I suppose if you really wanted a "good" feat-based fighter, you could give him more HP, more skill points, more class skills, and a feat every level. Plus the ability to "switch out" feats when you level, like retraining but without costing time or money. People regularly use two-level Fighter dips even in Warblade builds for the bonus feats, so if there are no featless levels, theoretically the rest of the Fighter will be as good as the two-level dip.
In practice, however, you don't actually need that many Fighter feats, and most Fighter feats kinda suck.
But really, most Warblade manoeuvers are generic enough in effect that, if you re-write the fluff, they aren't any different in flavour from combat feats. "King of combat feats" is not the fighter's flavour because "combat feats" is not a flavour description, it is a mechanical one. There is no such thing as a "combat feat" in-universe.
3b contradicts 3a. If you want more class variety, then by definition you will be diverging from the core flavour of the classes.
As for 5, there are already loads of good feats. For extra mileage, you can trim down feat chains: remove Dodge and Point Blank Shot and Toughness and similar boring baseline feats from prerequisites. However, that would lead to you needing even less Fighter feats.
Talent trees are just a second set of feats. Nothing really worth adapting to D&D.