Thematically, the Walker in the Wastes is an anti-druid, a character that wants to see the verdant life of the forest, jungles, and plains reduced to nothing more than the chill deserts of snow and ice or burning wastes of sun-scorched earth. To that end, most of his class abilities are centred around either desiccation, defiling, or making the landscape inhospitable. Classes that sacrificed themselves/inspired this guy are the Walker in the Wastes, Blighter, Sand Shaper, Dark Sun Defiler, Arch-Defiler, and Leech. The Raze feats are modified, but originally from Dark Sun as well. The Desiccated One is a combination of a Dry Lich and a Dustform Creature, with a few modifications.
Walker in the Wastes"Text."
- Excasard the Brilliant, Human Walker in the WastesText
Making a Walker in the WastesText
Abilities: Wisdom is the ability that the Walker in the Wastes uses to give him extra spells.
Races: Walker in the Wastes appear amongst all races, for their talents are widespread.
Alignment: Walker in the Wastes can only be nongood.
Table 1: The Walker in the Wastes
Level BAB Ref Fort Will Abilities 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
1 +0 +0 +2 +2 Defiling, Desiccating Burst, Tainted Aura 1 — — — — — — — —
2 +1 +0 +3 +3 Wasteland Living, Barren Magics 2 — — — — — — — —
3 +2 +1 +3 +3 Wasteland Shaping 2 1 — — — — — — —
4 +3 +1 +4 +4 Razing Bonus Feat 3 2 — — — — — — —
5 +3 +1 +4 +4 Local Drought 3 2 1 — — — — — —
6 +4 +2 +5 +5 Dustform Wild Shape 3 3 2 — — — — — —
7 +5 +2 +5 +5 The Wasting 4 3 2 1 — — — — —
8 +6 +2 +6 +6 Razing Bonus Feat, Improved Wasteland Shaping, Dustform Wild Shape (Large) 4 3 3 2 — — — — —
9 +6 +3 +6 +6 Wilderness Travel, Life in a Desert 4 4 3 2 1 — — — —
10 +7 +3 +7 +7 Improved Barren Magics 4 4 3 3 2 — — — —
11 +8 +3 +7 +7 Wasteland Slumber, Dryness of Dust, Dustform Wild Shape (Tiny) 4 4 4 3 2 1 — — —
12 +9 +4 +8 +8 Razing Bonus Feat, Greater Drought, Dustform Wild Shape (Plants) 4 4 4 3 3 2 — — —
13 +9 +4 +8 +8 Vigor of Sand 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 — —
14 +10 +4 +9 +9 Defiled Souls 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 — —
15 +11 +5 +9 +9 Dustform Wild Shape (Huge) 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 —
16 +12 +5 +10 +10 Razing Bonus Feat, Dustform Wild Shape (Elemental) 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 —
17 +12 +5 +10 +10 Champion of the Wastes 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1
18 +13 +6 +11 +11 Greater Barren Magics 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2
19 +14 +6 +11 +11 Born of Dust 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3
20 +15 +6 +12 +12 Razing Bonus Feat, Desiccated One, Dustform Wild Shape (Huge Elemental) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4Game Rule InformationWalker in the Wastes have the following game statistics.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8
Starting Gold: 5d4 x 10 (125 gp)
Starting Age: Complex (as Druid)
Class skillsConcentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana, geography, local, nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (herbalist) (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str)
Skill Points at 1st level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier
Class FeaturesAll the following are class features of the Walker in the Wastes class.
- Weapon and Armour Proficiency: Walker in the Wastes are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and light, medium and heavy armour, as well as shields.
- Spells: A Walker in the Wastes gains the ability to cast a number of divine spells, which are drawn from the Walker in the Wastes spell list. A Walker in the Wastes must choose and prepare his spells in advance. To prepare or cast a spell, a Walker in the Wastes must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Walker in the Wastes’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the Walker in the Wastes’s Wisdom modifier. Like other spellcasters, a Walker in the Wastes can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Walker in the Wastes. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom score. The Walker in the Wastes does not have access to any domain spells or granted powers, as a cleric does. A Walker in the Wastes prepares and casts spells the way a cleric does, though he cannot lose a prepared spell to cast a cure spell in its place. A Walker in the Wastes may prepare and cast any spell on the Walker in the Wastes spell list, provided that he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily meditation. A Walker in the Wastes can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can "lose" a prepared spell in order to cast any Summon Desert Ally spell of the same level or lower. Creatures summoned via Summon Desert Ally automatically have the Dustform template (Sandstorm) applied to them.
- Defiling: The Walker in the Waste is a defiler, and cannot cast spells without defiling.
