Author Topic: Wasteland Feats  (Read 1349 times)

Offline Stratovarius

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Wasteland Feats
« on: December 05, 2015, 06:54:21 AM »

Blight Feats
Blight feats are feats that apply to the creation of blightspawned creatures, primarily, although a few apply the tenets of disease to the magic of the wielder. As such, they are mostly used by those who wish to see the world become a leper colony, a sickened thing, although there are those who see the use of disease as merely a strong tool in the arsenal of a magic user.

Blighted Summoning [Blight]
Benefits: All animals that you summon using summon nature's ally acquire the blightspawned template for as long as the summoning spell lasts.

Cloud of Flies [Blight]
Benefits: All blightspawned under your control (including summoned creatures) are surrounded by a cloud of blight. Living creatures within 5 feet must succeed on a DC 15 Fortitude save or be be afflicted with blight touch. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same creature’s cloud for 24 hours. The save DC is Charisma based.

Conservation Feats
Conservation feats are feats that require the spellcaster to be a preserver, and can only be applied when preserving. Multiple conservation feats can be applied simultaneously. A wizard’s bonus feats can be used to acquire conservation feats if the wizard fulfils the feat prerequisites.

Efficient Gathering [Conservation]
You can gather energy more efficiently, utilizing the maximum energy potential of a given terrain.
Benefits: Treat the terrain you gather energy in as one category better when you preserve. E.g. a spell cast in barren terrain is treated as if cast in infertile terrain.

Powerful Gathering [Conservation]
You can gather energy from a larger area.
Benefits: When preserving, you can spend a move action to gain a +1 caster level bonus. Spells with a normal casting time of 1 round or longer require an extra round to be cast in this manner. Your preserving radius increases by 10 ft. when using Powerful Gathering.

Distant Gathering [Conservation]
You can gather energy for spells at a distance.
Benefits: You can move the centre of your preserving circle (on the ground) up to 10 feet per caster level, in effect moving the entire circle of preserving.
Normal: Your preserving circle is centred on you.

Dustform Feats
Dustform feats are those that apply to the creation of dustform creatures, primarily, although a few apply the tenets of dust to the magic of the wielder. As such, they are mostly used by those who wish to see the world become a wasteland, a barren thing, although there are those who see the use of dust as merely a strong tool in the arsenal of a magic user.

Arenose Beginning [Dustform, Metamagic]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes. Any living creature that could normally be animated as a dustform creature and that does not possess more than double your Hit Dice, when slain outright by a arenose beginning spell, rises as a dustform creature under your control at the beginning of your next action. Even if you kill several creatures with a single arenose beginning spell, you can't create more Hit Dice of dustform than twice your caster level. The standard rules for controlling dustform (see animate dustform) apply to newly created dustform gained through this metamagic feat. An arenose beginning spell uses up a spell slot three levels higher than the spell's actual level.

Arenose Dehydrate [Dustform, Metamagic]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any creature that is dealt damage also becomes dehydrated for 1 minute. An arenose dehydrate spell uses up a spell slot two levels higher than the spell's actual level.

Arenose Laming [Dustform, Metamagic]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: You can alter a spell that deals damage to foes so that any living creature that is dealt damage also takes a -4 penalty to Dexterity for 1 minute. Dexterity penalties from multiple spells enhanced by the Arenose Laming feat do not stack. An Arenose Laming spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.

Arenose Reinforcement [Dustform, Metamagic]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: Any numerical bonus granted by a spell modified with this feat increases by +2 for all dustform creatures it affects. This increase does not apply to factors such as range, save DC, healing, or other numerical factors relating to a spell. Only effects described as bonuses gain this benefit. An Arenose Reinforcement spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.

Ashen Cauldron [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: Each dustform creature you create reduces the recharge time on its breath weapon to 1d4 rounds and increases the range to a 20 ft. cone. In addition, if its charisma score is below 10, it is treated as 10 for the purposes of the braeth weapon's reflex DC.

Buried Under Ash [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter, three other dustform feats
Benefit: When one of your dustform creatures strikes an opponent with a melee attack, the target provokes an attack of opportunity from all other dustform creatures within melee range of that target. With this ability, your dustform creatures can make an attack of opportunity against a particular target only once per round. In addition, dustform creatures do not grant cover against your enemies when targeted by other dustform creatures.

Choking Collapse [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: Each dustform creature you create releases a burst of choking dust upon its death. Every creature within a 10-foot spread (Fortitude DC 15) has its lungs filled with sand and must make Constitution checks to avoid suffocation. Alternately, they can cough up the sand by taking a full-round action. In addition, for 1 round per 2 hit dice of the dustform creature, a thick haze of swirling dust and sand fills the 10 ft. spread. The effect obscures all sight, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. A creature within 5 feet has concealment, while creatures farther away have total concealment.

Deadly Parch [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: Each dustform creature you create deals an extra 1d6 desiccation damage with its natural weapons.

Dustcrafter [Dustform]
Prerequisites: None
Benefit: Each dustform creature you create gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and +2 hit points per Hit Die.

Embrace of Dust [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: When your dustform creatures form a flank with another dustform creature, they gain an additional +2 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against the flanked opponent.

