Fortunately for me, most of my players were more than willing to give me plot bait with which to work. The wizard is our newest player, and he didn't really do much for me. Other than that, right now the hook is that the rogue's former thieves' guild, who set him up, is running an operation in his new home. He will want to know why they are there.
The bard was hilarious all night. His stat rolls were pretty bad, and he used them to their utmost. His character needs to be a bard, although he is very religious and wants to connect with Pelor. However, he can't for some reason (his WIS score is not high enough). He can heal and cast spells, and he can preach up a storm (his performance). Well, somewhat...he's been (mis)quoting Joseph Smith.
Everybody seems to have picked up the idea of the rules well enough, but combat will be different.