Minorites have never asked for special privileges, they've asked for equal ones. Yet you lump all members of any minorities into the same group and label them criminals. Congratulations on labeling all your relatives thieves. A nahr bleibt a nahr
My relatives never asked for special privileges, or took them, so I'm not labeling them anything.
And more than a few individuals and associations of minority groups have asked for special privileges, well above any equal rights.
If you're a target for violence by the majority then you still qualify a minority. The racists don't consider you white, and even if ne of them could be somehow compelled to say so, they'd still blather some nonsense about your death being necessary in revenge for Christs murder. Minority status is not only racial.
Well . . . I'm a target for violence from the people who claim to be the 99%, so . . .
And yes, I know minority status is not only racial, and the details that go with the rest of what you said here.
Calling bullshit unless you have proof.
IF, a district is 90+% minority,
AND, if the district returns 100%,
THEN, clearly the turnout of the minorities determined the election.
You can dig up the links for that yourself.
Why did the people of Kentucky, who are now dependent on Medicaid vote in an anti-Medicaid governor?
Who says they are "dependent" on it?
People vote against their own self interests all the time. The stock market players all regularly vote Republican, yet it's shown they earn far more money under Democratic presidents.
Actually, Wall Street, like Hollywood, and academia, is pretty reliably Democratic.
All you need to do is make the election about something else, such as appealing to bigotry. Convince someone that a certain group of people are somehow lesser than you, and he will willingly cede authority to you to join in their persecution.
You mean the way Democrats convince people that "conservatives" are inherently evil?
Yes, I know this.
Obviously you havent been watching the news. Who enforces said racket if not the police? They are required for it's enforcement, and they benefit from it. They have the option of not participating and turning in said corrupt politicians, yet they participate with vicious glee.
I've watched the news.
And the town council meetings.
You are conflating multiple things here:
1. The politicians being morally corrupt does not make the laws and regulations they pass involving "Broken Windows" tactics or manorial financing inherently morally corrupt, and definitely not illegal.
2. Enforcing said laws is required for the police to keep their jobs. While it might be more moral for them to quit in protest, again that doesn't make it inherently immoral or illegal for them to do their jobs.
3. Not every policeman directly benefits, beyond keeping his job, from issuing fines and such.
I know such fine distinctions are irrelevant to good agitprop, but you cannot get that lazy.
No, I'm just openly telling you what I'm doing, yet somehow managing to get you to participate in it anyway.
Yet another element of my background you're unaware of: I've been trolled on politics by someone outrageously better than you and survived.
This leads you to assume I'm not deriving any entertainment value from this.
Upset presumes emotion. Trolls do not argue fights with emotional investments or they are bad trolls.
You don't have to confess you are a bad troll - I already knew that.
How am I a minority? I'm a cat. You humans shelter and feed us willingly, and all we have to do is purr occasionally. Our species is incapable of self-loathing. After all, you treat us like Gods.
No, I treat cats as an excuse to mock cat-haters.
But that's another story.
And yet their the only party publicly and willingly to treat gays as human beings.
No they aren't. Democrats are more than willing to exploit gays, but deep down they don't consider them human beings at all.
I'm not upset that you object, if I object to anything it's that you so willingly define yourself as kosher beheyme.
But I don't define myself as kosher, so clearly you are objecting to your own projection.
I can't help you with that.
Again, false presumption on your part. I promote no ideology, I play Devil's advocate because you're so blindly devoted to yours that you can't see how it's warped you.
Nice pretense, but you know deep down you love yourself some Vladimir Ilyich.
Oh but you have my dear cow. Your rejections are meaningless, unless you decide to edit your posts elsewhere to cover for yourself.
More projections. You really need to do something about that.
So you take Mr. Wolfe out of context and then quote a tabloid newspaper known for "possibly" fabricating it's stories to support your own delusions? That doesn't make them any less delusionary.
Screaming "out of context" or "unreliable source" is a common Marxist tactic, so we see how much your denial of that was worth.
Oh but is very much is. Screaming hypocrite or racist is a common troll tactic,
Which is why you do it so much.
They are the largest christian denomination in 33 states, Yes historically they were hated, but they've long since become mainstream and quite popular.
But as you said, if you're a target for violence by a majority, you're still a minority.
Hoist by your own petard.
I only bully other bullies I am quite kind to non bullies. Especially the ones who make offers of tinned salmon.
I am sure you tell yourself that to make yourself feel good.
(And satisfy your gluttony.)
Again, I eagerly look forward to your predictably inevitable participation.
A masochistic troll.
How . . . droll.