Author Topic: [3.P] Gentleman Adventurer  (Read 1415 times)


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[3.P] Gentleman Adventurer
« on: August 01, 2015, 06:19:47 AM »
The Gentleman Adventurer, a classic archetype in the world of fantasy. But not quite as often seen as others are. A rich and flashy adventure. Smooth and slick, polite yet with a strong wit as sharp and deadly are their swords. Its quite hard to play as a Gentleman Adventurer. Both in terms of theme, and in terms of mechanics. The Swashbuckler comes close, but close is not good enough my friends. Not good enough at all.

So when the system does not provide, we turn to homebrew. I could not see anything that fit the gentleman adventurer, thus I have decided to dedicate a class entirely to them. Whenever you play as a charismatic gentleman who can who women with a flash of his smile, or a scholar whose cunning plans make his enemies tremble. Or perhaps you're a rash young-blood, bold, adventurous and daring... and then of course, there is the villain. Moustache twirling, diabolically evil and love it. This class should cover them all.

Gentleman Adventurer

Attributes: Intelligent and/or Charisma are the main attributes for a Gentleman Adventurer, as its fuels their class features. Constitution are secondary, for fortitude and health. With Strength or Dexterity usable to supplement their melee ability
Races: Masters of mixing class with danger, humans are far and away the most common of the Gentleman Adventurers. Half-Elves that were raised by humans, tend to make effective Charismatic Gentleman Adventurers as well. Other races can become Gentleman Adventurers, but are likely to be looked on strangely by their kin,
Alignment: Any. Due to the the wide variety of the Gentleman Adventurers, you could have a loyal soldier to the crown, a swashbuckling freedom fighter, a noble that cares little about others, yet keeps themselves out of trouble, or the famous moustache twirling diabolically evil villain.

Class Skills
The Gentleman Adventurer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (All) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha)
Skill Points at first level: (6 + Int Modifier)x4
Skill Points at each additional level: 6 + Int Modifier.
Hit Die: d8

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Gentleman Adventurer.
Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Gentleman Adventurer are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as one light or one-handed exotic weapon of choice. They are proficient with light and medium armour, and with all shields (except tower shields)

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Performer vs Tactician
Whilst there are many different types of Gentleman Adventurers, they can all be split into two different categories. The Charismatic Performer, and the Intelligent Tactician. At first level, you chose to either become a Performer or a Tactician. If you chose to be a Performer, you gain Gather Information, Handle Animal and Perform as class skills. If you chose to be a Tactician, you gain Decipher Script, Forgery, Spellcraft as class skills.

Due to the flexibility of the Gentleman Adventurers, it is possible for a Performer to have some skills as a Tactician, and a Tactician to have some of the Performer’s flair. Though they lose some of their potency in order to gain these abilities. For every two abilities you select is the same as your choice for this class feature, you gain a +1 Bonus to either Charisma (for Performers), or Intelligence (for Tacticians)

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A Gentleman’s Education
Gentleman Adventurers are slick and well-trained, no matter where they come from. Chose either Performer Skills or Tactician’s Skills. You gain 2 skills points at every level, (and x4 at first level) that you can spend only on skills derived from Charisma (for Performers), or Intelligence (for Tacticians).

At level 5, and every 5 levels afterwards. You gain an additional skill point per level to spend on the skills, taking into account previous levels.. If you can no longer take any skills derived from your attribute, then you can spend those skill points freely.

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Monster Lore
A Gentleman Adventurer is smooth, slick and very well educated. Whilst his fellow man might be flexible beyond belief, monsters follow a general template that can be studied and learned, and this is something all Gentleman Adventurer’s learn about. At level 2, when making any knowledge check about monsters (including for feats like Knowledge Devotion), a Gentleman Adventurer can chose not to use the normal knowledge skill required, but make a special Monster Lore Knowledge check with a bonus equal to his Gentleman Adventurer level + his Intelligence modifier.

For every 5 ranks in the appropriate knowledge skill for the monster, the Gentleman Adventurer gains a +2 bonus towards his Monster Lore checks. If though multiclassing or other means, the Gentleman Adventurer has the favored enemy class feature, he can apply the bonus to his Monster Lore checks against the specific monsters.

