Dr#349 has the Psiotheugirst feats.
1 of them puts Illusion (Shadow) into Metacreativity, but has Illusion (all else) in Telepathy.
http://www.realmshelps.net/cgi-bin/featbox.pl?feat=PsiotheurgistThis is probably about as straightforward as you can get, dmag instead of official.
I haven't looked at Epic Spell seeds in a long time,
but that's the SRD based conversion link.
I forget how
exactly it splits the subschools,
but I don't remember it being very far off from Dr#349.
The fluff may have been discussed during the 3.0 era.
You could suppose that the Astral Construct represents
what happens when you use (Shadow) spell/powers.
It pulls the Ecto/Shadow out of the plane you're on, coalescing it.