(You have 4 PC's left to divide that among)
"Well sir...as you probably know we, the Guild that is, provide contract services for potential Evil Overlords. Security forces are the stereotype, but we also provide architects, cooks, handymen etc. Every so often we get a new guy as a client. New guys suck because they don't have much experience at the whole mastermind bit, and are sometimes prone to breaking contracts by using us as spell components."
"Well a few days ago we got a call from this guy named Big Dick Iron. The name was a sign things would turn out bad. We sent in a refurbishing team to restore the ruins he set up in as well as some light security. We lost all contact today. Me and the boys are asking for help from the other workers and their families while we negotiate with the Guild to officially fund this. It could be a political football."
"Please sir. We'll do anything. These guys got families they were feeding. And being who we are no one will help us. You're our last shot."