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Flourishing Style
Gentleman Adventurers are skilled combatants, and have unique fighting styles born from their spectacular education that a mere fighter cannot easily replicate. At 2nd level, choose one of the following.
Swashbuckler: This Gentleman Adventurer is a master fencer. Their class features only work when they are wielding a single weapon in one hand, either a buckler or nothing at all in the other hand. Swift and nimble, this Gentleman Adventurer gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat.
Florentine: Whilst as Swashbuckler might use a buckler at best, this Gentleman Adventurer has learned the art of using a second, lighter weapon in conjunction with the other, as such their class features only work when wielding a light weapon in their off-hand. You gain Two-Weapon Fighting as a bonus feat.
Kung-Fu: Having learned the secrets of the ancient arts of Kung-Fu, a Gentleman Adventurer abandons weaponry and turns their very body into a deadly weapon, because of this, they only gain their class-features when fighting unarmed. You gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.
Knight: Solid and strong, a Knight wields the traditional sword and shield combo, giving him a strong defence to back up his offense. This Gentleman Adventurer gains Shield Specialization and Shield Ward as bonus feats.
Juggler: The only Gentleman Adventurer that fights at range, the Juggler wields a light-throwing weapons with deadly accuracy and ability, whilst still being sufficient at close range combat. They gain Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot as bonus feats

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Bonus Feats
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, a  Gentleman Adventurer gains a bonus feat. The  Gentleman Adventurer may choose from the list of fighter bonus feats or luck feats. A  Gentleman Adventurer is considered as a fighter of his class level minus four for feats that have a fighter level prerequisite.

Tricky Combat
At 3rd level, the Gentleman Adventurer has experienced combat enough to know the little tricks and skills that can give him an edge in combat, beyond the normal stabby slashing business. Chose either Performer Combat or Tactician Combat. Performers gain Improved Feint and Improved Disarm as Bonus Feats. Whilst a Tactician gains Improved Trip and Improved Sunder as Bonus Feats.

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Reckless Assault
At 4th level, the Gentleman Adventurer knows that sometimes, in order to get results. One must be willing to take risks, risks that to others might appear reckless. Indeed, perhaps they are, or perhaps they know they are not. Whenever it be a calculated decision or gut instinct. When wielding a one-handed weapon, a Gentleman Adventurer can take a -2 penalty to their attack, in order to added +1d8 to the base damage of their weapon until the end of your turn. This can be used whilst dual-wielding.

At 8th Level, and every four levels afterwards. The Gentleman Adventurer can reduce his attack by a further -1, and add another +1d8 to the base damage of their weapon. Reckless Assault is treated as Power Attack for all intents and purposes, meaning that it cannot be used in conjunction of Power Attack.

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Explorer’s Knack
At level 4, a Gentleman Adventurer likely has a quest or two under his belt, and has come to an realization. The ability to properly traverse and survive in all environment without aid is a rather important to have, as one never knows when one might be imprisoned, stripped of your possessions and dumped onto a desert island to die, amongst other scenarios.

When making a Balance, Climb, Jump, Swim or Survival check, a Gentleman Adventurer can treat himself as having ranks in that skill equal to 1/2 his level. Furthermore, the ACP penalty that applies to these checks is reduced by 1 for light armours, 2 for medium armours and 3 for heavy armours. This cannot reduce the ACP penalty to 1.

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Skilled Defence
At level 5, a Gentleman Adventurer learns that relying solely on armour and agility is not always enough to keep them safe. Chose either Performer Defence or Tactician Defence. If you chose Performer Defence, once per turn as an Immediate Action, when targeted by an attack. You can use either a Bluff or Perform check in place of your AC. If you chose Tactician Defence, once per turn Immediate Action, when you would take damage. You can use an appropriate knowledge check against the enemy that dealt damage to you. Reduce the damage dealt by the attack, equal to the knowledge check. Neither of these abilities can be used on consecutive turns.

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Snazzy Suit
The most important item for a Gentleman Adventurer, is not their weapon or a magical item of power. But their smart and slick clothing. Styling and comfortable, a Gentleman Adventurer is simply not a Gentleman unless they have a suit that matches the current fashion. At level 6, the Gentleman Adventurer finally gains a suit that is not only all of the above, but an armour that can aid them in battle, and stay together through thick and thin.

The Snazzy Suit is an outfit that is treated as Light Armour when beneficial, that gives +2 AC, and has no max dexterity, ASF or ACP. The Snazzy Suit cannot be sundered, and only the Gentleman Adventurer can wear it. The Snazzy Suit cannot be sold, but it can be enchanted through the normal means. Additionally, the Snazzy Suit all Charisma and Intelligence based skills an untyped bonus, equal to 1/2 of its AC.