From The Earth Born [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: Each dustform creature you create gains a burrow speed equal to half its normal movement speed.

Improved Adhesion [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: Each dustform creature you create gains a +4 bonus on saves to resist dissolution via bludgeoning weapons.

Memories of Dust [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: Each dustform creature you create gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma and a +2 bonus on saving throws.

Oncoming Storm [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: Dustform creatures you control can charge across difficult terrain and can turn up 90 degrees during a charge.

Press of Ages [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter, five other dustform feats
Benefit: If three or more of your dustform creatures strike a target in the same round, that target must make a fortitude save vs 10 + 1/2 class level + the strength modifier of the third dustform creature to strike or be destroyed. This can affect undead, constructs, and other creatures normally immune to critical hits.

Resilient Form [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: Each dustform creature you create gains damage reduction 3/magic and bludgeoning in place of its existing damage reduction.

The Softest Hammer [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter, three other dustform feats
Benefit: If three or more of your dustform creatures strike a target in the same round, that target must make a fortitude save vs 10 + 1/2 class level + the strength modifier of the third dustform creature to strike or be staggered for one round.

Thickened Dust [Dustform]
Prerequisites: Dustcrafter
Benefit: Each dustform creature you create gains a +2 bonus to natural armour.

General Feats
General feats are those that are generally applicable to the world of the wastes, but do not have to directly apply to dustform, preserving & defiling, or the classes that comprise the wasteland setting.

Rejected Vows
Prerequisites: Must be an ex-druid
Benefit: You forsake all prior druidic knowledge, dismissing it as a foolish notion for wistful dupes. You may trade in your druid levels for walker in the wastes levels, including replacing any feats for which you no longer meet the prerequisites (this does not apply to Rejected Vows). In addition, you now possess a smouldering hatred for all things green and bountiful. Your spells and abilities increase their DC by +1 when affecting animals and plants, and you increase your caster level by an additional +1 when defiling in Fertile or Abundant terrain.

Raze Feats
Raze feats are feats that require the spellcaster to be a defiler, and can only be applied when defiling. Multiple raze feats can be applied simultaneously. For example, a defiler who has Distance Raze, Destructive Raze and Fast Raze can benefit from all of them when casting a single spell. A wizard’s bonus feats can be used to acquire Raze feats if the wizard fulfills the feat prerequisites.

Agonizing Radius [Raze]
Your defiling techniques are particularly painful.
Benefits: The penalties for being caught within your defiling radius increase by one (i.e. from –1 to –2).

Ashen Raze [Raze]
When you defile, you raise a cloud of ash.
Benefits: When defiling, the area you raze becomes affected as if by an obscuring mist spell for one round.

Controlled Raze [Raze]
You increase your defiling radius and may specify unaffected squares.
Benefits: Your defiling radius increases by 5 feet. You can specify one 5 ft. square per 5 ft. radius of your defiling circle that is unaffected by your energy gathering. Creatures in unaffected squares do not suffer the adverse effects of being caught in the defiling circle, nor is vegetation in that square turned to ash.

Distance Raze [Raze]
You can gather energy for spells at a distance.
Benefits: You can move the centre of your defiling circle (on the ground) up to 10 feet per caster level, in effect moving the entire circle of defiling.
Normal: Your defiling circle is centred on you.

Desiccating Raze [Raze]
Your defiling techniques suck the moisture out of the living, as well as from plants
Benefits: Creature that would take a penalty from your defiling also takes 1d4 desiccation damage per point of penalty.

Destructive Raze [Raze]
You can focus the energy you absorb from plants to increase the damage your spells inflict.
Benefits: Add +1 to damage per damage die inflicted by your spells when defiling.

Draining Raze [Raze]
When you defile, you pull strongly on the lifeforce of those inside the circle of ash.
Benefits: A creature that would take a penalty from your defiling also takes 1 point of constitution damage.

Efficient Raze [Raze]
You can gather energy more efficiently, utilizing the maximum energy potential of a given terrain.
Benefits: Treat the terrain you gather energy in as one category better when you defile. E.g. a spell cast in barren terrain (–1 spell save DC and –1 penalty to caster level checks) is treated as if cast in infertile terrain (no spell save modifier and no penalty to caster level checks). In abundant terrain the bonuses to spell save DCs and spell checks are increased by an additional +1.

Exterminating Raze [Raze]
Your defiling techniques are particularly damaging to plant creatures.
Benefits: Plant creatures caught in your defiling radius suffer 8 points of damage per spell level.
Normal: Plant creatures caught in your defiling radius suffer 4 points of damage per spell level

Fast Raze [Raze]
You can gather energy faster.
Benefits: When defiling, you can spend a move action to gain a +1 caster level bonus. Spells with a normal casting time of 1 round or longer require an extra round to be cast in this manner. Your defiling radius increases by 5 ft. when using Fast Raze.

Fields of Waste [Raze]
The terrain you defile becomes even more ruined and lumpen.
Benefits: The area you defile becomes difficult terrain.

Sickening Raze [Raze]
Your defilement makes others sick.
Prerequisites: Agonizing Radius.
Benefits: Creatures within your defiling radius become sickened in addition to any other penalties for 1 round.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2016, 09:11:16 AM by Stratovarius »