I want to make a 10th level character that has 5 levels of Storm Sentry. Assume 32 point buy. All non-setting-specific and all Eberron books are on the table. Online articles from Wizards are acceptable sources too. Cross-class skills only cost 1 point due to house rules and PC classes get an extra 2 skills per level, so the skills should not be difficult to obtain.
I want this character to be able to do some decent damage and BFC with the abilities of his dragonmark. He's set up as a minor villain with access to mooks to harass a 3 person group consisting of a Dwarf Fighter/Barbarian/Crusader (like JaronK's shield charger), a Human Artificer focused on self buffing, and a Half Elf Archivist doing BFC. The character doesn't necessarily need the daily longevity of a PC adventurer, but I would like it to be workable for at least 2 encounters in a day.
2 levels of Fighter for Dungeoncrasher would be a good start. 2 levels of Psychic Warrior to gain extra feats and Expansion to help with the Bull Rushing sounds decent too. I'm the DM for the game so there's no issue with ruling Dungeoncrasher and Expansion to be synergistic with Lyrandar's fist. With fractional BAB in play, a level of Dragonmark Heir should help meet the BAB requirement of Storm Sentry and grab the Lesser Mark for free.
1. Fighter 1 Favored in House, open feat
2. Fighter 2 Dungeoncrasher
3. Psychic Warrior 1 Improved Bull rush, Least Dragonmark: Mark of Storm - Gust of Wind
4. Psychic Warrior 2 open feat
5. Dragonmark Heir 1 Lesser Dragonmark: Mark of Storm - Sleet Storm
6. Storm Sentry 1 open feat, perhaps Dragonmark Prodigy or Adept for more uses?
7. Storm Sentry 2
8. Storm Sentry 3
9. Storm Sentry 4 Great Dragonmark: Mark of Storm - help me choose which ability would work better
10. Storm Sentry 5