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Fancy Style
At 7th Level, a Gentleman Adventurer has practiced enough with their unique combat styles so that they can evolve to the next level of their abilities.
Swashbuckler: Quick on his feet and with his sword, the Gentleman Adventurer gains a +10 bonus to their base speed. Additionally, they gain the Combat Reflexes feat for free. If you already have Combat Reflexes, instead increase the bonus AoO’s by 50%.
Florentine: The master of the Florentine fencing style knows how to wield his two weapons effectively, and especially using the second weapon to supplement their defences. The Gentleman Adventurer’s penalties when fighting with two weapons are reduced by 2. When wielding two weapons, the Gentleman Adventurer gains a Shield AC equal to the base AC of the Snazzy Suit.
Kung-Fu: As they begin to master the art of Kung-Fu, the Gentleman Adventurer begins to hit harder, as well as pushing their bodies towards amazing feats. The Gentleman Adventurer gains Leap of Heavens and Superior Unarmed Strike as bonus feats. Additionally, they can now invest points granted by the ‘A Gentleman’s Education’ class feature into Jump.
Knight: Stranding strong with shield and sword, the Gentleman Adventurer is steadily becoming more and more resilient. They gain Toughness and Improved Toughness as bonus feats, and gain a bonus to Fortitude Saves equal to their Shield AC bonus.
Juggler: A master weapon-thrower needs more than simple accuracy, but also distance and speed. The range increment of all thrown weapons used by the Gentleman Adventurer increases by 30 feet. Furthermore, they may attack in with any ranged weapon without provoking attacks of opportunity if they are in a threatened area. 

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Flashy Combat
A Gentleman Adventurer knows that one needs more than skill in order to be a master fighter, but style. Show. Pizzazz. Even the most tactical and reserved of the Gentleman Adventurer’s know the need to perform, though they still go about it in a reserved way. At 8th Level, chose either Flashy Performer or Flashy Tactician.

If you chose Performer, as a swift action once per turn after you have hit an enemy, you may attempt to stagger all enemies in 10ft for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence Modifier (minimum 1). Make a d20 roll, + your Charisma Modifier and ranks in Perform against their Will Save. If you surpass their Will, they are staggered, if you do not, you have no effect.

If you chose Tactician, as a swift action once per turn after you have hit an enemy. You may attempt to daze the struck enemy for a number of rounds equal to half your Charisma Modifier (minimum 1). Make a d20 roll, + your Intelligence Modifier and highest ranks in knowledge against their Will Save. If you surpass their Will, they are dazed. If you do not, you have no effect.

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Gentleman’s Manners
A Gentleman Adventurer is not just a slick and stylish adventurer, but a person that would be at home in even the most cut-throat of ballrooms. Because of this, a Gentleman Adventurer has mastered a few tricks in order to help win them an advantage in mire of politics. At level 9, the DC of the following skill checks is reduced by 5:

Using Diplomacy to increase the attitude of an NPC up to Friendly. Using a Bluff Check to lie to someone, or to pass on a secret message. Sense Motive against opposing Bluff Checks, as a Hunch or to Discern a Secret Message.

Additionally, a Gentleman Adventurer can chose a Performer's Manners or a Tactician's Manners. If they chose Performer, then all normal skill checks using a Perform Skill (not class features, or other checks that user Peform) have their DC reduced by 5. If the chose Tactician, then the DC for all History and Nobility & Royalty Knowledge checks are reduced by 5.

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Connection Network
At level 10, a Gentleman Adventurer is a well established Gentleman and Adventurer... and like all good Gentleman and Adventurers, he has connections. Quite a few of them actually, and these connections have connections of their own which he can sometimes call on, giving a few little boons in certain situations.

When making a Gather Information check, the DC is reduced by 5. Additionally, the Gentleman’s connections allows him to sell items at 70% of the base price, as well as buy items and services at 80% of their base price. Finally, if using the Reputation Variant Campaign Rule, a Gentleman Adventurer has a +3 bonus to their Reputation.

