Since this is effectively finished content at this point (with the exception of a few things I add here and there), I'm moving this over to Minor Magics.
However, there are still two areas I've got ideas for.
Blight + Blightspawned from Unapproachable East. Material would be as follows:
Animate Blight - a copy of Animate Dustform
Blighter - a combination of the Talontar Blightlord and Blighter as a base class, with class features of blight wildshape, blightspawn volodni and juju zombie pets, and Talona's domains, and one or two other things.
Summon Blighted One - Blight summon spells and feats
Athasian Gladiator. To replace the rubbish one that created.
Combat Styles - Gains bonus style and tactical feats. Does not need to meet prereqs.
Combat Tactics - at beginning of encounter, choose a combat tactic from
this list. Can only use one for each combat, and can't use the same one twice in a day.
Play to the Crowd - benefits from people watching (resistance to damage, saves, immunity to mind control and freedom of movement)
Are You Not Entertained - delay round, act by spending immediate action (first move, then standard, then full)
Flourishing Blows - Shaken, then Stun/Daze, then Cowering
Not Done Yet - delay damage pool, delay effects, anything that would paralyze etc becomes staggered
Weapon & Armour Proficiency - All, including exotics
HD - d12
ToB - any two, pick at beginning of day. Recover when flourish or play to crowd