What does the character that is in play now have for a build and what material is being allowed? That makes a huge difference in what suggestions to provide.
I'm allowing most things from core and forgotten realms. The things I've banned almost exclusively pertain to casters (excluding frenzied berzerker). My general feeling is that non-9th level T1 casters don't need much in the way of restriction, beyond avoiding clear abuse of rule intent. I've banned alot of the Realms caster PrCs of course.
His current build is
Human (Illuskan) Barbarian 2
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (starting to lean toward Chaotic Evil tendencies, very unlikely this character will become "Good." I do permit evil characters if that opens any good PrC options up).
Abilities (we used point buy if your wondering about the very even stats)
Deity: Currently Tempus, might switch to Malar.
Str: 16
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 10
- Exotic Weapon (Harpoon)
- Power Attack
Skill ranks in Climb, Jump, Survival and Tumble
Combat Gear includes a greatsword, a harpoon and a breastplate. He also wants to pick up a composite bow once they hit town again. I think those weapons will be his final build (enchanted versions of course).
In terms of build I'm guessing he wont want to do a caster, as he is thus far resistant to spending much time with his nose in the rulebook and prefers having rules spoonfed to him. That may change as he gets more experienced in which case I can see Divine Crusader being a good option, but I think its safer to assume he wont based on my experience playing other games for him. So I'm not actively considering a caster PrC or any Tome of Battle stuff really unless I see some change indicating he's ready to actually read enough to keep track of a spell list.
I think he's open to either melee or ranged. Going a more ranger PrC direction should be fine and possibly even better.
Sorry for not including all that from the get go.