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Master Suit
At level 11, a Gentleman Adventurer now has the prestige and money necessary in order to upgrade their Snazzy Suit into one created by masters of tailoring. Its AC is increased to 4, and it gives the Gentleman Adventurer Resistance to Fire, Cold, Lightning and Acid equal to 1/2 of the Suit's AC x 5. So at level 11, the Gentleman Adventurer has resistance 10 to Fire, Cold, Lightning and Acid. Additionally, it allows the Gentleman Adventurer to make a single reroll for a Charisma or Intelligence based skill check that normally does not allow retries. This check however incurs a -5 penalty.

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A Master’s Style
At level 12, the Gentleman Adventurer is a tried and true warrior, capable of crossing blades with the best of the best. Only legends themselves can easily dismiss a Gentleman Adventurer of this level of power. Including the strongest of demons, devils and angels.
Swashbuckler: The dramatic and daring Swashbuckler has learned how to better inflict devastating strikes, and how to inflict such grievous wounds against those that would normally ignore it. The critical range of any and all weapons the Swashbuckler wields by 1. This ability stacks with all other abilities that increase the critical range of a weapon, but after the doubling effects of Improved Critical, Keen and other abilities. Additionally, the Swashbuckler gains an additional +10 bonus to their base speed
Florentine: The Florentine fighter is not just a master of defence, but also a master of counter-attack. Whenever someone attacks you in melee, and misses by an amount greater than your shield AC, they provoke an attack of opportunity from your off-hand weapon. Because of the sudden attack, the enemy is treated as flat-footed against this attack, even if they have abilities that would normally allow them to negate being treated as flat-footed unless their ECL is 2 higher than yours. Additionally, your off-hand weapon deals damage as if it was one size larger
Kung-Fu: As a master of Kung-Fu, your strikes don’t just damage your opponent, but set them up for further punishment by yourself and your allies. Whenever you successfully hit an enemy with an unarmed strike, they take a penalty to their AC and attack rolls equal to your primary modifier for damage rolls with unarmed fighting, plus any enchantment bonus you have. This penalty is only applied once and is in effect until the end of your next turn. Hitting an enemy whilst they have this penalty refreshes the duration. Additionally, you can chose one component of your alignment, your unarmed strikes are now considered to be that alignment for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance. True neutral Gentleman Adventurer’s can pick any alignment.
Knight: A Knight by this level has learned that all the defence in the world is useless if they cannot take the enemies attention away from their allies. Once per turn as a free action, the knight can select an enemy within 30ft. Roll a Perform, Intimidate or Monster Lore check against that enemies’ Will save. If you succeed, the enemy takes a -5 to all attack and damage rolls against anyone that is not you until the end of your next turn, as well as lowering the DC’s of all their abilities by 5 if they do not target you. Area of Effect abilities that include you are not affected by this. Additionally, you gain Mettle Class Feature.
Juggler: The Juggler has learned a few important tricks and abilities in their time adventuring, some of which others may see as magic... and perhaps they might even be. At the end of a Juggler’s turn, up to four weapons that the Juggler has thrown that turn can return to him. Through he can only catch them if he has a hand free. Additionally, any weapon that the Juggler throws and hits with becomes lodged in the enemy. Whenever they make a move or standard action, the enemy takes damage equal to the weapon's base damage plus its enchantment (including abilities such as Flaming). If they take a full-round action, they instead take the damage twice. Each lodged weapon affects the enemy in the same way.

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Master’s Combat
The Gentleman Adventurer is a true master of combat, ability to chain attacks with their tricks and vice versa, in order to perform dazzling and deadly displays of their ability. At level 13, whenever the Gentleman Adventurer successfully hits an enemy whilst using their Reckless Assault class feature with the highest possible attack penalty, they may take a free maneuver check against the enemy, as long as they have the ‘Improved [Maneuver]’ feat, e.g. If A Gentleman Adventurer has Improved Disarm, they make a Disarm check for free after hitting an enemy using Reckless Assault. This ability can only be used once per turn.

Additionally, if a Gentleman Adventurer uses a maneuver of which they have the Improved Feat, without attacking them first and successfully make the check, the may make a free attack against the target of the successful check, as long as they are using Reckless Assault with the highest possible attack penalty for that attack. This ability can only be used once per turn.

