My primary game is Pathfinder; sometimes with some of the Trailblazer modifications and sometimes as the base game.
We play in Delta (B.C., Canada), in the garage of one of our players. Coffee, energy drinks, chips, and eventually pizza are our companions. Sometimes beer, but usually not. Sometimes a BBQ, but pizza is more common.
I've been gaming, an assortment of role-playing games, for a little over 25 years.
That includes the gamut of AD&D (2nd Edition), D&D 3.0, D&D 3.5, D&D 4th edition, Rift Universe & Super Heroes/Villains, Vampire/Werewolf/Mage, GURPS, and maybe a few others.
I also play assorted games on the computer, although I'm not currently into anything there... aside from the odd excursion into Diablo 3.
I used to alternate DM/Player duties with my current roommate, but he's not been into gaming for the last five years or so. My current group includes two players who have been with us for the same 25 years or so (almost every Saturday) along with a newer player who is relatively new to pencil & paper gaming. I wouldn't mind another player in the group, as four players is a pretty magical number... although three and five do work.
Our group generally gets an extra character... the DMPC... who fills the most needed role, without really making many decisions or noticing too much by way of where to go next or what to do. The current version is an Arcane Trickster build, for a group which was lacking Rogue talents initially.
We are on the tail end of 'Way of the Wicked'. Chances are next session will see the final fight.
Of the adventures/dungeons that I have available, a dungeon based progression was voted as most desirable for the next campaign.
I'm going to take the group through: The Wizard's Amulet, The Crucible of Freya, and then The Tome of Abysthor, as the introduction. And then a crossover between Rappan Athuk and The Slumbering Tsar.
We'll be using fairly high powered characters...
Gestalt builds, so two classes advancing together.
Multiclassing is allowed, but the level 20 ability is often very nice too.
Fractional BAB (+1.00/+0.75/+0.50 per level), Fractional Saves and best progression limitations (ie., even if you stagger Rogue and another Sneak attack class, so 'Sneak Attack' is gained every level, the better progression (+10D6 Sneak at 19th) is the cap of the build).
15 point stat buy, with a base race or with Advanced Race Guide build your own race rules (which is a 10-point, Standard Race).
Savage Species builds (playing a Race as a Class) is allowed, but they occupy both sides of the build until finished, and must be finished before taking other classes, plus they don't get a stat-point buy but rather end up with whatever their race has.
Low Mythic.. Tier 2, but always 0 Mythic Power and no Archmage Arcana/Champion's Strike etc type effects... so basically, a free +2 to one stat, and either two abilities + one mythic feat or one ability + two mythic feats... no legendary items. Basically, they need to qualify for whatever they take at level 1, and the mythic stuff cannot be retrained.
None of the players wanted the primary healer role, but most have secondary healing of one kind or another.
I've got a few healer's built, because I'd imagine the party is going to go through several characters; we've never really done a dungeon focused campaign, and the group tends to meta-game by believing they can overcome each level, trap, obstacle, puzzle, whatever, if they pick the correct approach... from what I've read, scouting and bypassing obstacles, or running away from some things is an essential survival tactic in products from Necromancer Games.
Aurora, a Nymph > Druid|Oracle.
Jedakya, a Vitalist|Oracle.
Ramirez, a Paladin (Hospitaler)|Oracle/Rogue.
Sensei, a Cleric|Monk.
Vorn, a Barbarian|Druid.
Zod, a Cleric (Merciful) | Undecided...
Should be interesting, anyway.