Author Topic: Environmancer 1: City  (Read 1432 times)

Offline Threadnaught

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Environmancer 1: City
« on: June 23, 2015, 07:04:47 AM »
I want to build a team of characters capable of twisting the environment to their advantage. Earthen Druid, Skyward Sha'ir, Waterborne Wizard, Planar Artificer and City slicker Cleric.
I understand that I could just use Spells that replicate the flavour I'm looking for, but I'd rather find that flavour some other way. Each character is to end at level 30.

The first of the environmancers, the City slicker Cleric.

I'm set on having Urban Soul 10 in the build, while being able to cast 9th level Cleric Spells, with access to the City Domain for Permanent Emanation Animate City.

What cool Cleric PrCs are there, which would allow 7-10 levels of Casting and  Domain advancement, for an Evil Cleric hiding in plain sight?
I'd prefer to be able to do all of this as a Changeling if possible, are there any ways to make Changeling qualify for Race exclusive PrCs?
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 07:06:25 AM by Threadnaught »

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Re: Environmancer 1: City
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2015, 12:16:10 PM »
The Racial Emulation feat allows a changeling to count for all purposes as a member of the race he is mimicking. This includes PrC prerequisite based on race, such as Shadowcraft Mage.