Finally, you can chose either ‘Master Performer’ or ‘Master Tactician’. If you chose Performer, you may use your ranks in Perform and your Charisma modifier in place of attack rolls and other skills checks for Combat Maneuvers. If you choose Tactician, you may use your highest ranks in a Knowledge skill and your Intelligence modifier to do the same

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A Gentleman’s Investment
At level 14, A Gentleman Adventurer is more than an adventurer, but a busiman as well. By making several calculated investments, A Gentleman Adventurer has given himself a strong income that might even grow to that a king would be hard to match. Every month, a Gentleman Adventurer gains gold equal to 1/5 of his WBL. This can be further reduced to 1/20 per week if the Gentleman Adventurer and DM agree to it. If the Gentleman Adventurer is not around to collect this money, it does not vanish. Instead it is placed in a bank or a safe to be collected when they are ready.

Depending on what the Gentleman Adventurer in, this gold per month could be switched with something of equal value. For example, if the Gentleman Adventurer invests into a wizard academy, he could call on their services for a reduced price. If he invests into a combat school, he could likely gain a cohort or followers from there, or train there to get a bonus feat. These are just suggestions however, and the final decision is up to the DM

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Noble Defence
At level 15, a Gentleman Adventurer has learned to further his defensive abilities and turn his opponent’s attacks against them. The ability of Skilled Defence can now be used once per turn as a free action. Additionally, you can chose either ‘Noble Performer’ or ‘Noble Tactician’. Neither of the following abilities can be used against the same enemy consecutively

If you chose Performer, as an Immediate Action whenever you are targeted by an attack or included in an area of effect attack, you can make a special check to redirect the attack back on the attacker. Make a d20 + Your ranks in perform + your Charisma modifier vs their attack roll, if the attack does not require an attack roll, make it against their caster level or something similarly appropriate. If you win the check, then the enemy takes the full effect of the attack instead.

If you chose Tactician, as a Immediate action whenever you are damaged, you can make a d20 + Your ranks in an appropriate knowledge skill + your Intelligence modifier. The damage received is reduced by a similar amount, and you can heal yourself and any allies in a 30ft range up to a total amount equal to the damage reduced. If the damage is negated completely, you may instead exchange the healing in order to replicate the Inspire Courage Bardic Music on yourself and all allies in 30ft. You are treated as a bard with an equivalent level as your levels in Gentleman Adventurer, but the bonuses are untyped instead of morale.

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Perfect Suit
At level 16, a Gentleman Adventurer doesn’t just have a stylish suit, but THEY stylish suit. One could not ask for anything more from the suit in terms of style and function. The AC of the Snazzy Suit is now an untyped bonus, though it does not stack with any other armour worn, and is equal to the amount of skill-points the class offers before any extra modifiers, rounded up. E.G, at level 15, the Gentleman Adventurer has 6 skill points, +5 skill points from the Gentleman’s Education class feature, for a total of 11, halved this is 5.5, and is rounded up to a total of 6 AC..

Additionally, the Snazzy Suit now offers a Spell Resistance equal to your ECL+the amount of skill-points the class offers before any extra modifiers. The penalty for rerolling your skills, as stated in the Master Suit class-feature is reduced to -3, and you gain a Flight Speed equal to 1.5x your base speed at perfect maneuverability.

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Perfect Style
At level 17, the Gentleman Adventurer has reached the pinnacle of their fighting style. Whilst their general abilities might improve, for their particular styles there is no more room to improve.
Swashbuckler: The Swashbuckler now doubles the amount of Attack of Opportunities they normally have, replacing the ability of Combat Style. Additionally, for Attack of Opportunities they are treated as having a 10ft range. The speed bonus granted by the Gentleman Adventurer is doubled, as is the increase to critical threat range. Finally, a Swashbuckler may inflict critical hits against enemies normally immune, through the bonus damage is halved.
Florentine: Whenever a Florentine makes an single attack, they may instantly follow up with a second attack with an equal base-attack bonus. In addition, whenever they make an full-attack action, they gain an extra attack with their main-hand weapon, stacking with abilities such as haste. Finally, a Florentine can sacrifice their shield bonus to AC, as well as any attacks they might make with their off-hand weapon for the round, in order to treat all attacks they make with their main-hand weapon against Touch AC until the end of the round.
Kung-Fu: The ultimate ability of Kung-Fu is the ability to strike at an opponent’s weak points, ignoring magical aid to avoid your strike. You ignore any miss chance the opponent has, and all enchantment and deflection bonuses to AC. Additionally, at the end of your turn, all opponents stuck must make a Fortitude saving throw with a DC equal 10+1/2 your level+ your average base unarmed damage (the amount of damage you do with an unarmed strike, without modifiers such as Power Attack, Reckless Assault or Critical hits), the DC is increased by 1 for each attack beyond the first. if they fail, they are dazed for one round
Knight: The knight can now shrug of even the mightiest of blows and effects and keep on coming. The knight gains Improved Mettle and Evasion as class features, and gain an untyped bonus Con equal to their Shield AC. Finally, the ability granted to them my A Master’s Style can be used on all enemies in 30ft range instead of 1.
Juggler: If a weapon is thrown within its first ranged increment, the weapon returns to the Juggler as a free action (as if it had the returning special quality), ready to be used again. Thus, a Juggler may make full ranged attacks with the same weapon. Additionally, the damage inflicted by weapons lodged into an enemy is doubled, and they take a -1 stacking penalty to Strength or Dexterity for each weapon lodged in them.

