So if I invest 1000$ in a company I get to keep the thousand dollars and the stock I get in that company? time to go work in the stock markets! This, sadly, is not how an investment works.
This is going to come up a few times, but you clearly have no idea how Item Familiar works, I mean, I forgot that the spell slot was lower level, but you clearly have no idea.
One ability is specifically that you invest a level 5 spell in order to get a bonus level 3 spell. Quick check, if you couldn't still prepare and cast the level 5 spell who would ever do that? No one. Which is why the feat specifically says that you can still use the level 5 slot.
You have to use one of your 3........ 3 Upgrades to get A SINGLE SPELL. And you only get to cast it once because you have to use your invested spell slot. so casting 2 level 9 spells in 1 round is broken? then I guess ever single way to get 2 standard actions is broken. IT'S ALSO LIMITED TO SPELLS WITH NON EXPENSIVE MATERIAL COMPONENTS... AND NO XP COMPONENTS!
Yes, the feat that gives you extra XP, extra skill breaking, extra wealth, and an extra spell slot only lets you cast one spell a day using the item's actions. Well, you know, until you enchanted it as a staff, then it can use it's actions to cast staff spells instead. Or a ring of blinking, whatever.
The fact that something is not the worst way to break the game is not in fact, evidence that it isn't OP.
So what if it's STRONG. would you call power attack broken? no! what about WBL? no! would you call anything ever broken. NO! Because everything has a weakness. Just sunder the item, or steal it, then use a anchor spell so the person can't use returning. just because something is above the normal distribution on a power curve doesn't make it broken it just means you have to use your brain a little more to figure out a way around it.
1) No one is complaining they can't figure out a way to deal with it. Any DM can destroy an item, it's not even hard. The dumb part is that before you destroy the item, the character who has it is too much more powerful than everyone else, so the game is unfun, and after you destroy it, they are so weak that the game is unfun. It's the whole, trying to be fun thing that is at issue.
2) Being above the normal distribution does not make it broken on it's own, that comes more to things like making the game unfun, but if you learn how to read some time in the next couple years, you might accidentally discover that what I said is that it is overpowered, and since being above the normal power distribution is basically a definition for overpowered, that would mean that I am right.
It's almost like the idea of a most important skill is complete(sorry for the curse words) bullshit. I personally feel that Diplomacy is a far better skill then hide will ever be. And to say that giving untyped bonuses is broken because you can get a higher than normal UMD skill to break the game is also stupid because that requires your DM to allow the EXTREMELY controversial reading of UMD. There is also the fact that it cost a 3:1 ratio meaning that some of the biggest skill classes still have to give up more than half there skill points per level leaving little to no optimization in other areas.
1) Well since you can actually play the game with an RNG breaking hide check and you can't with diplomacy, so your DM is much more likely to houserule one of those... But whatever, yes, there are 4 skills that are important for everyone, there is one skill that is important for everyone playing in a game where Diplomacy is used stupidly, there is one skill important to incantatrixes, there is one skill important to bullshit factotum pretenders, and there is one skill important to everyone in a game that lets them UMD staves of Holy Word. But you know, aside from those skills, and the knowledge skills that identify monsters, everything else is pretty shitty.
2) You still don't get that you get to keep the 3 ranks you invested. I wonder if, on realizing that you get to keep the ranks you invest, you will now realize that item familiar is much more powerful, or if you will instead continue to insist it is perfectly balanced. Again, you don't have to give up any skill points at all, you just invest all your ranks, and you still get to use them. You just also get free bonuses.
Who exactly cares about skill RNG? No character worth there salt would rely on skills because there are plenty of ways around it. OH you have a really high hide check. well your in a room with no cover or darkness to hide in. SO you can't hide.
Presumably people who want to play D&D. Although, you know lots of people can just obtain the ability to create concealment at all times. Hell you can buy hide in plain sight for like, 10k or something.
Why would any GOOD player rely on something like RNG? I could also make an item worth about 4000 gold to give me a +10 UNTYPED bonus to 1 ability with about 3 feats. So is 3ish feats and 4k gold equivalent to 1 feat and losing 2/3's of your skill points. NO! it's way under powered. you are losing such a large amount of skill points for such a small bonus TO A SINGLE ABILITY! Don't try to sit there and act like this trade off is some ungodly broken mechanic.
Uh... Once again, you lose zero fucking skill points. Also, you know, for a single feat, Item Familiar, that also gives untyped bonuses to skills, you can actually then craft your item familiar to give you bonuses to as many skills as you want for less money than buying the items. And then you can spend the other feats on other things.
The feat is not overpowered. It moves the power of your character from one aspect to another. It increases versatility. It give more options to non-spell casters who are otherwise weaker that there caster counterparts. And no it does not buff casters because it takes spell levels, a very precious commodity, and makes them more scarce as well as only offering a very limited number of spells and abilities, OF WHICH ARE ALL BELOW THE POWER CURVE.
No, it gives them more power. It doesn't move the power from anywhere, because you don't know how the feat works. . . It takes zero spell levels. It grants extra XP and an extra spell slot for no cost at all. Spellcasters love Item Familiar.
What I said is The punishment for character retirement or dying? no the punishment is for you being to childish to let go of a character that died so you make a clone of your character and call it his brother.
Then you are super mega dumb, because no one said that.
First off. If you think item familiar is THAT unbalanced you really need to get checked out. AT MOST it may be a 1 OR 2 level adjustment not a 18 level adjustment.
Hey dumby dumb face. I didn't say that was an accurate measure of item familiars power, I said that was the proposed solution, and it was terrible. It is just as terrible at 2-3 levels as it is at 18.
And yes. your DM could decide that. The game is your DM's. they are telling the story. If they don't want casters they don't have to have them. If they don't want to incluse TOB they don't have to. If they don't want to allow red wizard because they hate circle magic. GUESS WAHT. ~they don't have to~ Just play your part STFU and be happy about it.
You are a terrible monstrous person who is a cancer on the hobby. As a DM this offends the fuck out of me. As a human being this offends me. It is a cooperative storytelling game. If the DM doesn't want to play a cooperative storytelling game they can go write a novel. If they do, then the fun of the people at the game is always more important than fapping to your story.