Author Topic: Discussion on Vancian Magic - Chapter 2  (Read 14639 times)

Offline Bronzebeard

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Re: Discussion on Vancian Magic - Chapter 2
« Reply #40 on: March 13, 2016, 11:08:28 AM »
I'm adding two more. From abjuration school - counter and dispel.

KeyEffectSlot CostRepetitionPHexample
countercancel a spell being cast or concentrated upon of the same level or lower1this counterspell is treated as 1 level higherBattlemagic Perception
dispeldispel 1 ongoing, non concentrated upon spell effect of the same level1this dispel is treated as 1 level higherDispelling Touch

There's always the question if a mage should exert the same energy (same level of spell slot) to negate a spell?

If I separate the keys then we get something like so:

KeyEffectSlot CostRepetitionPHexample
1stinflict a condition on Str.1Ray of Enfeeblement
slowinflict a condition on Dex.1Ray of Clumsiness
exhaustinflict a condition on Con.1
deludeinflict a condition on Int1
afflictinflict a condition on Wis1Touch of Idiocy
Compelinflict a condition on Cha1
Bane-1 for ability modifier2additional -1
Boon+1 for ability modifier2additional +1

But now we find ourselves with new questions:
Shouldn't the ability modifying Keys should be separated for each of the 6 as well? The idea of a necromancer saping strength seems right - while the same caster hampering charm doesn't sit with me that well. It also worth noting that it might fall to the same trap of having some characters that can do everything (meaning that they have a large enough toolbox to apply to almost anything).
And what happens if two persons cast the same spell twice? Would double Boon equal a 2 level Boon use? Or casting twice the Exhaust option, one after the other,  will make the target fatigued and then exhausted?

As for bloated laundry list - There are close to 3K spells in the system already. No way I can come up with unique Keys of half that number.

Offline Bronzebeard

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Re: Discussion on Vancian Magic - Chapter 2
« Reply #41 on: May 06, 2016, 08:14:32 PM »
Once more I decided to change my approach.
Instead of trying to pinpoint the power scale of all groups and divide them into groups all at the same time I, instead, only try to write down the different groups of effects that exist.
Again, this is a very rough draft. I don't have all the answers. And I also marked up some bothersome weirdness.

I used this page as a very intriguing reading material. Highly recommend. This is the only true and actual OOC spell designing item I found. There's also a "word spells" appearing afterwords. Which I also used. However, it is an in-game alternative for spell lists and it carries many of the usual design faults of "normal" casting.

harmdeal damagethere are many sources of damage that could be used: fire, cold, electricity, radiance, sonic, acid, etc'
healheal damage
summonsummon a creature or multiples
banishremoves creatures from this locationnegates summoning spells and
jauntteleportation of caster, allies and/or items for short distancesdoesn't include off world travels and massive distances.
figmentcreates an outside illusory source of sound/sight or otherwiselike 'ghost sound' or 'silent image'
glamourchange the way target seams - it's appearance, sound, smell, etc'maybe includes making targets invisible - conceal.
Scry/Knowgain insight regarding a location, an object, a person or a subject
Sensedetect something such as magic source, thoughts, objects or creatures
Morph/Changetransform targets characteristicsdefensively adding abilities, or offensively harming a foe,
granting bonus for attributes.
animatecreate unliving creatures from objectslike creating undeads or mechanicals
charmtarget favors interacting with caster
Command/control/compelcaster command the target for varying degreethis appears as enchanter spells vs. humans or as druid/ranger spells vs. animals
flighthorizontal and vertical movement to varying degree
hastengrants extra actions
slowprevents actions
protect/warddeflect or absorb damageimplementations include a narrow scope of damage types or all, types of alignment or all, bonus on saves, extra hp, a pool of damage absorption or a timed one.
bindingparalyzing targetthere's a division between a mental source - enchantment spell - and a manifested one - conjuration or evocation based.

A few items I wasn't clear on how to handle:
  • pain spells
  • fear spells
  • destroy - damage objects or creatures.
  • gravity - lifting and moving in directions defying gravity.
  • dash - improves your move speed.
  • revive - bringing characters back to life.
  • purify - remove affliction.
  • armor - grants defense.
  • dispel spell itself - having a plethora of uses: removing ongoing magical effects from person or place, suppressing spells, countering spellcasting and negating magical abilities.

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