Author Topic: Kalashtar, Also how do you delete a post?  (Read 1573 times)

Offline Dr.Manhattan

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Kalashtar, Also how do you delete a post?
« on: March 02, 2015, 12:46:01 PM »
Read about Kalashtar, but i cant acces the sourcebook. In the guide it stated that it has "access to some race-specific psionic feats, and some racial psionic items." But as i said i cant access that, what is said psionic feats/items?

And im just posting this so i can get  a quick answer to the question then delete it, how do i delete a post?

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Offline SorO_Lost

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Re: Kalashtar, Also how do you delete a post?
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2015, 03:38:06 PM »
You can't delete a post, and "deleted posts" show up in the trash can for everyone to see anyway :p

For your question, they get access to 13 Racial Feats. Little long to detail there, so a few highlights.
* Gestalt Anchor: while focused you and kalashtar allies within 60ft get +2 insight to initiative/reflex.
* Path of Shadows: use perform (dance) instead of concentration to manifest defensively.
* Quori Dread: demoralize has a 120ft range. & Insidious Terror: expend focus for +3 to a fear-power's save DC.
* Shield of Thought: S&B style mindblade.
* Spiritual Force: expend focus for cha to mindblade damage rolls for 1 round.
Path fo Shadows is like the most worthless Feat ever and one of the visually imaginative coolest ones to think about.

Edit - Come to think of it, that kind of explains most of the Kalashtar's Feats.
Like Shield of Thought could let you used your Mindblade as a shield of Shield Slam. But that's added Feat tax, for a long Feat chain, and Soulknifes don't get bonus Feats, and Mindblades are not that great, and neither are Soulknifes, and kind of the same for Kalashtars.

It's like that skit where the guy is telling his friend whose back from a long trip that his dog died. Died of food poisoning when it ate his dead horses. That died trapped in the barn fire. That was lit from the spark that flew from his burning house. That started during a candle ceremony for his mother's funeral. Which was after she had a heart attack from learning his wife was cheating on him. The good news of insurance money can only go so far.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 03:48:03 PM by SorO_Lost »

Offline phaedrusxy

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Re: Kalashtar, Also how do you delete a post?
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2015, 03:43:07 PM »
They also get to use Quori Power Shards, which are potentially one of the most broken psionic items in the game, as they let you bypass the normal cap on how much you can augment a power (spend total PPs no higher than your ML). And they get Mindlink 1x/day as a Psi-like Ability, which lets you easily qualify for Thrallherd as a non-Telepath psion.
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