Let's say your party found out the princess is a doppleganger. So you break into the castle to capture the princess and your buddy, the NPC captain of the gaurd, catches you in the act. If he isn't listening / got deafened and your party doesn't have time to stop and explain before the (of course) even viceroy comes too, you may have to fight him quickly. Since he's fighting you, he isn't Helpful or he would literally knock himself out so that you have a clean getaway without him getting fired. His possible attitude states are: Hostile (Will take risks to hurt you), Unfriendly (Wishes you ill), Indifferent (Doesn’t much care), Friendly (Wishes you well).
Its a shame that RAW has no inverse of the
fanatic state. It would be something like Beserk (Will give life to harm you): fights you to the death against overwhelming odds or throw self in front of onrushing dragon to get into attack range against you, if reachable. Its an even bigger shame that RAW doesn't allow diplomacy to step down by more than one attitude. This seems to mean, that by raw, you can't flub a roll to a king and have him arrest you and treat you like a common criminal. Or if your fighter fails a diplomacy roll to his old superior, that NPC won't go from wishing him the best to talking behind is back. Not in one roll, atleast.
The above is basically why the attempts to use diplomacy for agro fail; if your party members are already fighting something, they are just as hostile to you and to your party members ("possible actions" include "attack"), so ironically, there's no RAW why they can hate you more. No matter what you do to them or how annoying you are.
There isn't even a standard way to remove more than one attitude level in a single roll if your DM allowed it. Getting a fanatic who loved you but hated your allies would take the following tiers of DCs: -50, -60 or -70, -90 or -85, -120 or -95, -150 or -96 depending on how you run the chart backwards. Formulas are better than charts! Speaking of multiple rolls, the rules assume you are trying to use diplomacy to make people like you rather than dislike you, so they are a little fuzzy on that. At the very least, you'd have to spend a multiple full round actions to correctly "taunt" potential combatants which is inefficient.
As for Intimidate, it requires minutes worth of non-agro time, so it allows combatants to focus party members during that. Nope! Ronin only works with authority members if they know your name. Nope! Night Mask Deathbringer (and wild empathy) is (usually) only for animals. Nope and Nope! Vigilant Sentinel of Aerenal's deep class ability and Entrall are [M-A]. Nope and Nope!
tl;dr: can initiate fights on indifferents but not friendly combatants. RAW is missing attitudes below Hostile:
Mark of Sin spell [CC124] Cleric 5 permanent attitude one step worse (unless they already know you), and -10 on Diplo checks.
Diplomacy full round DC0 -> indifferent
Wanderer's Diplomacy feat [PHB2p85] standard action Bluff DC0 down one attitude as above.