The erudite uses her manifester level for determining the effects of the spell being manifested
0-level spells cost no power points to manifest.
Even if the spell is converted to a power, it is still a spell. So it's a spell and a power. Deal god, why is this making my head hurt? I actually want to throw up.
Because the spells are now effectively psionic powers.
I hate that word. "effectively". Do you know what it means in a contract? "It performs as X, but still is Y."
All Converted spells to powers are spells AND powers. Thank Gygax they included:
they are no longer affected by metamagic feats
Or you could use both on them.
So an Erudite Manifests spells. Since a spell list is personal and unique to each and every character (ie Wizards might share the same list, but technically, it can change "see sand shaper")
But he can't CAST spells, he manifests them. I want to shoot myself in the head. I pray to a god I do not believe in for the sweet release of death that will not come because I am in Hell.
Do you have to be able to cast a spell to have it on a spell list? Can you have a spell list and not have the ability to cast? Wait, a wizard has access to 9th level spell list at 1st level. So he has spells he cannot cast but they are on his spell list.
Holy fuck, That can't be right.
While you can convert spells to Divine or Arcane, in order for a spell to be Arcane or Divine from a magic item PoV, it has to be on an Arcane or Divine Spell LIST.
Okay, wait. Start over.
You treat the spell as a discipline power for the basis of learning it.
The spell is a spell but is treated as a power.
You can't cast the spell, you manifest it.
Do Erudites have spell lists?
If an erudite has a Wand of magic missiles, can he use it, or does he need to UMD?
An erudite can learn discipline powers only by directly learning a power from another’s repertoire, learning it from a power stone, or taking the Expanded Knowledge feat. In any case, an erudite can learn a discipline-only power only if it is up to 1 level lower than the highest level power he can manifest.
So, no 9th level spells until epic.
Using psion-magic transparency, we assume that you can learn from a Arcane spell caster, or a Scroll (the magic version of a Power stone) or the expanded knowledge feat to get it automatically.
Powers gained at new level
The two free powers must be of levels the erudite can manifest, and they cannot be from a select discipline list.
So you cannot take a spell converted to power as your two per level.
So hard to think. I'm rambling. Now I got to go to work for 16 hours.
Do Erudites have spell list?