1) If no one cares and you still posted, what's that make you?
Also, the overarching point is Cleric vs Druid and the Cleric wins through a ten level or greater advantage making this fundamentally a strawman.
3) "assume the form of any single nonunique creature"
Funny how pushing Ctrl+B can change how a message reads doesn't it?
Also you forgot "This spell functions like polymorph,", which is important because Polymorph is based off Alter Self which
"You can freely designate the new form’s minor physical qualities (such as hair color, hair texture, and skin color) within the normal ranges for a creature of that kind. The new form’s significant physical qualities (such as height, weight, and gender) are also under your control, but they must fall within the norms for the new form’s kind. You are effectively disguised as an average member of the new form’s race. If you use this spell to create a disguise, you get a +10 bonus on your Disguise check."
What this passage says is choosing a wolf with black hair or a wolf with gray hair is the exact same form. And you seem to think that there are multiple Zodar forms, be it for the reasons of one for each minute characteristic or usage of Su/SLAs, available to choose when there is rule text that directly implies otherwise.
Also, you're forgetting Shapechange has the Polymorph Subschool. The Spell description can override the School, but anything unmentioned is still inherited. Including the breakdown explanation that the caster takes on the form's statistics & special abilities. Which doesn't at all say the caster becomes a new individual or inherits a new individualism from changing his form which is what you think it does. And it's not implied in any of the shape-altering Spells, not even the Greater/Etheral Doppelgangers and they literally copy the entire memory and skills of their available forms.
Which is technically a good thing because if we followed your interpretation then upon casting Shapechange to become a new individualized Zodar then you'd lose the benefits of say Mind Blank because you are an entirely different individual than the Spell was cast on. Your ruling would further go on to affect on ton of stuff like Magical Locations (the new form never visited those places!), Teamwork benefits, Spell buffs, reputation (see cityscape), and even loss of Divine Spells (you may keep 'spellcasting' but Obad-Hai didn't grant New_Zodar any Spells and New_Zodar didn't pray and prepare anything either) and while that'd really help the Cleric side of the argument by nerfing the crap out of any Druid that using a shape-changing effect, I can't help but think you are just fucking retarded and shouting stupid crap without actually thinking about any of it first.