I have not read the books, nor do I plan on seeing the movie unless it gets a Rifftrax, but I nevertheless thought it would be a fun thought experiment to try and create the eponymous Christian Grey from the series. So far, this is what I have managed to come up with.
Class: Sadistic Life Leech Soul Thief Vitalist. A guy who loves inflicting pain, can push you into a contract-er, collective without your consent, and is just plain not a nice bloke? Seems right.
Race: I was thinking either Elan, or for REAL fun, a Khymer from the Obsidian Apocalypse setting. An aberrant sentient pool of blood that occupies corpses and slowly burns them out just fits the mold too damn well. The stat bonuses and special abilities don't hurt either, and the abilities of the Vitalist balance out their lack of natural healing. It also provides a nice counterpoint to the #NotmyChristian hashtag, as I can always occupy a prettier corpse.
Now I need ways to optimize this guy. In particular, any ways of making the save versus being forced into the collective more difficult for enemies, while still keeping him viable in party support. I am thinking Expanded Collective and Psionic Meditation for feats as starters. What other feats and traits would work for this guy?
Time to send my foes to the Red Room of Pain.