Build Goals: Take out the Twice-Betrayer of Shar without the need to dispel his AMFs (that with a build shuffle are Su anyhow). Take out a Hecatoncheires with little to no risk to self, dragoon style (the goal of the original Chrono-Legionnaire). Take on and succeed at the 10^100 challenge.
Further Limitations:-No Unearthed Arcana or Dragon Magazine material will be used.
-No questionable rules from Master Spellthief and Sublime Chord, or chintzy Mind Mage stacking (which is Dragon mag anyhow).
-No form altering magic used in any of the three challenges - not even the 10^100 for Jumplomancy.
-No abjectly custom magical items - only item stacking at 50% additional price per MiC/DMG item creation rules (e.g. to add Sandals of Springing effect to Boots of Skating, add 9,000gp to the cost of the boots - 150% the cost of the sandals).
-No Leadership used. Minions are squishy, and while this guy can become a Nasty Gentleman (tm), he won't need to
-Psicrystal Feat Progression left out/vague. The build certainly gets a few more tricks if this is allowed, but for maximum coverage, works as is using its own feats only.
Feat Leech is included as a power known, however.
Other Notes:-With the FR specific exceptions to Psi-Magic Transparency (which really don't matter, as there won't be a dead magic zone, only AMF and NPF), standard transparency is assumed. Magic mantle is not in use, so no questionable rules from that, either.
-The regional feat Battle Jump is taken at 1st level to ensure no quibbles about taking a regional feat using Knowledge (local) ranks, and the 'Boing, Boing, Battle Jump!' trick is not used, though it is certainly an option, should we wish to go down the TO road...
-A time-trait modified demiplane is only utilized as a time-saver for growing the node. There is no need for planar trait abuse, and with the myriad ways of gaining immortality available to this guy, it's ultimately not even a necessity, just a convenience (though it would take an incredibly long time to grow a Class 18 Earth Node...).
The Build:Human Ranger 1/Telepath 6/Anarchic Initiate 2/Fighter 1/Slayer 10
Feats: 1st: Battle Jump | Human Bonus: Power Attack | Ranger Bonus: Track | Psion Bonus: Psicrystal Affinity | 3rd: Practiced Manifester | 6th: Overchannel | Psion Bonus: Psicrystal Containment | 9th: Node Manifesting | Fighter Bonus: Leap Attack | 12th: Metanode Power | 15th: Linked Power | 18th: Widen Power
Str: 14 Base + 6 Enhancement = 20
Dex: 12 Base =12
Con: 14 Base + 6 Enhancement = 20
Int: 16 Base + 6 Enhancement + 5 Level = 27
Wis: 14 Base + 6 Enhancement = 20
Cha: 8 Base = 12
All stats increased by 4 when buffed via assimilate. Strength is also buffed by an additional 2 when using a vial of the last breath.
HP: 8 + 12 (6d4) + 5 (1d10) + 6 (2d6) + 40 (10d8) + 40 Con + 30 Bonus Con = 141 hp before vigor.
Gear:- Orange Ioun Stone - 30,000gp
- Pale Green Ioun Stone - 30,000gp
- Bead of Karma - 20,000gp
- Otyugh Hole - 3,000gp
- Feathered Wings Graft - 10,000gp
- Torc of Power Preservation and Greater Umbral Metamorphosis (+6 Wis and Con) - 177,000gp
- Boots of Skating and Springing - 16,000gp
- Standard of Heroes - 40,000gp
- 55 Quori Power Link Shards - 165,000gp
- 10 Vials of Dying Breath - 22,000gp
- Band of Spell Enhancement - 10,080gp
- Eternal Wand of Create Magic Tattoo - 15,940gp
- Eternal Wand of Adept Spirit - 21,700gp
- Schema of Spell Enhancer - 11,200gp
- Power Stone of Node Genesis - 28,825gp
- Schema of Greater Consumptive Field - 11,200gp
- +2 Valorous Cold Iron Halberd of Vaulting - 36,620gp
- 10 Oil of Bless Weapon - 1,000gp
- Luckstone - 20,000gp
- Belt of Strength +6 - 36,000gp
- Headband of Intellect +6 - 36,000gp
- Schema of Acorn of Far Travel - 2,400gp
- 10 Bottles of Terran Brandy - 5,000gp
- Scroll of Superior Resistance - 1,650gp
Total Cost: 750,615gp - this leaves 9,385gp for incidental expenses.
Notable Powers:Offensive Prescience, Offensive Precognition, Defensive Precognition, Force Screen, Inertia Armor, Assimilate, Metaphysical Weapon, Energy Adaptation, Biofeedback, Vigor, Share Pain, Schism, Hustle, Moment of Prescience. All remaining slots are free for customizing to taste (total 31 from levels, and 18 from a Class 18 Node).
The Buff SequenceThe Node
Moment of Prescience used liberally on all UMD/UPD checks, and max ranks possible taken. Activate the Schemas, Bead, Bands, Eternal Wands, and drink the Vial and Bottle of Terran Brandy. You will need to repeat a few times to ensure you're able to embed all 55 Quori Shards over time (most can be had with just the non-burnable items above, as those two only add +3). Once you have them all going, fire off one more round.