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Perfect Combat
They technique of the Gentleman Adventurer is now completely flawless, only those with greater might or magical aid can block their blows or break through their defences, in it shows in how they fight. At Level 18, the Gentleman Adventurer can chose ‘Perfect Performer’ or ‘Perfect Tactician’, additionally, the class feature ‘Flashy Combat’ can now be used as a free action.

If you chose ‘Perfect Performer’, your stylish displays in the middle of combat can blow your enemies away... literally. As a move action, you can have all enemies in 60ft make a Fortitude or Will saving throw (whichever is lower), DC equal to 10+your ranks in Perform+Your Charisma Modifier. If they fail, they are knocked away from you 5ft x (your Charisma modifier + every 5 DC they fail by), and are dazed for a number of rounds equal each 15 feet of movement they took. If they hit an object or another enemy, they stop moving and both take 1d6 damage for each 5ft left in their movement, and both are dazed for a number of rounds equal to each 15ft of movement dleft (minimum 1). Allies have enough time to get out of the way of the knocked back enemies, through this doesn’t grant them free movement. After you use this ability, you must wait 1d4+1 rounds before using it again

If you chose ‘Perfect Tactician’, you intelligence allows you weaken an enemy and guide your allies to do devastating damage on them. As a move action, you can select a single enemy within 30ft. Make a d20 roll, + your Intelligence Modifier and highest ranks in knowledge against their HD. If you beat their HD, all allies can inflict critical hits and precision damage to the enemy if they would normally be immune to it, and all damage done to them is doubled. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 of your intelligence modifier, and after the ability is used you must wait 1d4+2 rounds before using it again. You can only affect one enemy at a time with this ability,

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A Gentleman’s Ally
At level 19, a Gentleman Adventurer is not just a slick and stylish swordsman, but a man with connections... connections that extend far beyond the reach of the martial realm, and the Gentleman Adventurer can call upon them all. Once per day, a Gentleman Adventurer can use Gate as an SLA, with a casting time of one hour.

Due to not being a magic user, a Gentleman Adventurer can only use Gate to call creatures to his aid. However, due to the strength of his connections, the price that he needs to pay for the creature’s service is halved. Because the Gentleman Adventurer is calling on his connections, and using a special ritual in order to call for aid, he can only have one ‘Gate’ in his service at any one time. If a Gentleman Adventurer tries to use Gate again, without the previous creatures having completed their service, they are instantly returned to their home plane.

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A Gentleman’s Perfection
At level 20, the Gentleman Adventurer has reached their zenith, their peak, their perfection. There is no where else for them to go in order to become stronger, faster, smarter, slicker or snazzier, and this is reflected in their ability to use their Intelligence and Charisma to supplement all other abilities. A Gentleman Adventurer adds his Intelligence modifier as an untyped bonus all modifiers derived from Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Additionally, he can add his Charisma modifier as an untyped bonus to all modifiers derived from Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. Finally, the Gentleman Adventurer picks either ‘Gentleman Performer’ or ‘Gentleman Tactician’.

If they chose ‘Gentleman Performer’, the Gentleman Adventurer applies his Charisma modifier as a bonus to his Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, and applies his Charisma modifier twice to Charisma based skilled. If they chose ‘Gentleman Tactician’ the Gentleman Adventurer applies his Intelligence modifier as a bonus to his Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. This bonus does not include any boosts to Intelligence or the application of it from this class feature. Additionally, a ‘Gentleman Tactician’ applies his Intelligence modifier twice for Intelligence based skills.

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« Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 08:01:54 AM by Tempestfury »