- Desiccating Burst: Starting at 1st level, as a standard action, a Walker in the Wastes can unleash a desiccating burst. This effect deals 1d4 points of desiccation damage to all creatures in a 10 foot burst (Fortitude half; save DC is 10 + 1/2 Walker in the Wastes’s class level + Walker in the Wastes’s Wis modifier). Range is 10 feet per class level, and the damage increases by 1d4 Desiccation damage at every odd level to a max of 10d4 at 19th level. Creatures that fail the save become fatigued.
- Tainted Aura (Su): You are tainted by your wasteland ways in such a matter that it is noticeable. People feel uncomfortable and wary when you are present and animals whimper when you approach. You suffer a –1 circumstance penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information and Handle Animal checks for every even level of Walker in the Wastes you have. Likewise, you receive a +1 circumstance bonus to Intimidate checks for every odd level of Walker in the Wastes gained. The tainted aura has a range of 5 feet per Walker in the Wastes level.
- Wasteland Living (Ex): You can survive even in the most extreme natural temperature conditions. You can exist normally in temperatures between -20 and 140 degrees, and gain a +2 fortitude bonus on saves against any temperature or weather related effects.
- Barren Magics (Ex): When casting a spell that deals hit point damage, you may choose to reduce your caster level by 1. If you do, that spell deals desiccation damage instead of its normal type. Any caster level bonus from defiling is also applied as a bonus to desiccation damage dice.
- Wasteland Shaping (Ex): You gain the ability to shape sand, silt, dust, snow, or ice as per the sand shape ability of the Sand Shaper prestige class.
- Razing Bonus Feat: At each indicated level you gain a bonus feat from the list of Razing feats presented below. You must still meet all the prequisites of the feat in question.
- Local Drought (Su): Beginning at 5th level, you can change conditions in a 20-foot-radius emanation with you at the center. The temperature band in that area rises by one step or to hot, whichever produces the hotter result. You may instead choose to lower the temperature by one step or to cold. You can suppress this effect for 1 round as a free action, but it renews automatically on your next turn unless you consciously suppress it again.
- Dustform Wild Shape (Su): At 6th level, the Walker in the Wastes gains a version of the wild shape ability. Dustform wild shape functions like the druid’s wild shape ability, except that the Walker in the Wastes adds a version of the dustform template to the forms he chooses to transform into. The Walker in the Wastes’ form is altered as follows:
— Type changes to construct.
— Natural armor bonus is increased by +5
— +4 Strength, -2 Dexterity, no Constitution score.
— Blindsight (Ex): Dustform creatures are blind, but they can sense all creatures within 60 feet as a sighted creature would by defecting subtle vibrations in the air around them. Beyond that range, they treat all targets as having total concealment.
— Breath Weapon (Su): As a standard action every 2d4 rounds, a dustform creature can spew out a 10-foot cone of dust and sand. The cone deals 1d6 points of damage for each 2 Hit Dice the creature possesses, and creatures within the area can make Reflex saves for half damage. The save DC is Charisma-based. If the base creature already has a breath weapon, that breath weapon changes to sand, with a Charisma-based saving throw DC. Otherwise, all details remain the same. For example, a dustform juvenile blue dragon could spew forth a line of sand (rather than lightning) once every 1d4 rounds, dealing 8d8 points of damage, with a Reflex save DC of 19.
— Damage reduction 5/magic.
Unlike a normal Dustform creature, Dustform Wild Shape does not grant a slam attack, nor does it remove the base creature's special attacks or the weakness to bludgeoning weapons.
At 8th level, the Walker in the Wastes gains the ability to change into a large animal. At 11th, a tiny animal. At 12th, plants. At 15th, huge animals. At 16th, small, medium, and large elementals. At 20th, huge elementals. When the Walker in the Wastes gains the ability to Wild Shape into Plants or Elementals, he applies the Dustform changes detailed above to those creatures as well. At 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels he gains two uses of his Dustform Wild Shape, with each use lasting for one hour. Treat this ability as Wild Shape for all prerequisites.
- The Wasting (Su): On reaching 7th level, your Desiccating Burst attack takes on a hideous disease. Opponents who fail the save against your Desiccating Burst contracts the wasting, a supernatural affliction that gradually mummifies its victims (see Disease, Sandstorm page 21). In addition, any spell you cast that deals desiccation damage also inflicts the wasting.
- Improved Wasteland Shaping (Ex): You gain the ability to shape sand, silt, dust, snow, or ice as per the improved sand shape ability of the Sand Shaper prestige class.
- Wilderness Travel (Sp): At 9th level and higher, you can fly as by means of the overland flight spell once per day. You must begin and end your flight on a square of waste (dust, salt, sand, snow, ice all qualify) terrain; if your movement crosses a different type of terrain, your flight ends immediately, dropping you abruptly (albeit safely) to the ground.
