Race: Unseelie Fey Human
Class: Divine Bard 3/Marshal 2
Traits: Polite and Honest
Flaws: Pathetic (Strength) and Pathetic (Constitution)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Feats: Sacred Vow, Vow of Peace, Vow of Poverty, Vow of Nonviolence, Defender of the Homeland, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Alluring, and Nymph’s Kiss
Strength: 4
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 4
Intelligence: 8
Charisma: 20
Wisdom: 14
Skills: Bard: Diplomacy, Bluff, Concentration, Perform (Oratory), Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), and Sense Motive
Marshal: Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive and Concentration
Auras: Motivate Charisma and Motivate Care
Any comments?