Quote from: http://dndtools.pw/Local copy download is availableDec. 29, 2014We have noticed that a large number of people are mirroring the entire site using httrack, wget and similar tools. This places a significant load on the server and wastes our bandwidth.We have created a compressed archive with all the pages on the site that you can download directly.Please use this link instead of wget, httrack and other mirroring tools.dndtoolshtmlcopy29122014.7z – 13MB DownloadThis copy was produced withwget -mk -X /inaccurate_content —trust-server-names http://dndtools.pwUse the 7zip utility to decompress.Please note that site search and filters will not work on a local copy.In 2 days time we will start banning or throttling abusive bots.Now you can update your local copy with all of pw's updates to the original database, sweet.
Local copy download is availableDec. 29, 2014We have noticed that a large number of people are mirroring the entire site using httrack, wget and similar tools. This places a significant load on the server and wastes our bandwidth.We have created a compressed archive with all the pages on the site that you can download directly.Please use this link instead of wget, httrack and other mirroring tools.dndtoolshtmlcopy29122014.7z – 13MB DownloadThis copy was produced withwget -mk -X /inaccurate_content —trust-server-names http://dndtools.pwUse the 7zip utility to decompress.Please note that site search and filters will not work on a local copy.In 2 days time we will start banning or throttling abusive bots.
Alas, check the date on that - 2014. The date's even in file name, so I get the impression it's a 1-time thing. Hopefully, they'll update it at least every December.
Well, in the meanwhile I found a mirror that has working search filters!: https://tools.rem.uz/