- Life in a Desert (Ex): There are times when extreme measures are necessary, when the gift from plants alone is not enough. A Walker in the Wastes can cancel out penalties from the Terrain Modifier table by paying 2d8 hit points per point of penalty cancelled.
- Improved Barren Magics (Ex): When casting a spell with a positive caster level bonus from defiling, you may instead apply a metamagic feat you know as a free action to the cast spell. The metamagic feat must have a spell slot adjustment equal to or less than the caster level bonus from defiling. You lose the caster level and DC bonus on any spell you apply a metamagic feat to.
- Wasteland Slumber (Ex): At 11th level and higher, if you lie beneath surface the wastes, you regrow severed body members, mend broken bones, and restore ruined organs as though a regenerate spell had been cast upon you. The soil (including salt, dust, snow, ice, or sand) must be at least deep enough, and occupy a large enough area, to cover all but your face. You can use this ability once per day.
- Dryness of Dust (Su): Whenever you are using Dustform Wild Shape, you gain an emanation that deals 1d4 desiccation damage each round to any creature within 10 ft. of you.
- Greater Drought (Su): Beginning at 12th level, you can produce extreme conditions in a 100-foot radius emanation with you at the center. The temperature band in that area rises by two steps or to severe heat, whichever produces the hotter result. You may instead choose to lower the temperature by two steps or to severe cold. You can suppress this effect for 1 round as a free action, but it renews automatically on your next turn unless you consciously suppress it again. This effect supersedes that of the local drought ability.
- Vigor of Sand (Ex): A Walker in the Wastes has learned how to drain the energy of the world into himself, rather than his spells. As a standard action, he may defile up to a 5 ft. per class level radius. For every 5 ft. of the radius, he heals 1d6 damage. Apply the bonus from the Terrain Modifier table as a benefit or a penalty to the 1d6 healing.
- Defiled Souls (Ex): When pushed to the utmost, a Walker in the Wastes can draw power from the living creatures about him, instead of just the plantlife. Every living creature in the defiling area (including the Walker in the Wastes) takes 1d8 points of desiccation damage per spell level, and the casting time is increased to 1 round (or increased by an addition round, if it was already 1 round). The spell is cast with a -3 caster level penalty. A spell cast this way can be cast in an already defiled area.
- Champion of the Wastes (Su): While in his Dustform Wild Shape, a Walker in the Wastes may defile up to a 5 ft. per class level radius as a standard action. For every 5 ft. of the radius, the duration of his Dustform Wild Shape increases by 1 hour. In addition, for every 5 ft. of the radius he gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. These bonuses last for one minute after the defiling.
- Greater Barren Magics (Ex): By doubling the area that you are defiling, you can choose to empower, enlarge, extend, silence, still, maximize or widen your spell as a free action.
- Born of Dust (Su): Any creature slain by your defiling or desiccation damage rises after 1d4 days as a dustform creature under your control. You may control 4 hit dice worth of dustform creatures per class level.
- Desiccated One: On reaching 20th level, you learn to apply the secrets of wasteland preservation to your own body, becoming a Desiccated one. See the Desiccated one template below for more information. If you enter Dustform Wild Shape after gaining this ability, you retain your Desiccated One abilities where they would overlap with any granted by Dustform Wild Shape.
Walker in the Wastes Spell ListSpells without books listed are from the PHB.
- First Babau Slime (SpC), Bane, Blood Wind (SpC), Burning Hands, Curse Water, Decomposition (Complete Divine), Detect Undead, Doom, Endure Elements, Ice Slick (Frost), Inflict Light Wounds, Invisibility to Animals, Lesser Shiving Touch (Frost), Magic Fang, Parching Touch (Sand), Produce Flame, Raging Flame (SpC), Ray of Enfeeblement, Rot of Ages (DrMagic) Silver Claws (BoED), Snowdrift (Frost), Snowsight (Frost), Summon Desert Ally I (Sand), Sunstroke (Sand), Wall of Smoke (SpC), Waste Strider (Sand)
