Author Topic: 3.5 - Gestalt - Druid/Totemist Brainstorming  (Read 2415 times)

Offline cG1385

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3.5 - Gestalt - Druid/Totemist Brainstorming
« on: June 08, 2015, 03:29:17 AM »
In a short while my play group will be starting a new Gestalt campaign.  We are usually strictly Gestalt since there are only 3-4 players max, so we like to experience mixing and matching to see what comes out.  This character concept is based off the idea that if this campaign is like most every other one, there will be low money output, and little to no frequent magic item drops.  Also, it's assuming we only make it to our general max level of 10-15.  All the current choices are made with low complexity, and avoiding hardcore min/maxing tricks.  Alignment issues are negotiable to a point (aka: barbarian/monk is something that would need discussing lol.) We play the game, and make decisions using our own personalities along with our class choice to shape how the characters evolve.

Books available: All 3.5 compatible ... No psionics

Party Makeup: Myself (D/T), Fighter/Cleric, Sorcerer/Monk, Undecided

Initial Classes: Druid // Totemist with the dreaded Vow of Poverty feature  :smirk

Race: Whisper Gnome

Ability Scores: 4d6 roll, drop lowest, reroll 1's.
     Str:  12 (14->12 WG -2 Racial)
     Dex: 18 (16->18 WG +2)
     Con: 18 (16->18 WG +2)
     Int:  15
     Wis: 18
     Cha: 12 (14->12 WG -2)

I pretty much have all the feats lined up the way I want them, so that isn't a problem.  I'm just looking for advice on the level progression aspect.  The initial 12 levels are pretty easy to set up, it's the ones after I'm drawing a blank on.  There are only 2 set in stone features to keep in mind. 1) Druid 20. 2) Totemist 10 for 3 available binds.

1  -  4) Druid // Totemist *ruled that Soulmelds work in Wild Shape*
5       ) Druid // Monk (T4) *used to boost low AC of initial wild shapes and to add a benefit of high Wis*
6       ) Druid // Rogue (M1, T4) *ruled that each strike qualifies a Sneak Attack, add an extra D6 to common opponents*
7 - 12) Druid // Totemist 10 (M1, R1)
13-20) Druid // ??? (T10, M1, R1)

This is where I hit a wall.  The only thing that enters my mind to progress is to take Monk or Rogue 2 for Evasion.  I like the Totemist, but I feel as though I don't need to progress it further to get what I need.  PrC's are open to suggestions.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Re: 3.5 - Gestalt - Druid/Totemist Brainstorming
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2015, 04:25:55 PM »
"Rogue ... *ruled that each strike qualifies a Sneak Attack, add an extra D6 to common opponents*"
That's worth having very early.  You'll have more than 1 strike via Totemist.

// Totemist 1 or 2 / Rogue 1 / Totemist to 3 / Monk 2 / Totemist to 10
so then
Druid / Fancy Druid PrC that loses CLs 
//  as above / Druid to back fill missing CLs / how much help did a Druid need in the first place ?! class

Druid back fill levels > before more Totemist levels
smidge of a dumpster dive for whatever the Monk 2 you want.

EDIT --- but if you can stand it, Monk 2 / Totemist 2 gets enough of that,
then go for Sneak Attack shenanigans, because that Houserule is VERY  juicy.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2015, 04:42:44 PM by awaken_D_M_golem »
Your codpiece is a mimic.