Here is this as RAW:
If you ever lose the chosen item
We set up a condition.
(have it removed from your possession for a continuous period of more than one day per level)
We define that condition
or if the item is destroyed
We add an additional condition.
you automatically lose 200 XP per level as well as all benefits derived from possessing the linked item (plus any resources you put into the item).
Anything put into the item is now gone after 1day/level and 200 xp/level.
If you recover the item before then, everything is fine.
Your powers in the item are still accessible, but the item itself is not accessible.
To use the item, you must have it in your possession at least one round in any 1 day/level period and be holding/wearing/activating it.
If you recover the item, you regain these XP.
At any point, you recover the item, you get the lost XPs back. and only THESE Xps, not ALL xps. These XPs would be only the XPs mentioned in the feat.
You may replace a lost or destroyed item familiar after you have advanced one level, as if you were gaining an item familiar for the first time.
And that's it. It says NOTHING about getting back your investment, EVER. Period. End of statement. Paragraph is over. Thanks for playing. Have a nice day. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
You may wish to read that again... they only mention regaining the XP because the other benefits are "Derived from possessing the linked item".
No. they mension THESE xps. Not ALL XPS. Or just XPS. They say THESE XPs which must be the XPs of the data set contained within the feat.
What happens when you acquire an item that grants you a bonus for possessing it? You gain the benefits of that bonus.
No. It depends on the item and how you get it. In this case, the how and what is dependent on this feat. We go by the feat, not what you "think".
What happens if you lose that item then reacquire it down the road? You temporarily lose the bonuses until you possess the item again.
No. It does not say that anywhere.
Lose is defined in the paragraph as "Gone more then 1 day/level" That is what lost is. If your familiar item is lost in your couch for a few days, you might not know where it is, but as far as the feat is concerned it is not "LOST". Or on an island with survivors of a crashed air plane trying desperately to come up with a finale that won't piss off the fan base.
Now... one could argue that the invested skill points might be permanently lost, but any skill bonuses you assigned from them would be regained upon reacquiring the item familiar.
One could argue that water is wet. You're like a climate change denier. You assume because you argue that your claim has some form of legitimacy.
Please point to the line in the feat that states you regain your skill points, or that you regain any superset that would contain your skill points.
Nothing changes regarding invested spell slots
you automatically lose 200 XP per level as well as all benefits derived from possessing the linked item
Are the invested skill points a benefit? Yes? YOU LOSE THEM. Not, temporarily unavailable! Not Trained Technicians are working on the problem! You automatically LOSE ALL BENEFITS. ALL. Every last one. What part of 'ALL' is giving you trouble? The A or the LL?"
you already gave up those slots permanently when you invested them and the item grants you bonus slots 2 levels lower by possessing it once they are invested, so reaquiring a lost item familiar would return the bonus spell slots as well.
I used to have a T-Shirt. It looked like this:
This is you. You say stuff that makes sense, then "something happens" and you assume you get your invested benefits back. You are missing step 2. Please explain Step 2 because I cannot understand why you seem to think that if you get the item back you get EVERYTHING back.
The only thing that might not be temporary is the invested skill points... but that comes down to a DM ruling... by RAW you would lose the invested skill points permanently but regain EVERYTHING else upon reacquiring the item familiar,