- Second Align Fang (SpC), Ashstar (Sand), Black Sand (Sand), Blood Snow (Frost), Brumal Stiffening (Frost), Chill Metal, Chill Touch, Countermoon (SpC), Creeping Cold (CoDi, SpC), Darkness, Death Knell, Desiccate (Sand), Drifts of the Shalm (ash only) (PHBII), Fire Trap, Flaming Sphere, Freedom of Breath (Sand), Halo of Sand (Sand), Heartfire (SpC), Heat Leech (Frost), Heat Metal, Inflict Moderate Wounds, Lesser Frostburn (Frost), Obscuring Snow (Frost), Produce Flame, Protection from Desiccation (Sand), Resist Elements, Scimitar of Sand (Sand), Snow Walk (Frost), Summon Desert Ally II (Sand), Warp Wood
- Third Animate Dustform (see here), Arctic Frost (Frost), Artic Haze (Frost), Binding Snow (Frost), Body Blaze (Sand), Column of Ice (Frost), Contagion, Control Sand (Sand), Control Snow and Ice (Frost), Crumble (SpC), Deeper Darkness, Dehydrate (SpC), Diminish Plants, Dispel Magic, Inflict Serious Wounds, Flashfreeze (Frost), Haboob (Sand), Heatstroke (SpC), Hypothermia (SpC), Infestation of Maggots (CoDi, SpC), Greater Magic Fang, Ice Shape (Frost), Junglerazer (SpC), Lesser Aura of Cold (Frost), Numbing Sphere (Frost), Poison, Protection from Elements, Shivering Touch (Frost), Stinking Cloud, Soul of the Waste (Sand), Storm Mote (Sand), Summon Desert Ally III (Sand), Tormenting Thirst (Sand), Vampiric Touch, Whispering Sand (Sand), Zone of Glacial Cold (Frost)
- Fourth Antiplant Shell, Blast of Sand (Sand), Bleakness (PHBII), Blight, Bright Worms (PHBII), Contingent Energy Resistance (SpC), Death Ward, Dispel Water (Sand), Flame Strike, Freeze Armour (Frost), Frostburn (Frost), Greater Creeping Cold (SpC), Giant Vermin, Inflict Critical Wounds, Langour (Complete Divine), Miasma of Entropy (SpC), Mindfrost (Frost), Parboil (Sand), Pyroburst (PHBII), Repel Vermin, Rusting Grasp, Sandform (Sand), Searing Exposure (Sand), Skin of the Cactus (Sand), Slipsand (Sand), Starvation (SpC), Superior Magic Fang (SpC), Summon Desert Ally IV (Sand), Transmute Mud to Rock, Transmute Rock to Mud, Unholy Beast (CoR), Wall of Fire, Wall of Salt (Sand), Wall of Sand (Sand), Winter's Embrace (Frost), Wither (Sand), Wood Rot (SpC)
- Fifth Antilife Shell, Blizzard (Frost), Boreal Wind (Frost), Call Avalanche (Frost), Choking Sands (Sand), Cold Snap (SpC), Contagious Touch (Complete Divine), Death Ward, Dispel Fire (Frost), Flaywind Burst (Sand), Forbiddance, Flesh to Salt (Sand), Frostbite (Frost), Fuse Sand (Sand), Hibernate (Frost), Inferno (SpC), Mass Contagion (SpC), Mass Desiccate (Sand), Repel Wood, Sleep Mote (Sand), Snow Wave (Frost), Summon Desert Ally V (Sand), Transmute Sand to Glass (Sand), Harm, Transmute Sand to Stone (Sand), Transmute Stone to Sand (Sand), Toxic Weapon (PHBII), Unearthly Heat (Sand), Waves of Fatigue
- Sixth Acid Fog, Antipathy, Ashen Union (Sand), Awaken Sand (Sand), Chasing Perfection (PHBII), Circle of Death, Cometfall (SpC), Death Hail (Frost), Energy Immunity (SpC), Entomb (Frost), Enveloping Cocoon (SpC), Finger of Death, Fleshiver (SpC), Greater Dispel Magic, Heartfreeze (Frost), Ice Rift (Frost), Mass Frostburn (Frost), Miasma (SpC), Mummify (Sand), Sandstorm (Sand), Scalding Mud (Sand), Summon Desert Ally VI (Sand), Symbol of Thirst (Sand), Wall of Magma (Sand)
- Seventh Control Weather, Earthquake, Firestorm, Greater Aura of Cold (Frost), Mass Flesh to Salt (Sand), Mephit Mob (Sand), Miasma (CD), Plague (PHBII), Pulse of Hate (PHBII), Raise Ice Forest (Frost), Repel Metal or Stone, Repulsion, Slime Wave (SpC), Summon Desert Ally VII (Sand), Swamp Lumg (SpC), Vitrify (Sand), Whiteout (Frost), Wrack Earth (PHBII)
- Eighth Bodak's Glare (SpC), Deadfall (SpC), Desert Binding (Sand), Dustbowl (see here), Fimbulwinter (Frost), Frostfell (Frost), Glacier (Frost), Heat Drain (SpC), Horrid Wilting, Mass Death Ward (SpC), Mind Blank, Red Tide (SpC), Shambler, Storm of Vengeance, Summon Desert Ally VIII (Sand), Wall of Greater Dispel Magic
- Ninth Cast in Stone (SpC), Detonate (PHBII), Energy Drain, Enervating Breath (SpC), Foresight, Iceberg (Frost), Incendiary Cloud, Summon Desert Ally IX (Sand), Transmute Rock to Lava (SpC)