MetamagicsAutomatic Quicken Spell (CAr): 0~1 level spells, taking the feat multiple times stacks levels.
Automatic Silent Spell (CAr): 0~3 level spells, taking the feat multiple times stacks levels.
Automatic Still Spell (CAr): 0~3 level spells, taking the feat multiple times stacks levels.
Automatic Vile Spell (ecomp): 0~3 level spells, taking the feat multiple times stacks levels.
Enhance Spell (CAr): +10 for full cl, +5 for half, dice to damage cap, +4 metamagic.
SpellcasterDivine Spell Penetration (FR-PGtF): +4 to cl to overcome sr and such.
Enhance Effect (FR-PGtF): incantatrix, enhanced spells are treated as if you cast them.
Epic Counterspell (FR-PGtF): unlimited counterspelling without ready actions.
Epic Devotion (FR-PGtF): +4 on saves vs an alignment descriptor.
Epic Spellfire Wielder (FR-PGtF): stored levels are conx4.
Epic Spell Focus (CAr): +1 to save DCs.
Epic Spell Penetration (CAr): +2 to cl to overcome sr and such.
Epic Combat Casting (CAr): +1/2 cl to casting defensively.
Improved Cooperative Metamagic (FR-PGtF): +2 uses and can use silent/still/quicken.
Master Staff (CAr): you can expend slots instead of charges.
Master Wand (CAr): you can expend slots instead of charges.
Staff Expertise (ecomp): full-attack to activate a staff multiple times.
PsionicAutomatic Quicken Power (CPsi): you don't have to expend your focus, still have to spend pp through.
Epic Power Penetration (CPsi): +2 to ml to overcome sr and such.
Epic Psionic Endowment (CPsi): expend your focus for +1 to save DCs.
Improved Combat Manifestation (CPsi): +1/2 ml to manifesting defensively or pinned.
Epic Overchannel (CPsi): up to *2ml cap on overchanneling.
OtherAxiomatic Strike (FR-PGtF): any weapon you have is axiomatic.
Armed Deflection (ecomp): reflex negs ranged weapon attacks.
Armor Skin (CW): +1 to natural armor, stacks.
Chosen Weapon Specialization (FR-PGtF): +2 damage with deity's weapon.
Combat Archery (CW): you don't provoke aoos for using a bow.
Combat Insight (CW): int to melee damage instead of str.
Damage Reduction (CW): +3/-.
Epic Combat Expertise (CW): the ac bonus is also applied to adjacent allies.
Epic Evil Brand (ecomp): evil brand's bonus is increased to +6.
Epic Poison Crafter (ecomp): you can make epic poisons.
Epic Prowess (CW): +1 to attack rolls, stacks.
Epic Toughness (CW): +30hp.
Epic Weapon Focus (CW): +2 to selected weapon attack rolls.
Epic Sunder (CW): *x2 str damage or +4 to str checks for breaking items.
ecomp lists this as mighty sunder.Legendary Rider (CW): no -5 penalty to ride checks in combat.
Vile Deathstrike (ecomp): slain opponents cannot come back to life unless the spell is cast in a consecrated area.
Wield Oversized Weapon (CW): treat weapons as one size smaller for wielding.
Class-Specific (but still short enough not to make a new entry)
Improved Snatch Spell (FR-PGtF): incantatrix, snatched spells are treated as if you cast them.
Improved Spellpool Access (FR-PGtF): chance of desired spell is 90%-(5*lvl), min 5% for 17th+.
Inscribe Epic Rune (FR-PGtF): remove spell level and cl cap on runes.
Epic Ancestral Weapon (ecomp): epic progression for the samurai's ancestral weapon .
Epic Ki Frenzy (ecomp): ki frenzy gives a +4 str/dex bonus & +20 to speed.
Epic Spell Secret (ecomp): choose one metamagic & spell, now that metamagic is free on that spell.
Vile Smight (ecomp): your smite good damage is vile typed which is actually pretty nice.
Divine-Type Feats (
Divine Infusion: gain the half-celestial/fiend template.
Enhance Turning: turn undead using a full-round action to double the damage dice.
Epic Divine Might: chamodx2 to damage.
Epic Divine Resistance: sr 30 & resistance to fire/electricity 30.
Epic Divine Vengeance: like haste but undead & the bonus attack only.
Epic Divine Vigor: mass buff that gives +30 to land speed & +6 sacred to con.
Ignore Turn Resistance: reduce turn resistance by chamod (min +0).
Intensify Turning: your turn check's max hd limit is increased.
Invoke Divine Wrath: deal (lvl/2)d6 divine damage to a target.
Multiturning: extra turn undead after using a quicken turning, so try to fail for a third time I guess?
Spellchanneling: make a turn check when you take the feat, you can use that value for your cl with spells.
Spell Siphoning: spontaneous cast a spell even if it's not prepared based on your turning check. Hatren in a single feat.
Aura-Specific (
Gloom Aura: aura provides concealment & +4 turn resistance.
Lasting Aura: aura benefits last one minute after leaving the area.
Multiaura: can have two minor auras up.
Radiant Aura: dazzle creatures with an attempt to daze & -4 turn resistance.
Widen Aura: aura extends to 120ft instead of 60ft.
Warlock-Specific (
Dark Transient: gain teleport/planeshift as at-will, improves fell flight's speed.
Eldritch Sculptor: buffs eldritch blast, including firing it twice per use or no aoos when using hideous blow.
Epic Eldritch Blast: +1d6 to eb.
Epic Extra Invocation: learn an extra invocation, can select dark-level.
Epic Fiendish Resilience: resilience's fast healing is increased to 25.
Lord of All Essences: you can apply two essences at once and +2 to their dcs.
Master of the Elements: +10 resists & at-will summon monster 1~9 & dominate monster but limited to elemental subtypes.
Morpheme Savant: at-will power words, gain tongues, warlock's call as demand, plus beguiling influence's bonus is chamodx2.
Paragon Visionary: true/arcane sight, wismodx2 to listen/sense/spot, voidsense's range is increased to 60ft.
Shadowmaster: at-will displacement & shades (awesome), plus immunity to the shadow effects.
Souleater Incarnate: +2 souldmeld dcs, telepathy 100ft, +3 essentia, dying creatures provide a stacking buff to att/saves.
Verminlord: at-will creeping doom with your chamod to poison dcs, plus dominate vermins.