Author Topic: Giving 6th level spells to your friendly neighborhood Level 1 follower.  (Read 6134 times)

Offline Mr. woop woop

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I have a weird train of thought.
1: So I was looking for a way to make rock lee's primary lotus.
2: I decide to be devious and try to put explosive runes spell on the bandages.
3: So how do I set them off? with a contingent spell for dispel magic: area.
4: OK. So how do I chain contingent spells So I don't have to load them each time? (couldn't find how) HOWEVER it lead me to this.

First you will need to buy Bracelets of Spell Sharing
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Second we use contingency spell
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the spell does say "The spell to be brought into effect by the contingency must be one that affects your person"
but to that I say... well, damage effects my person. any spell effects a caster in that they lose that spell usage for the day.
due to the loose wording of the spell, ANY spell meets these requirements.

THEN we take the echoing spell metamagic feat
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...Some may already notice where this is going.

All we do is cast a contingency spell of ... lets say an echoing fire ball.
due to share spell ring it is applied to your follower as well.
Now we use one of many ways to make the follower temp immune to the fireball and set off the contingency spell.
For the rest of the day.(echoing sadly only lasts 1 day QQ) Your level 1 follower can cast a Fireball.

While you can only have 1 contingent spell active on yourself/any creature, your followers don't count as you(duh)
This means you can make as many of these as you have spells over days/CL time span.
activate the contingency when you want to go off on your adventure.
and have a disposal of x amount of whatever spells you want.
Wizards don't have enough versatility? Buy some cheap hirelings to take with you everywhere and cast spells that you prepared on a different day! :D
So now your level 1 followers from leadership have a use other than sitting there making money.

If you can lower the effect or the level adjustment of spell's(spell perfection?) you could have any 6th level spell on your minion.
(currently a base max of 3rd level spells due to echoings +3 spell levels)

If you used the reserves of strength feat (depending on the *interpretation)
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We could take the spell level up to epic if we had the spell slots to do so.

*The feat reserves of strength can be interpreted in 1 of 2 ways.
        1:It unlocks the uppermost cap of the spell. (no caster level limit.) (a caster level(CL) 20 would hit a 20d6 fireball)(this is "you break it you buy it" so use this interpretation for ideas at breaking this further. :D)
        2:it only allows the +3 to caster level bypass the limit. (a caster level 20 would deal a 13d6 fireball)

Can anyone find a way of making this more "you break it you buy it" worthy?
better yet. What spells would you want to use on a level 1 follower? form of the dragon 3?

Other peoples idea's:
« Last Edit: April 21, 2015, 07:34:04 AM by Mr. woop woop »
Woop woop woop woop woop woop

Offline Endarire

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What about using chain contingency from Tome and Blood?  It's 3.0, but - to my knowledge - was never updated to 3.5, thus making it compatible. 

Offline Mr. woop woop

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What about using chain contingency from Tome and Blood?  It's 3.0, but - to my knowledge - was never updated to 3.5, thus making it compatible.

party wizard: ok hireling! Time to give you time stop, create pit, and wall of force before we head out!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 01:03:38 AM by Mr. woop woop »
Woop woop woop woop woop woop

Offline sambojin

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Bit of a necro (only a year, so it doesn't really count as proper necromancy), but.....

If you were using full transparency (ie: Psionic Powers and spells are exactly the same), you could manifest Energy Conversion on yourself, have it bracelet'd to your mook, and then both stand in an Energy Wall for a while (concentration+1 round duration, so as much time as needed to give your mook an acceptable amount of zappyness).

Congratulations. You now have a ki-blast mook to come along and DBZ stuff for you. If he stands in a sonic wall for 10mins (100 rounds), he'll be quite the object wrecker when he comes out. No hardness is great for destroying nice things, even if he can't hit an enemy to save his life. But a flat 21 minimum damage point ray is pretty good for a lvl1 mook. Especially when he has about 6-800pts worth of them to fire off, depending on energy type.

It saves that whole +3 spell level thing of echoing, and lasts a good two hours of ranged touch attack blasting fun. Cold/Fire/Electricity/Sonic, the choice is yours. Just stick him in the Energy Wall, wait ten minutes, and give him a two copper pay rise. Preferably after you've cast Energy Conversion and bracelet'd it to him. Unless you want to save two coppers.

