Author Topic: Making an Arena gish: Redux [PF]  (Read 1240 times)

Offline Rejakor

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Making an Arena gish: Redux [PF]
« on: November 13, 2015, 01:29:57 AM »
Okay, so i'm building a character for an arena game again, after a bunch of years.

It's PF arena, with that famous mythweavers arena 'component' system (so dipping costs you points that are incredibly valuable, especially if you dip a class with spellcasting - 2, 3 classes max, with prestige being marginally cheaper), and 3.5 feats are allowed for a cost in component points (and you can even get a feat you don't qualify for for a ruinous cost).  You can buy a single classed cohort for some component points, and you can add PF Path of War initiating (full progression) for again a few component points.  Ideally i'll be buying both of these, or a Race Point race (another thing you can buy with component points), so just keep in mind when you suggest dipping classes or 3.5 feats that it's costing me these things.

It's level 5, or level 10, gestalt.

I want to build an incredibly overpowered gish.

Currently i'm thinking synthesist summoner 10//psion 3/awakened blade 7 with component points buying an initiating progression to qualify for Blade. 

This gives me a quite horrifying ensemble of murder.  Currently i'm looking at how to add Dimensional Savant for full attacks via teleport, Catch Off-Guard for permanent flat-footedness, Noxious Bite for save vs nauseate, Enforcer or Cornugon Smash + Thug or Imperious Command to make non-fear-immune enemies stunlocked.  There's a spell (paladin 4) that gives +CL to attack bonus, AC, and damage that I probably want, although I can't find a way other than Pathfinder Savant to add it to spell list.

What I don't have on my shopping list, yet, is how to turn regular attacks into Touch attacks, and off-turn movement.  Off-turn movement is especially important, for now all i've found is an immediate spell that gives you a force sphere, but that force sphere has hp, and so can be gunned down by a full attack.

Most of the third party stuff is allowed, none of which I have the patience to go through, so i've likely missed things.

And wow, is there a lot of worthless shit in PF.  So many trap options.  It's amazing.  Like reading through sludge.