 bonus on this save and is thrown 5 feet per 5 damage he took in a direction of his choice.
Assashuns Knife-As Choppa, but up to a level III melee weapon from the combat weapon list. If you have Choppa and Big Choppa, it counts as a magic weapon whenever it would be benefical for you, and you can instead pick a level IV melee weapon if you have Bab 9+, a level V melee weapon if you have Bab 13+, a level VI melee weapon if you have Bab 15+, or a level VII melee weapon if you have Bab 19+.
Falling Slowly-Through use of improvised devices, explosions, grappling hooks and lots of rope, the Goblin Gommando can attain something similar to flight, gaining a Fly speed with average maneuverability of 15 feet per HD, except he takes a -6 penalty on all 1d20 rolls while on the air.
Gommando Gob:At 6th level the Gommando Goblin is truly an exemplar of his kind. He gains either Leadership, in which case he can attract only goblins, but can use Dex instead of Cha to determine his Leadership score, or now retroactively adds his Dex mod to the number of skill points he gains per level, and can use Dex instead of other abilitiy scores to qualify for feats as well as other class abilities that would be based on other ability scores.
I was/am drunk. Saw lots of requests for goblins. Despite they being, you know, a base race. Why don't just take regular levels? Perhaps they want some specific crazy stuff? This is the result. Now need sleep.
So if you want to play a goblin with special weapons and tactics, the Goblin Gommando's for you!