I went to optimization by the numbers, looked at the "average will save by CR", saw that everything under CR 3 had an average will save of 3, which means you're making that DC 40% of the time, with four wizards that's .4^4 = 2.5% of the time, which I think is close enough for eyeball work.
Except for that whole thing where I gave you a list of of encounters where you can't color spray something on the first round for a variety of reasons, and you responded by alleging that I was a cheater in every instance that you didn't claim a backwards as fuck "rule interpretation" based on your inability to understand the concept of inclusive (or even worse for you, exclusive) "or" applied to sets.
Is it anywhere near fair, especially considering that I went at this with no prep time or earlier information? Not really.
You don't have to walk into a darkened cathedral with no prep time or information, but prep and information are things that take more than one round, resulting in you having to actually admit that your trite claim that you can solo anything in the game with your one round combats is wrong, so you insist that instead you should be able to walk into any situation without thinking and win anyway, and that if you can't win without thinking then I'm cheating. But that isn't how this works, if your problems are: 1) Everything in the game can be beaten in a single round, and 2) Some fights that the game specifically tells you that you can handle are so hard that you can't win them in a single round, and you would need additional rounds of thought and action and preparation to beat them.
I would humbly suggest: Problem Solved.
As for knocking yourselves unconscious, it's entirely impossible for them to have a word that means "look away from me" or something set up where you don't look at an ally who's spellcasting? Yeah, that sounds impossible. No-one would ever set that up.
If you haven't yet acted in init, you can't even take immediate actions, so what action are you using to look away? And that's great, there is a level one spell with a radius effect of 300000 billion miles that everyone and every monster knows about, and you apparently think that people can just look away as a non action. Spoiler alert, you start casting a spell, and the Dragon, Devils, Demons, Areanas, and Pixies are going to look away for a couple seconds too. And let's be clear there are verbal, somatic, and material components, so everyone knows you are casting a spell, if it becomes a non action to look away from the caster for your flat footed Wizard friends why on earth can't that be done just as easily by your intelligent opposition?
Dretch, stinking cloud, good thing move actions exist, or color spraying out of the cloud, or such. Etc etc, stinking cloud is not instant death, it's once per day, etc etc.
No, it isn't instant death, it just has a better chance of removing your standard actions for the duration than your color spray does of effecting the dretch. And as described, if you run away, congrats, that fight took more than a round, and if you don't run away, but you move towards the dretch, you will be nauseated standing in front of a dretch. But sure, tell me about how you are going to use your stupid nonsense line of sight color spray effect to color spray a monster you haven't even see yet, and don't know is even there by casting it outside the stinking cloud.
Shapesand... uh, why doesn't it? I can't find a rule that says delver slime isn't an item, and shapesand functions exactly as a normal item that you shaped it into...
You can shape shapesand into any form, not into any substance. It remains sand in whatever form you shape it into. That is the explicit text of the ability. Do you also use shapesand to bypass Adamantine DR? You can't do that either. Do you also shapesand into a Cloak of Resistance? Spoiler alert, it is just a cloak that offers you a +0 resistance bonus to saves. You can't turn shapesand into Alchemical flask fluid, special sandwater when you are thirsty, delver's slime, or the corpse of a creature for you to animate dead. It is still just sand. You also can't turn it into an Orichalium thing or whatever and have it suck up people's souls when they die.
you can afford a use or two of Delver Slime.
No, you really can't. I don't even know where you think you are getting a price on Delver's Slime in the first place.
I feel like you'd throw a Level 6 PC (CR 5! Yay! That's fair!) at the party just to be a dick.)
1) That would definitionally not be a PC, but assuming you mean PC classed character:
2) That would be CR 6, but honestly PC classes characters are usually weaker than comparable monsters when using NPC wealth rules, which they would have to, and elite arrays, which is the standard for unimportant ones.
I admitted the ghoul was tough, yes I was doing it with level one characters, I don't get the rest of your comment so I'm moving along. (You want to play things "intelligently", then people move at 30' a round with a readied action to cast if they get ambushed? Uh... okay, that's INT-14 tactics (I don't consider myself a paragon of human ability), what's INT-20?)
1) Readied actions aren't very clear, but it would have to be an extremely generous DM to let you say "I ready an action to cast some kind of spell if I see some kind of creature."
2) It would have to be an idiot that allowed readied actions to go before the surprise round, even though you are flat footed, and surprised, hence the name.
3) Wouldn't help most people because your go to spell is color spray, and contrary to your protestations, that does not effect people not in the cone.
Or... you know, you could just read the Pattern subschool as saying that it happens to things in the effect and things that see it. Whatever, I'm done. Have fun abusing your players by throwing CR 5 monsters at them and preventing them from getting LOE or whatever.
WOW. It is genuinely amazing that you are this incredibly dishonest. I mean, I literally just quoted in the post that you are addressing the actual rules, and you still persist in claiming that it says "and" when it says "or" just because you now realize that you are completely wrong, and that pattern subschools do not extend out to line of sight under the actual rules?
I mean, you whine that the game is too easy, and then you whine that having to put a brief modicum of thought into your actions is just not fair, and base all this on the dumbest possible non-interpretation lie about the text of the pattern school . . .