Here's the link.If you're like me, you probably view the maneuver system as the best thing since sliced bread for martials. Versatile, interesting to play characters not limited to "charge/full attack" and Big Dumb Fighter stereotypes. A list of interesting options and choices in combat, from defensive counters to battlefield control and buffs which can help the party. A Pathfinder spiritual sequel produced by one of the best 3rd Party publishers who put out balanced, playtested products.
It's a shame, then, that the ideas are very divisive in the D&D community. As a result, I see even the most liberal of GMs in online groups banning the use of said books. I figured with the relative difficulty in finding Tome of Battle/Path of War-friendly games, that a Roll20 community dedicated to its fans would be a good idea.
This Roll20 community is not a game per se, but a hub of sorts for 3.X and Pathfinder fans who enjoy such material in their games whether as player or GM. If you have a Roll20 account and wish to join, post in the discussion forum and let me know!