One thing to keep in mind about candidates like Trump is that it can be a clever bait-and-switch: You put somebody up there so outrageously horrifying that anything less abjectly terrible seems like a massive concession.
It's entirely possible that most of the conservative support for Trump is just to make things like de-funding Planned Parenthood and attacking gay rights under the guise of "religious freedom" look more reasonable by comparison to the idea of turning the US into a glorified pillow fort with a sign out front that reads: "No Mexicans or Arabs."
Except that his p.o.v. is clearly
Notoutrageous or horrifying to his voters.
For the life of me, inspite of the furor his
only most recent anti-immigrant broadside,
I can not tell the difference among:
No Immigrants , No Mexicans , No Muslims.
Descending fbi/cia/statedept review time:
Refugees have the harshest requirements + scrutiny to get in
H1B's are next , mainly because they might be taking a Smart Loudmouth's job
H1A's and temp workers, is a nice little semi-corrupt money pile, they ain't messing this up
Tourists get little attention ---> (hey look terrorists here's a hole)
Tourists from "the good guys" countries, get even less attention
Family Reunifications get almost no attention at all, because "F"am'ly values ---> (hey look terrorists just tried this one)
Even Canada has a much stricter points system on Spouses.