You know how Dragon Compendium is first party? Well Shackled City Adventure Path is too, and it has some new crunch.
Practiced Magic is nice to know for Dragonmarked characters since their SLAs don't use the caster's HD as their CL. Spellcraft requirement sucks though.
Rime is a 1st level Wizard spell that gives a target a -4 penalty on dex and fortitude saves
Dementia is a +2 equivalent property that makes a creature struck by the weapon have to save against a DC17 will save or be confused for 7 rounds. Stick it on a bow and I'm sure enemies will roll low enough for it to be useful.
Simulacrum Suit is 60,000 GP for a constant polymorph effect into a single creature (fixed per suit) that's within one size category of the wearer. Explicitly usable by any creature, so have fun with animal companions.
edit: OA has some weird spells that the official 3.5 update doesn't touch
Advice is Greater Suggestion. You get unlimited length for the suggestion itself and, more importantly, rather than suicidal commands being impossible they just get a second save with a bonus. Shaman only though. Is there any other way in the system to make a target obey suicidal commands?
Compel changes the target's alignment. Confusingly it's listed as permanent yet "Another compel spell, a wish, or a miracle is required to reverse the effects of the spell". Other than that, it's non-evil, and only 1-round casting time.
Remove Fatigue gives a target the benifits of 8 hours of rest, but doesn't allow an arcane caster to regain spells. Anything with limited daily use aside form those is fair game I guess...
edit: Checking one for a lore article, I've only just now realized there's actually a few issues of the online only Dungeon/Dragon before 4E launched with 3.5 content. Note that this is actual first party stuff. Not sure what's in here (there's lot of high level monsters that seem original at least) or if these issues have ever been properly been excavated.
Dragon 360 has an article on stuff to fill Eberron treasure hoards with. Most of it is art objects with no effect (lots of animated tapestries and portraits), but this one should be useful
mahogany cabinet that continually maintains a cool and dry interior that is suitable for storing perishable items (minor evocation, 2,500 gp).