Been over a year since I looked at them, so guess I'll check them out for nerfs...
Crane is good if you can use the original version that deflects one attack per round w/o total defending. Otherwise, it's complete garbage.
Snake Fang I highly recommend. AoO on every miss is almost like Roblilar's Gambit, albeit unarmed only. Middle feat is pure garbage, making this ideal for a MoMS "dip and skip."
Tiger Pounce is good if using a 2H weapon since nothing about it is limited to unarmed only. Still decent for unarmed, just for the pursuit ability, but the Shock Trooper-like "power attack penalty to AC" is the biggest draw. Middle feat is pure garbage, making this ideal for a MoMS "dip and skip." (the base style feat sucks too, though....Pounce is literally the only reason to go this route)
Wolf Savage is really good if you can reliably other words, you're just dipping Monk. Bestow Curse is a strong effect to have at will. Wolf Style and Wolf Trip are both decent feats if using a 2H weapon with reach, too. You'd just need to be able to do 10+ damage unarmed or natural for Savage.
Pummeling Style is new. The base feat is hard to understand, but it sounds like "Clustered Shots for unarmed," which is good. Bully and Charge are odd...there's no clear hierarchy, though Charge has higher level-based requirements. Charge is basically pounce, so that's awesome. Bully has good synergy w/ Wolf Savage. But the requirements for Bully are feat-heavy and level-heavy for Charge. If you want the Wolf/Pummeling combo, might be worth spending both MoMS feats on Charge and Bully and getting all three Wolf ones normally.
Jabbing Style tree also seems to synergize w/ Pummeling. I actually think the bonus damage is forgettable (Boar Style can do similar, easier), and the main attraction is the 2nd feat, Dancer, for the potential mobility (you could use Pummeling Charge to pounce then gradually maneuver around the foe, even). Which means while promising...this is kind of a waste for MoMS feats. If you're comboing w/ Pummeling, that works out, though.
Kobold Style tree gets special lulz mention for the potential to completely ignore its Small size requirement via Unarmed Fighter and MoMS. Probably not worth it, though. Grappling generally sucks in PF so the 3rd feat is useless. 2nd feat is potentially good if you have sneak attack. Still probably not worth wasting two precious bonus feats towards, and you DEFINITELY don't want to be a dumbass and actually try making a small tripping build.
Cudgeler Style is pretty awful, but there's one thing that's probably an error to be exploited... Cudgeler Takedown's save DC vs. stun is 10 + character level + Str mod. ....Not 1/2 level. That's a pretty awesome save DC (you do have to charge AND trip successfully first, though). Of course, you need all three feats to use this. Again, the full style has synergy w/ Pummeling Charge since the entire tree is charge-based. It rewards high strength and weapon use (well, it doesn't force you to go unarmed, so a big-ass 2H reach weapon instantly becomes the best choice) so I'd like to say it has synergy w/ Tiger Pounce, and it does have some.... But the pursuit of Tiger Pounce directly conflicts with the focus on charging constantly, so it probably is a poor combo. Still....that save DC... Since you need all three and the only extra requirement is Bludgeoner, which you'd need to blow all three bonus feats on just to avoid taking, I'd say this is not worth spending bonus feats on. But still promising.
Archon style is another that needs all three to work and is thus bad for bonus feat choices, but still a good style. The AC bonus to allies is junk, the real winner is Diversion to re-direct an attack to you -- and it doesn't auto-hit you, either! -- and (with the 3rd feat) if you are hit, allies get AoOs! This is solid tanking. You need the 2nd feat for it to be worth it at all and the 3rd feat does genuinely boost things, so...get all three. I think this is a good combo w/ Snake Fang, drawing attacks to you and then the foe eats AoOs whether he hits you or not.