I came across this handbook ages ago, and it might be some good advice for what you're looking for:
Tark's Macho Melee Summoning Guide.
Also, with the Improved Share Spells feat, it shouldn't be that hard. You get to split your buffs between your Eidolon and yourself, giving you 3E's old Share Spells ability instead of the extremely confusingly named Pathfinder one. With a few of those up and running, you should be pretty solid.
Alternatively, have you considered playing a Hunter? They are very similar to the Summoner, sort of the Ranger/Druid equivalent. They are a bit more warrior-esque than the Summoner, and importantly they are a fountain of Teamwork feats. So, you'll really feel like you're contributing in melee combat, if only b/c you're setting up your Animal Companion to do fabulous things with your Teamwork abilities.