Hows the feat look?
PINK PANTHER Photo by Norr
"________." You are that rarest of big cats, the Pink Panther, worth your own weight in diamonds in a small market for exotic pets and private zoos owned by the rich and eccentric. You're also a pretty darn good jewel thief.
BECOMING A PINK PANTHER The appropriate kitty forms will do you.
ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Kitty Form: Bigger Cat Form
Enhanced Kitty Form: Pink Panther Form, Spidercat
Skills: Appraise 8 ranks, Hide 12 ranks, Move Silently 12 ranks
Feats: Cattitude
Class Skills The Pink Panther's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Disable Device (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Local, Nobility and Royalty) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skills Points at Each Level : 4 + int
Hit Dice: d8
[b] BAB Fort Ref Will Abilities[/b]
1. +0 +0 +2 +0 Trap Resistance
2. +1 +0 +3 +0 Worth Your Weight in Gold
3. +2 +1 +3 +1 Your Own Personal Theme Music
4. +3 +1 +4 +1 Improved Trap Resistance
5. +3 +1 +4 +1 A Certain Coolness Factor
6. +4 +2 +5 +2 Your Own Personal Theme Music
7. +5 +2 +5 +2 Superior Trap Resistance
8. +6 +2 +6 +2 Hide in Plain Sight
9. +6 +3 +6 +3 Your Own Personal Theme Music
10.+7 +3 +7 +3 Too Cool For You
Weapon Proficiencies: A Pink Panther gains no new Weapon or Armor Proficiencies.
Trap Resistance (Su): At 1st Level, if you would normally set off a trap due to a failed Save, you get to roll 1d20 plus 1/2 your Hit Dice, plus your Charisma modifier. If this total is higher than the Trap’s Save DC, the trap activates after you have passed through it's area of effect instead. If the Trap makes an Attack roll instead of requiring a Save, compare (10 plus the Traps Attack Bonus) to (your Armor Class +4). If you have the higher number, it still doesn't activate until you pass (if not it attacks like normal). If it allows no Save and makes no Attack roll, you pass it unharmed and it activates afterward.
Worth Your Weight in Gold (Ex): Pink Panthers are fairly rare and exotic cats (mostly because they don't exist other than you). No one wants to see you dead since having a live Pink Panther is worth too much. So unless you attack them first, they will in no way use lethal force against you. This is effectively identical to a Sanctuary Spell except the Save DC is 10 plus 1/2 your Hit Dice plus your Charisma Modifier, it's permanently in effect, is not Supernatural, and doesn't prevent them from using attacks that would not harm you or ruin your pelt (you need to look spiffy and undamaged for the zoo). Harm is defined as any attack that would permanently maim or disable or scar/mutilate you. This includes lethal damage, ability damage/drain, energy drain, death effects, etc. Also, your use of non-lethal attacks doesn't break the effect (lethal in this case having the same definition for attacks they would use against you).
Your Own Personal Theme Music (Su): Beginning at Level 3, when in Pink Panther Form, your jazz soundtrack no longer makes Hide and Move Silently Checks impossible (nor does it provide a penalty), much to the vast amusement of people watching someone try to find you.
At Level 6 your Spell Resistance in Pink Panther Form includes spells which are Language Dependent, and it increases by +2.
At Level 9 you automatically Dispel and spells that reduce or eliminate noise such as Silence when you come within 30' of them. It would seem counter-intuitive but Permanent Silence spells are often part of the traps used against thieves in the area of the world you live in.
Improved Trap Resistance (Su): At 4th Level, if you successfully make your Trap Resistance roll (or avoid the Trap because it allows no Save, or beat it's attack roll in the comparison test), you may decide whether the trap goes off at all. If you let it activate you can delay activation up to 5 rounds after you leave it's area of effect. For Traps with Attack rolls you now compare (10 plus the Traps Attack Bonus) to (your Armor Class +6).
A Certain Coolness Factor (Su): You can make Disable Device or Open Lock Checks in Kitty form as a Standard Action by swatting the object with your paw.
Superior Trap Resistance (Su): At 7th Level, if you successfully make your Trap Resistance roll (or avoid the Trap because it allows no Save, or beat it's attack roll in the comparison test), you may choose a set of conditions which automatically cause the Trap to go off until a Remove Curse, Miracle, or Wish is cast on it. Or optionally you can choose a set of conditions (such as a password) which cause the trap to not go ff as well. For Traps with Attack rolls you now compare (10 plus the Traps Attack Bonus) to (your Armor Class +8).
Hide in Plain Sight (Su): You may now use Hide even in plain sight while being observed, regardless of whether or not there is anything you can actually hide behind.
Too Cool For You (Su): You now permanently have the benefits of a Freedom of Movement Spell. In addition you do not take Skill Check penalties on Balance, Climb, Hide, or Move Silently Checks while moving at full speed.
PLAYING A PINK PANTHER You are the epitome of cool. You know it, and you make darn sure other people do too. Mostly by walking in their front door in plain sight accompanied by nifty jazz music, stealing all their jewelry, and yet somehow escaping unobserved without setting off a single trap.
Combat: You're a lover, not a fighter. Despite your size, you get in, get the job done, and then run for it. If fighting is required, you leave that job to someone else. You're a thief.
Advancement: Panthers are fairly individualistic. Despite being nonconformist, you are generally remarkably similar in your abilities though with only some variation.
Resources: You pretty much have to steal what you want unless you've sold a former haul and are currently well off enough to afford what you need for the next one.
PINK PANTHERS IN THE WORLD "When I went on my first zsrafari... frazari... wild animal hunt..." By day you are a pet of the significantly wealthy. By night you steal their bling. Then you leave and hope they assume someone has stolen their super rare and valuable pet as well,.
Daily Life: You live long periods of time in the wilderness hoping some rich butthead sends a safari out to catch you so you can live a short pampered existence whilst figuring out where he keeps his stash of diamonds. Then it's a brief night of terror whilst you heist them and escape, and many booze filled dreamless nights before you repeat the cycle. Seriously, you need help.
Organizations: Most Pink Panthers tend to be loners, though they usually have ties to small Cat Burglar Guilds who trained them that they still owe fealty to.
NPC Reaction NPC's tend to hate you if they're rich, and love you if they're poor because you steal from the rich.
PINK PANTHERS IN THE GAME This assumes a combat light campaign played for whimsy and shenanigans more than bloodshed.
Adaptation: This is definitely meant for silly campaigns.
Encounters: PC's will usually encounter Pink Panthers on jewelry heists, either as competition or companions.
Sample Encounter EL 12: The PC's have been hired to guard a giant pink diamond, and the equally giant pink cat that goes with it. Apparently both of them are valuable enough the owner will burn cities to get them back if stolen. No pressure.
Init +0,
Senses: Listen +, Spot +,
Languages ------------------------------------------------
AC , touch , flat-footed ()
hp ( HD)
Fort +,
Ref +,
Will +
Speed ft. ( squares)
Melee Base Atk +,
Grp +
Atk Options Combat GearSpells Prepared Supernatural Abilities -----------------------------------------------
Abilities Str , Dex , Con , Int , Wis , Cha
SQ Feats Skills PossessionsEPIC PINK PANTHER Hit Die: d8
Skills Points at Each Level : 4 + int
Bonus Feats: The Epic Pink Panther gains a Bonus Feat every 2 levels higher than 20th