I went over FrDave's dozen blog posts about deconstructing and breaking down the spells and spell groups. I tried to scrutinize the lines to a better view of the results.
I restate that the following is not something that I created or deem as a fitting solution. Only as a decent start.
Each bullet has a price in {} at the end of the line.
Damaging spellsbase spell is 1d6 + level, single, touch attack.
- damage of 1d6/ level {1}
- area effect (total of 4 one inch squares) {1}
- turn touch to ranged {1}
Buffing spellsbase spell is touch spell for 6 rounds.
- add any two of the following vs. specific source: {1}
- +1 Save
- +1 AC
- +1 Morale
- +1 Attack
- generalize the source from which the spell defends {1}
- affect area of 10 feet {1}
- turn touch to ranged {1}
- double movement speed {1}
- halve movement speed {1}
[li]immunity to 1 physical attack type {2}[/li][/list]
Healingbase spell is 1 full round cure 1 out of:
- 1d6+1 hp
- disease
- curse {require base level of 2 for arcane spells}
- poison {require base level of 2}
- turn touch to ranged {1 - double for arcane}
- make the spell take effect immediately {1 - double for arcane}
- cure additional 1d6+1 hp {3}
- "cure" death — requires one other modifier {3}
Detectionbase spell is range of 1"/level and an instantaneous duration.
- add 6 turns duration {1}
- add range of +6" {1}
- 3"r. Area Effect {1}
Transformbase spell is Gain one non-combat trait (i.e. infravision). Duration = 6 + caster level turns. Range = touch. only affect living creatures
- Duration = 1 day {1}
- Range = 12" {1}
- Affects 2-12 targets in a 6x6" area {1}
- Gain all non-combat traits — you look like a dragon and can fly like a dragon, but you don't have a breath weapon and you use the same combat dice you always do. {1}
- Traits affect combat (requires Gain all non-combat traits) — you look like a dragon and fight like one too {1}
- Ability to transform non-living inanimate objects into living objects or vice-versa. (requires Gain all non-combat traits) — when a caster turns himself into a non-living object this is not an instant kill; however, when cast upon another target, it is {1}
- Duration = permanent {2}
Conjuration/Summonbase spell is 2nd level spell. Summons 1 extant creature of a specific type with 1-6 (d6) HD. Duration = concentration. Range = none. Area Effect = none. Caster has control of the summoned creature.
- Duration = fulfillment of a single task (no concentration necessary). {1}
- Range = 24" (the creature can appear/be anywhere within 24") {1}
- Number of Creatures = any number totaling the HD summoned (If 3HD are summoned, the base spell summons one 3HD creature. This allows those 3HD to be divided among a number of smaller HD creatures — three 1HD creatures or six 1/2HD creatures, for example). This is a general area effect (sewer, swamp, lake, etc.). {1}
- Creature Type = extra planar (creature does not need to already be available) {1}
- Creature HD = 7-12 (d6+6) HD {1}
- Duration = permanent {2}
- Creature HD = 12-18 (d6+12) HD {2}
Dispelbase spell is Cancels out a specific spell or spell-like effect instantly and permanently. Range = touch
- Affects all magic {1}
- Range = 12" {1}
- Area Affect = 3" r. {1}
- Duration = 6 turns {1}
- Affects summoned creatures (a missed saving throw = banishment; save = morale check failure) {2}
- Duration = 12 turns {2}
- Creates a shield that blocks spells in and out {2}
Communicationbase spell is Read or speak a language otherwise unknown to character (fauna only). Duration = 3 rounds/caster level
- Duration = 6 turns {1}
- May communicate with creatures that do not have obvious means of communicating (flora, for example) {1}
- Targets are predisposed to do what the caster asks of them (bonus to the reation roll) {1}
- Target is from a higher plane of existance (requires communication with non-fauna creatures and a Duration = 6 turns). This comes in two forms, depending on the spell caster. Clerics get 3 questions that will be answered honestly. Magic Users get up to 12 questions, but these must be "yes" "no." In addition the caster runs the risk of not only being lied to, but of going insane. The fewer the questions, the more likely they answers are false. The more questions asked, the higher chance of insanity. Maybe used no more than once/week. {2}
Change Environmentbase spell is Make a minor change in the surrounding environment (light, temperature, etc.). Duration = 6 + caster level turns. Area Effect 3" diameter. Range none
- {1}
- Duration = permanent {1}
- Area Effect = 30" sq./a single small geographic feature {1}
- Range = 12" {1}
- Effect = affects a specific group mechanically {1}
- Spell effect may be moved independently of the spell caster {1}
- Range = 24" {2}
- Effect = affects a general group mechanically {2}
Sustenancebase spell is Purify poisoned/spoiled food and water enough for 12 men.
- {1}
- Quantity adds (caster level x2) men {1}
- Quantity adds mounts {1}
- Substitute "create water" for "purify poisoned/spoiled food and water." {1}
- Substitute "create food" for "purify poisoned/spoiled food and water." {2}
Movementbase spell is (teleportation): Duration = instantaneous. Range = self. Teleport 6" with no chance of misjudging.
- Teleport 12" with no chance of misjudging {1}
- Range = 1" {1}
- Teleport 36" with no chance of misjudging {2}
- Range = 3" {2}
- Range = 2" per caster level {3}
- Teleport anywhere as long as destination is known. Any uncertainty might result in death. {4}
base spell is (axial): 0 level (must purchase at least one addition) Duration = 3 turns. Speed = 6". Range =self. Medium = Air. Axis = Vertical or Horizontal
- Duration = 1d6 + caster level turns {1}
- Speed = 12" {1}
- Range = 2" per caster level {1}
- Medium = Liquid {1}
- Axis = Both Horizontal and Vertical {1}
- Speed = 36" {2}
- Medium = Solid {2}
Enchantbase spell is Target must make a save or be compelled to carry out one command by the caster. Target is free to carry out this command in a manner that reflects their basic personality and alignment. Duration = until the task is complete. Area Effect = 1 person of 4+1 HD or less. Range = 3". Target = humanoid.
- Duration = 6 + caster turns (and thus possibly more than one command). {1}
- Range = 12" {1}
- Area effect = 1 person/creature of any HD {1}
- Save at penalty -2 {1}
- No save for creatures with less than 1/3 of caster level (1/2HD at 2nd level, 1 HD at 4th level, 2 HD at 7th level, etc.) {1}
- Target = monster {1}
- Target's basic personality & alignment are subject to change at the will of the caster {1}
- Duration = until dispelled {2}
- Range = 24" {2}
- Area Effect = 2d6 creatures + 1 per level above 8 {2}
- Save at penalty -4 {2}
- Some kind of withering disease or curse affects the target when they do not fulfil the command(s) of the caster. {2}
Doesn't accommodate 1st level damage spells that have range (like Ray of Enfeeblement).
Transormation spells rarely adhere to the Transform model.
enchant spells cannot be orderly broken down to a simple rules list.
I have a few gripes with what is written above.
Mostly that the decomposing is based off of spells that initially wasn't constructed with any order or reason. Also, the groupings used above doesn't always appear by rules and influences but rather by themes.
Lastly, it doesn't give any room for more inventive cross-group spells (enchant+healing, for example).