Author Topic: Time to put my name to use: Level 40 gestalt dragonwrought kobold wizard paragon  (Read 2827 times)

Offline A_bad_DM

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!!Players of World-0 Game, do not read this thread please!!

Hello everyone, some of you may remember the last thread I made, a certain amount of time ago, in which I told you all about my game. Well, it took a turn for the worst by now, the players have reached Epic levels, and changed dimension altogether(Not quite the right term, but that would be unneccessary information for this here thread.)

I need some help figuring out some things. I know there are loads of guides for Wizard's optimization, but they rarely ever go above level 20, and they usually don't take Gestalt into considerations.

For now, I thought about giving the character the Paragon Creature template on one side(Templates go only on one side, or you can split the template's level in two and put it on both sides) to make things simpler. Simplicity is not a need, but I feel like this template is rather nice for its stats boosts.

The resources are not much a problem considering one of the players(An artificer) made a custom object to cast wish at will(That's one of the reasons why I chose this nickname).

All books are allowed, except psionics handbook and anything psionic related/psionic-using in other books and Dragon Magazine or Dragon Magazine Compendium.

So what I need are ideas for class combinations using Wizard or prestige classes of the Wizard, Items, and Epic spells, up to level 40.

Considering the players can see this thread though, I'd like it if you sent your ideas straight to my inbox.

As for discussion in this thread, have any of you had experience in playing gestalt games? Epic games? Any tips for epic games DMing? Any tips to create NPCs quickly at this kind of level? Sure, most NPCs are not that high a level, but some will be and with my skills right now, creating one such NPC would take around a week of research and work.

Maybe ideas of Gestalt build you always wanted to try that you could suggest me for future NPCs?

On that note, thanks for your time!

Offline Gazzien

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Wizard / Incantatrix / Dweomerkeeper / Red Wizard, with Cleric for entry and then Factotum for action abuse on the other side.

Gestalt brings problems of action economy - if you have two full-casting classes, you'll run out of actions before spells. Factotum (with many, many, many Font of Inspiration feats) means you have effectively infinite standard actions.

Incantatrix, Dweomerkeeper, and Red Wizard all help make your spells ridiculous - incantatrix and dweomerkeeper together reduce all metamagic adjustments by 2 per feat; have you ever wanted to make everything you cast Silent, Stilled, Twinned, etc etc for free? That's how you do it. Red Wizard lets you cast frankly ridiculous levels of spells (I think it caps at... spell level 20?)

Past that: Epic Spells. You can reduce the spellcraft DC to 0 fairly easily, which means you can just cast them for free, after researching them for free.

Offline SorO_Lost

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Red Wizard loses it's flair in the Epics.

idk how about a White Dragonspawn Abomination Paragon Gnome Swiftblade 10 / Ultimate Magus 16 // Wizard 2 / Master Specialist 3 / Incantatrix 10 / Shadowcraft Mage 5 / Initiate of the Seven Fold Veil 10 / Mage of the Arcane Order 10? (assuming paragon is +12, it's probably more).

Offline Soft Insanity

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As for discussion in this thread, have any of you had experience in playing gestalt games? Epic games? Any tips for epic games DMing? Any tips to create NPCs quickly at this kind of level? Sure, most NPCs are not that high a level, but some will be and with my skills right now, creating one such NPC would take around a week of research and work.

I just joined a game that's starting level 25 and includes first, second and third party sources (I started at level 27 tho...because I know my magic items).  In my case the DM wasn't expecting anything over linear progression it seems.  I went with an Archivist Hathran with an Ardent dip due to no transparency.  My earth node spawned my mythal, which is my only real epic spell currently.  I'm allowed to play, with the agreement I'm only there for support.  He doesn't mind the 1000-1 mill damage potential of the gishes.

If you're going to be playing a wizard type in epic, my advice is to either stick with the Epic Mage of the Arcane Order and abuse the free epic spells, or take Epic Hathran like I did.  Unfortunately the game I'm in caps at level 30, but if it went to 40 and were gestalt I'd go for something like Factotum 11/Chameleon 2/whatever X//Wizard (or Archivist)/prcs that aren't Hathran/Hathran 10/Epic Hathran 10/Legacy Champion (Epic Hathran) 10(8)

Why Hathran?  They get a feat every even level from an incredible list.  You'll end up with 9 epic feats from the one side that way (think of it like trading your non-epic feats for epic feats).  The other side doesn't have to be Factotum, but the bonus actions and spell penetration are worth more than most things in epic.  If you are allowed 2 prcs on each side concurrent, you could opt for a silly Mage of the Arcane Order Hathran with all of the epic spells in the game.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 03:47:54 AM by Soft Insanity »

Offline awaken_D_M_golem

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Yeah quad 9s with MotAO 11 , and the FC1 demonic recall thingy+feats.
Still have room leftover to conquer the rest of the multiverse.

Flesh Golem + obscure incarnum + Necrocarnate = 10,000 HP and immune to magic

Rakshasa + excess redundant coverage of it's weakness + full Sorc casting = blah boring Sorc OHHH immune to almost all magic

Triceratops + smidge of advancment + non associated Adept 20 + Increased Spell Capacity + then goes Epic Spells = It's an Epic Triceratops with a sub epic CR

weak Dragon + massive epic Advancement + some caster support = very high Increase Spell Capacity shenanigans

Incarnum Dragon has an LA of +0 , which is (most likely) a missprint, but could be weird fun to go Urpriest 2 / Incarnate 1 / Dual Caster 7 for starts
Your codpiece is a mimic.

Offline KellKheraptis

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Somewhere around here is the generally accepted, despite homebrew, epic Swiftblade.  Hard to beat hardcoded extra actions + mythals.

Speaking of which, in lieu of any other race (be it before or after polymorphing), have you thought about starting from a Chronotyryn base?  Swiftblade + epic Wizard spells + action-optimized Wizard casting + double turns right off the bat spells win in any language.

There it is.  Best served also as a Shadowcraft Mage - because blowing up multiple worlds with massively metamagicked AftS's is the height of showing off.  Also, Incantatrix is pure win as well, as that insta-persist works just as well (though isn't really THAT necessary as most of what you persist you can include in a mythal).
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 10:15:23 AM by KellKheraptis »

Offline JohnnyMayHymn

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Epic binder is nice , but not as nice as factotum's extra actions, though zceryll can get pretty silly

Edit: anima mage is the relevant prestige class, although it is dual progression, and usually not allowed w/gestalt
« Last Edit: December 05, 2015, 02:21:53 PM by JohnnyMayHymn »
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