ML Calc: 20 Base + 1 Vial (also adds +2 Str) +2 Terran Brandy + 1 Magic Tattoo + 1 Adept Spirit + 2 Spell Enhancer+ 4 Bead of Karma + 2 Bands +1 Ioun Stone +3 Overchanneling = 37 ML * 1.5 Greater Consumptive Field = 55 ML (55 Total Shards)
55 ML + 1 Effective from the Torc + 110 Power Link Shards - 4 Widen Power = 162pp Node Genesis. This generates a Node of Class 18 and a size of 6,480ft (over a mile radius!). This buff routine will only need to be used for a couple of things later on, as burning expendables is expensive!
The class 18 Node provides us from now on with 36 free pp of augmentation and 18 additional powers known.
While buffed and after our Node has matured, we will need a few powers at absolute capacity for the 10^100, and also as high of an ML as possible to shut down the TBoS.
The Twice Betrayer of SharRemember our ML buff from before? Once our ML is at this level (likely while the smug bastard is wondering what the hell we're doing, as he admires the piles of bodies around him), we manifest an ML 55 Widened Null Psionic Field from 15ft away. This ensures he's within the radius, thus suppressing his buffs and making an impossible CL check to cast out of (even if he happens to cast Greater Consumptive Field somehow when he won't win initiative and ALSO boil an anthill, his CL of 28, 42 under GCF, can get at best a 62...against a DC of 55+11, or 66). After that, we use our move action to jump at him, triggering a charge and power attacking for half our BAB, inflicting more than enough to annihilate him with nonmagical gear, even (1d8+3 Str +32 Power Attack)*2 at +10 to hit. Against his crap AC, we basically need to not roll a 1, and roll above a 5 on the second swing.
The HecaWe get to actually USE our crazy-high buffing capability! Make sure to manifest vigor first, as even with less than a 1 in 20 chance of hitting us, we will still likely get smacked a few times. A 1pp vigor alone though will give us 185 temp hp, and a single mental action manifestation can renew this (yay Schism). The maths:
166 effective points from before + 36 freebie points from the Node = 202pp to burn on our main buff. Spend the extra 6pp to make Metaphysical weapon last for hours/level (which will be DAYS), and the rest on augmentation. This makes our weapon a +49 Stick of Death (tm). Make sure to Assimilate as well, for the stat buff. Manifest Offensive Precognition and Offensive Prescience, each at ML 53 (Spell enhancer only works for one spell, remember!) +36 freebie = +29 to-hit and +30 damage.
Add in our bless oil, and we have a good, epic, cold iron weapon. So much for fat ass' regeneration!
Buffed Str of 24 means we're at 49 Enh + 29 Ins + 7 Str +1 Comp +1 Luck +2 Morale = +89 to hit at full power attack. Damage is 1d8 + 64 Power Attack + 10 Str + 49 Enh + 30 Ins, or 1d8+153, times 4 (Battle Jump x2, Valorous x2, Vaulting x2, doubling into tripling, into quadrupling). First hit might as well be autohit, as is the second, inflicting on the first blow average of 628 damage. We can even ensure this is an autokill by swift-action DDoor after the drop, and rinse and repeat on round 2, though with our temp hp capabilities, it's likely not necessary.
The 10^100- We'll be recycling our main buff from before, to the weapon, minus 1 enh, as well as the to-hit and damage buffs. Next (and this is likely a good idea against Fat Ass), we manifest a 201 pt (full stack buff, we need the +2 Spell Enhancer here) Defensive Precognition. This grants a total of +67 Insight to AC and Saves.
- 1pt with 36pts free augmentation Biofeedback makes us immune to the physical damage of the challenge, as does Endure Elements for the energy damage. That leaves 20 points of untyped damage, that we can soak with our temp hp from vigor, recasting it as needed from our Schism.
- Manifest a 1pt Inertia Armor for +18 AC.
The Totals:100 AC: 10 Base + 67 Insight + 22 Inertia Armor + 3 Dex =
102 AC100 To-Hit: 48 Enh + 29 Ins + 7 Str +1 Comp +1 Luck +2 Morale + 16 BAB =
+104/+99 - two of our attacks will roll 100 or more.
100 Damage: 1d8 + 48 Enh + 30 Ins + 10 Str = 92 Avg, 2 hits =
over 100. It's also trivial to fire Crystal Shards at over 100 damage if we'd rather
100 To A Skill Check: 7 Str + 23 Ranks + 30 Untyped (vaulting) + 15 Boots + 32 Speed Bonus (double move at 80 or more over 30ft) + 1 Luck + 1 Competence =
+101 Jump. Dragoons gotta have hops!
100 Ft Move: Base 30 + 15ft Boots of Skating + 10ft Dark template = 55ft,
110ft when double moving to charge (every round) or using hustle (also an option every round) or flying (also an option...every round).
100 To A Save: Base Will of 15 + 67 Insight + 6 Resistance (we need the scroll just for today - odds are nothing else will require this level of Op-fu!) + 1 Comp + 1 Luck + 2 Morale +2 Iron Will + 7 Wis =
101 Will100 Castable Levels/PP: Full manifester at
well over 300 base pp, with easy recharge. And we're renewing Vigor + using Hustle, so well over the 'use 10' as well.
100 Hit Points: Base of
141 hp, buffed with even a single decent vigor with (53ML+1 Torc + 36 Node)
450 Temp HP.
100 Damage per Round: Energy Adaptation negates the 50 elemental points, Biofeedback negates the 30 physical, and we can eat the remaining 20/round, or 340 pts and laugh
100 Second Duration :Even our super short duration buffs will last twice the duration of the challenge or more.
EDIT: Cross posted as well into the 10^100 challenge thread on You Break It.