You may as well have it effect your psi-crystal while you're at it, for a decent lazor show. If you really want to (or can) pip some metamagic on it, Fell Drain (affecting all three of you) is a nice little bonus at +2 spell levels. Lvl9 spell/power, yes, but good for funsies.

I have no idea if a Spellblade could store just the shooty bit of Energy Conversion, but if it could, here's your tennis generator. At least it works per round, not spells bounced/stored each day. It would be limited by Energy Conversion's duration, but it's quick to charge at least.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 08:39:43 AM by sambojin »

Offline Garryl

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I have a weird train of thought.

Doesn't work. The whole premise is based on using a shared Contingency to let an ally cast an Echoing spell, but that's not what Contingency does. You cast the companion spell initially when you cast the Contingency. It's a little ambiguous if the companion spell effectively gets cast again when the Contingency triggers or if its effects are just produced from the original casting. Either way, the ally does not get Echoing's extra cast.
- If there's no second casting, there's nothing for Echoing to trigger from, so no extra cast.
- If it is cast again, it's the Contingency spell casting it, not the subject (and the Contingency discharges at the same time), so again, no extra cast.

Note: The Echoing Spell feat quoted is from Pathfinder, but there is a similar feat from Secrets of Xendrik for 3.5.

Bit of a necro (only a year, so it doesn't really count as proper necromancy), but.....

If you were using full transparency (ie: Psionic Powers and spells are exactly the same), you could manifest Energy Conversion on yourself, have it bracelet'd to your mook, and then both stand in an Energy Wall for a while (concentration+1 round duration, so as much time as needed to give your mook an acceptable amount of zappyness).

Congratulations. You now have a ki-blast mook to come along and DBZ stuff for you. If he stands in a sonic wall for 10mins (100 rounds), he'll be quite the object wrecker when he comes out. No hardness is great for destroying nice things, even if he can't hit an enemy to save his life. But a flat 21 minimum damage point ray is pretty good for a lvl1 mook. Especially when he has about 6-800pts worth of them to fire off, depending on energy type.

It saves that whole +3 spell level thing of echoing, and lasts a good two hours of ranged touch attack blasting fun. Cold/Fire/Electricity/Sonic, the choice is yours. Just stick him in the Energy Wall, wait ten minutes, and give him a two copper pay rise. Preferably after you've cast Energy Conversion and bracelet'd it to him. Unless you want to save two coppers.

You may as well have it effect your psi-crystal while you're at it, for a decent lazor show. If you really want to (or can) pip some metamagic on it, Fell Drain (affecting all three of you) is a nice little bonus at +2 spell levels. Lvl9 spell/power, yes, but good for funsies.

I have no idea if a Spellblade could store just the shooty bit of Energy Conversion, but if it could, here's your tennis generator. At least it works per round, not spells bounced/stored each day. It would be limited by Energy Conversion's duration, but it's quick to charge at least.

This is good. Sharing Energy Conversion with a psicrystal is old hat, but adding in the Bracelets of Spell Sharing adds an extra level. That being said, with the bracelets costing so much (60k gp), it's still limited to very high levels only, and a cheap hireling is unlikely to make his touch attack for the ray, not to mention dying to the first area attack or being disabled by a Frightening Presence that you'd normally ignore. Remember, the hireling needs to stay within 60 feet of you to share the spell with the bracelets, so he can't go off adventuring on his own with super death lasers.

Note that full transparency doesn't actually make spellcasting feats apply to powers or vice-versa (just spells, spell-like abilities, and magic items). Even if it did, not using spell slots would still make it impossible to apply metamagic when manifesting powers. There are ways to get metamagic like Fell Drain to apply to powers, they're just a little more convoluted and I think involve a PrC that I can't remember.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 09:33:08 PM by Garryl »

Offline sambojin

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Beyond 60' just halves the duration. At (130mins minimum/2)-10mins for charging, he still gets an hour of sonic object breaking. Yes, total waste of a lvl7+lvl3 power, but it's something. He'll roll at least some natural-20s (2'ish), so he might hit something at some point. Which is better than most lvl1 mooks when you're lvl13+. Not much better, but still a little bit.

Offline Garryl

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Beyond 60' just halves the duration

I misread that. Thanks. That makes the item much more interesting.

Offline PlzBreakMyCampaign

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tl;dr does this work if all forms of spell-sharing are banned? I'm checking to make sure this won't work under the MetaCompendium's Fixed 3.5e