I thought about buying a new computer, but like, I have nearly all the hardware good enough right now. So it's a price thing, but also I really need a new laptop too, so that's expensive. Not as expensive because I'm just using it for work stuff, but that'll still be 400 at least (my current one is more powerful than I need and it was 600....6 years ago, but the hardware is suffering from abuse. For instance, the headphone jacks are not working properly, and the power port is almost broken, and the webcam doesn't work, and the screen is literally falling apart, etc. etc.). My current specs are in the OP, same with needs. I've all but confirmed on getting a new motherboard and processor together though, because my old motherboard is so old getting a non-used processor for it would be minimum 700 dollars.
I would rather keep the current computer, but I am a little wary of modifying motherboards, because I know they're fragile. However, the only two things I'd need to swap out now are the processor and motherboard. So I'm at about 80% that I'm going to upgrade this, 20% I get a new computer on the cheap and upgrade with the hardware I hare available.